Yeeeehhhaaaa! Of course, real estate issues abound, like selling my wife's air hockey table, getting rid of a sofa or two, where to put the *!$#*% wall unit and treadmill, getting rid of three sets of speakers, and trying to share my subterranean cave with my teenage son, but hey why sweat the details. Can't wait to hear 'em hooked up to the Cary tubes! Sweeeeeet. Pass the dynamite, I've got redecorating to do. LOL.
They're here and sound great. I will be posting more detailed impressions when I get them final positioned and get all the extraneous crap out of the room, but I am very, very impressed with the sound thus far. Nicely detailed, nice bass extension, beautiful midrange, wonderful soundstage, pianos sound...well, like pianos should sound. Thanks to the great folks on this site for all the help along the way. The journey continues....
Excellent Neil...I was just talking about you and Kevin Corr with my wife today...we don't see enough of you guys around here. Congrats on getting your ProAc's and many great hours of listening to you!