Sub Help....SVS vs. Velodyne......Anyone got advice?


Any opinions on Subwoofer choice. Two choices, SVS PC plus 20-39 for $825, OR Velodyne SPL 1200 for $827 with 1500 watts dynamic and 750 RMS. The SVS is rated down to 20 Hz, and the Velodyne at 22 Hz. Which sub has the edge, they both cost about the same.

I personally prefer the Velodyne, which I believe has the better amp. It is one of the few Class D amps out there and it is really good. Other than that, I think they are pretty equal.

would you be able to tell the 2 hz. difference between the two subs if they were played side by side?

I saw timn8ter mention Adire Tumult subs, how are they???


Have you tried a REL sub? This company only makes subs so they live or die with what they make. They are well known for over engineering every component in their subs.


To answer your questions:

1. No, I don't think I or anyone else could hear the 2 hz difference in extension;

2. No, I have not heard the Adire.

By the way, given the price range you are in, I strongly recommend the Hsu Research VTF-3. Check it out on their website at It is the most recommended sub for under $1K.
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