I have just purchased some mini-monitors which I'm using as front speakers with a Marantz sr 4200. After four days they still sound dull with much less mid bass than the titans. The titans sounded pretty good almost right out of the box.I'm wondering if anyone else found this and if they require an exceptionally long break-in period to start delivering the sound that I heard in the store. Thanks, Dave
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What kind of gears were they using at the store? It's hard to know how they will sound in your room due to different set ups. If you like the Titans, I would go with them. Minis are not going to improve dramatically.
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I listened to both the titans and Mini-monitors in the store with a yamaha receiever with about the same power as mine. The Minis sounded better with good base response and I bought them based on this. I know Paradigm's require a fairly extensive break-in but the sound is very dull comapred to the Titans yet at the store they were very close in sound with the Minis having a fuller sound.I was wondering if anyone has experienced the same situation of having the speakers change after 50 or 60 hours of playing?