RCA H100A MP3 PLAYER. help me!


New member
Username: Simplylorena

Biglerville, PA US

Post Number: 1
Registered: May-08
I have this problem.!
I have an RCA Lyra H100A. I go to turn it on and it only loads one bar and makes a clickin noise. It will go to this message that says FAT Error and plug UMS in. Then will say HDD. Then when u should see music, all u see is 3 symbols one is a pair of headphones another is a piece of paper. If u click on one it just brings up music notes. If u hit menu chinese symbols come up. Someone please tell me what i should do to fix this. Thank you.

New member
Username: Simplylorena

Biglerville, PA US

Post Number: 2
Registered: May-08
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