I'm looking at buying a NAD T752 or 742 receiver and Sat.Audio has a special which includes the NAD T742 and T512 DVD/CD. I have a two year old JVC XV S60 DVD(it is a pro scan & I have a High Def. Sony wide screen RPTV) and my old Yamaha CDX-710U CD player. Is the NAD T512 much better then the JVC and Yamaha music wise?? The Yamaha I have had for years and has been a great player, but due to lack of space in our living room it is in storage and the JVC has been doing double duty for DVD and CDs. But possibly will have room for both a CD player and DVD if needed in the near future. Question is, will the NAD be better musically then the JVC and my Yamaha. Does anyone presently have the NAD T512 and what's your opinion on it? Any other input on this subject would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks all for you input in advance..
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I auditioned the the NAD T752 with the NAD T572 DVD changer today. I must saw the DVD changer disappointed me greatly. The disc recognition time was too long. It wouldn't auto play the disc - you had to press play after you skip a disc. Overall I was not impressed, specially considering the price. I have a Toshiba which has performed flawlessly for me over a year (VCD/DVD/CD).