I am currently auditioning a pair of the M22's with my NAD integrated amp, mainly listening to vinyl and cd's. The Axioms's are awesome, and not just for the price. I don't know if I've heard vocals and piano sound so good before. The pleasant surprise is that the Axioms DO have bass. Not overpowering like some floorstanders, but it is there. While I mainly listen at low to medium levels, they do take the NAD's power very well. The great thing being that I don't have to turn my system up loud to hear all the detail in the music.
I'm going to give it the full 30 days on the trial, but so far so good.
PS If you feed these babies garbage, you will get garbage back.
warning: don't feed any baby any garbage. LOL Have your tried listening to DVD-Audio pieces? If you think they are awesome now, get into high resolution recordings. cheers