Bronze Member Username: AudiobuffPost Number: 72 Registered: Jan-07 | Hi guys, First off, would this be a worthwhile upgrade from an HK 3480 stereo receiver (as far as quality of sound)? And secondly, is $200 a decent price to pay for one of these? Thanks |
Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 12397 Registered: May-04 | . "First off, would this be a worthwhile upgrade from an HK 3480 stereo receiver (as far as quality of sound)?" Yes, for most listeners it would be. "And secondly, is $200 a decent price to pay for one of these?" Yes, as long as they didn't cut the power cord off to make a quick get away. . |
Bronze Member Username: AudiobuffPost Number: 76 Registered: Jan-07 | Thanks Jan, what did you mean by cutting the power cord to make a quick get away, i know it sounds obvious, but is there something i should be looking for if i go and purchase this amp? Another question, would this offer much of a difference in SQ when going against a Cambridge Audio 540a V2? Thanks again! |
Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 12398 Registered: May-04 | . Just make sure the amp works properly. I've never heard the Cambridge piece but most separate amplifiers are better built than most receivers. Sound quality is something you will have to determine. |
Silver Member Username: EramseySouth carolina United States Post Number: 582 Registered: Feb-05 | Audiobuff-note to self Parasound=Quality Audio. How about this one....... I don't know speakers like some of the veterans here but I'm pretty damned confident that there is no speaker on the market that will make this amp break a good sweat. |
Gold Member Username: NuckPost Number: 9967 Registered: Dec-04 | Hi again, ER Buff this is a very good amp. Not the baddest one in the archive, but for 200$ it is a steal. |
Gold Member Username: NuckPost Number: 9968 Registered: Dec-04 | With what pre-amp? |
Bronze Member Username: AudiobuffPost Number: 77 Registered: Jan-07 | Im kind of embarrassed to say, but the pre-amp would only be my HK-3480, the speakers will be the Klipsch SP-1's. Thanks for all the help so far Nuck Jan & Eric, i really appreciate it! |
Gold Member Username: NuckPost Number: 9974 Registered: Dec-04 | Hey, stating with that piece, at that price, kind of makes me embarrased, Buff! |
Silver Member Username: EramseySouth carolina United States Post Number: 583 Registered: Feb-05 | Hey Nuck and Jan! $200 for that amp is truly a steal agreed. The 3480 should suffice as a preamp till something better can be had. Let us know how that combo sounds. Good luck with everything. |
Bronze Member Username: AudiobuffPost Number: 78 Registered: Jan-07 | Alright, I purchased the amp and I have to say, I really like the sound. I have two other questions, Firstly, The previous owner cut off the ground plug in order to eliminate the "hum" this amp is known for having, how safe is it to run the amp like this? Secondly, Both current overload lights flicker to the beat of the music, very dim, but brighter as you turn the volume up. I read somewhere that a few other people were having this issue, one person even said to just ignore it. Everything is hooked up the way it should be. What do you guys recommend? |
Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 12405 Registered: May-04 | . There's no reason to cut off the ground lug. Repair it and set the amp up properly so it doesn't hum. Call the factory about the flickering LED's. . |
Bronze Member Username: AudiobuffPost Number: 79 Registered: Jan-07 | I did indeed call the factory right after this post. They simple told me that there is a screw in the middle of the amp that needs to be tightened, and that it will not harm the amp either way. |
Silver Member Username: MagfanUSA Post Number: 159 Registered: Oct-07 | IN GENERAL a flickering overload light is a bad thing: 1. Any bad smell from amp? 2. Anything else on the circuit flicker, too? try an incandescent lamp for best result: 3. Abnormal heating of the amp? 4. Check all fuses for proper values and NOT slow-blo unless spec'd. 5. Borrow a watt meter and put that in the line. take some data and see if it makes sense. Too high a current draw for too little output is a red-flag, even for some class 'A' equipment. 6. REINSTALL ground lug. If you get a hum, find out why. 7. Follow Jan's advice. A call to the factory should actually be #1. BUFF: I hate to explain jokes, it takes the mystery out of them, but Jan's 'cut the cord' crack referred to a piece of equipment that was lifted::borrowed:: stolen:: appropriated:: 5-finger discount etc...etc............ |
Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 12408 Registered: May-04 | . "BUFF: I hate to explain jokes, it takes the mystery out of them, but Jan's 'cut the cord' crack referred to a piece of equipment that was lifted::borrowed:: stolen:: appropriated:: 5-finger discount etc...etc............ " It did?!!! |
Silver Member Username: MagfanUSA Post Number: 160 Registered: Oct-07 | Either that, or a birthing accident: |
Bronze Member Username: AudiobuffPost Number: 80 Registered: Jan-07 | Leo, I indeed did call Parasound, I spoke to a gentleman named Tony, as soon as i explained the situation, he gave me a fix for it. Like I said, he told me a screw (some type of special screw) was loose, and all i need to do is tighten the screw to fix the problem. The screw is located in the middle of the four filters inside the amp. The screw is shown in the picture below: |
Bronze Member Username: AudiobuffPost Number: 81 Registered: Jan-07 | Sorry for the double post, but i just wanted to let you guys know, i went in, tightened the screw and smoke started pouring out of the amp after i turned it on! What is going on!?!? |
Silver Member Username: MagfanUSA Post Number: 161 Registered: Oct-07 | I hope you're kidding! |
Gold Member Username: NuckPost Number: 9981 Registered: Dec-04 |!? Geez, check the date, Leo! |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 1879 Registered: Nov-05 | That what I thought Nuck - I only hope so for Ab's sake. |
Silver Member Username: WattsssupBarrie, ON Canada Post Number: 228 Registered: Aug-06 | Loosen the Screw! Loosen the Screw! |
Gold Member Username: NuckPost Number: 9984 Registered: Dec-04 | Stop drop and roll! Stop drop and roll! |
Bronze Member Username: AudiobuffPost Number: 82 Registered: Jan-07 | Of course I was joking guys, the fix worked like a charm. I just wanted to give a big thanks to yall for the help and info ![]() |
Silver Member Username: WattsssupBarrie, ON Canada Post Number: 229 Registered: Aug-06 | Lol. Glad to hear all is well. |
Silver Member Username: MagfanUSA Post Number: 162 Registered: Oct-07 | Yeah, I know what planet I'm on..... Glad this worked out....and a deal to boot! |
Gold Member Username: NuckPost Number: 9986 Registered: Dec-04 | Very good allaround, Buff. |
New member Username: MobilewrenchHonolulu, Hawaii USA Post Number: 1 Registered: Jul-08 | This is my first time at this/any audio site forum. I have 3 HCA-1000s and all three have/had the blinking LED's. I just took them apart, blasted the circuit boards clean, and tighted that center screw...No more blinking LED's. I had two of the amps bridged to combat that problem. But it seems now I have an extra amp to play with. Thanks for the tech advice. Now I can finish rebuilding an old pair of Cerwin-Vega PD-9's, only needs two 6and1/2 inch mids to complete the pair...103 db! |