Top 5 rock n roll speakers


New member
Username: Bbs

Mukilteo, Wa Usa

Post Number: 5
Registered: Feb-08
I'm looking for some opinions on the top 5 rock speakers out there, new or old. One of my favorites was the klipsch forte II.Alot of speakers sound great but not for rock. Any opinions?

Silver Member
Username: Magfan


Post Number: 137
Registered: Oct-07
Whats the diff between a rock speaker and any other?
Just loud? Good distortion? Most annoying to neighbors?

Silver Member
Username: Dmitchell

Ottawa, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 697
Registered: Feb-07
By rock, I assume you mean loud? In that case my vote goes out to Klipsch as well. And I'm sure some people would say CV. Loud != good, though.

Gold Member
Username: Frank_abela

Berkshire UK

Post Number: 2758
Registered: Sep-04
Naim SBLs. Unbelievably fast driving sound. Excellent for rock.

Bronze Member
Username: Msgtpogi


Post Number: 30
Registered: Jan-08
Klipschhorns: 15" woofer and horn loaded mid and tweeter, 104 dB sensitivity, how loud do you want to go!
If you like your rock speaker to replicate Marshall stacks and the helicopter in Pink Floyd's "The Wall" distortion-free and at ear shattering levels, I don't know of anything else that comes close. Just don't look for imaging, lack of horn coloration, soundstage depth, and some other audiophile buzz words. If someone doesn't like it, turn it up and drown what they are saying. Just be warned that your hearing may be impaired in no time if you get too carried away.
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