Creek 5350se or CA 840A


Bronze Member
Username: Byam

Post Number: 40
Registered: May-06
In my search for an integrated amp I am looking for thoughts about a Creek 5350se as compared to a Cambridge Audio 840A. I have not heard either amp. I am curious about their sonic characteristics.

Gold Member
Username: Mike3

Wylie, Tx USA

Post Number: 1144
Registered: May-06
What is the rest of your set-up?

Other questions to help answer you is what do you listen to?

How do you listen, what are the characteristics of your listening room?

Do you listen to live music?

What do you listen for?

What integrateds do you have access to so that you can listen yourself?

Sonic characteristics are dependent upon some of the factors of the answers to the above questions. Everyhting affects it, room acoustics, source, wire, power, etc.

Bronze Member
Username: Byam

Post Number: 41
Registered: May-06
The rest of my system is Vienna Acoustics Haydn Grand speakers, NAD c320bee integrated amp, NAD c542 cd player. This is a bedroom system so it is a nearfield listening situation. I am aware that there are various factors that effect system performance. My question is how the Creek and CA compare.

Gold Member
Username: Mike3

Wylie, Tx USA

Post Number: 1146
Registered: May-06
I have experience with the Creek 5350se. I found it highly detailed and a bit forward. Timing was another positive suit to it. It drove my Monitor Audio Silver S8s quite well.

I replaced it as it lacked warmth and did not provide me the musical presentation I sought.

This is how I viewed it. I asked about your other gear as it may sound different to you. When I had it mated to a Rotel CD player I liked it. When I upgraded to an Apollo it begin to lose favor with me.

Bronze Member
Username: Byam

Post Number: 42
Registered: May-06
At this time I am going to replace my NAD c320bee. A few months from now I will replace the c542.

Gold Member
Username: Nuck

Post Number: 9854
Registered: Dec-04
Maybe time for a systemic approach, Bill?
All from one line, like Rega or something?

Bronze Member
Username: Byam

Post Number: 43
Registered: May-06
That thought has occured to me. There is a full line Rega dealer about 90 miles from me. Sometime this Spring when I get a chance I will go over and listen.
After looking at Rega's website I am thinking about a Mira 3, Apollo, R1 system.

Gold Member
Username: Stu_pitt

Irvington, New York USA

Post Number: 2507
Registered: May-05
I'm not sure if Rega will sound right through Viennas. I don't think it'll be the best match, but there's only one way of finding out for certain.

Silver Member
Username: Hawkbilly

Nova Scotia Canada

Post Number: 160
Registered: Jul-07
My thought would be to replace the cd player, not the amp first. I think you might hear more improvements in that change, than a NAD to Creek or CA amplifier switch. Just my 2 cents.

Gold Member
Username: Artk

Albany, Oregon USA

Post Number: 6456
Registered: Feb-05
Hey Stu I believe Bill was talking a full Rega system. That system would be a good one Bill. Just a matter of preference. Take some music and go have a listen.

Gold Member
Username: Stu_pitt

Irvington, New York USA

Post Number: 2509
Registered: May-05
Somehow I missed where he said R1. If I recall correctly, he just bought the Viennas. That's why I was thinking he's looking to pair them up with Rega.

The Rega system is a very good one. Far better than the price implies IMO.

Bronze Member
Username: Byam

Post Number: 45
Registered: May-06
I reached a decision. I first found a Simaudio I-3 SE integrated amp. After week of enjoyable listening I bought a Simaudo equinox cd player. It should arrive next week.

Gold Member
Username: Artk

Albany, Oregon USA

Post Number: 6545
Registered: Feb-05
Sim has a nice relaxed sound without being weak or amusical...very good choices. Congrats Bill.
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