NAD C372 - "up in smoke"


New member
Username: Duggan

Post Number: 1
Registered: Feb-08
Luckily mine did not go up in smoke but it was subject to the product recall that seems to be related to capacitor failures.

My unit was given the same "simple modification" that was apparently incorporated in later production runs of both the c372 and c272.

Unfortunately since the modification my amp sounds different to me. It is almost as though the mid range has been boosted and the treble, and more particularily, the bass are less prominent than before.

Does anyone know what the NAD modification is and why it might have an affect on the sound.

Silver Member
Username: Unbridled_id


Post Number: 219
Registered: Mar-04
On mine they changed the main filter capacitors (the four big ones).

Silver Member
Username: Unbridled_id


Post Number: 220
Registered: Mar-04
This is the company's website which supplies the replacement capacitors.

This the the replacement capacitor part number.

Cd 294 series. Load life 2000 hrs @ 105C.

Silver Member
Username: Magfan


Post Number: 126
Registered: Oct-07

If you want to re-replace the caps and take a chance on sound improvement, here is a logical place to start:

I found these guys while researching a cap-upgrade for my Magnepans, which apparently respond well to a crossover upgrade.

There is also an outfit down here in SanDiego which gets jam-up reviews and is of the highest reputation.
Google for hi-fi caps and start following some links. The hi-fi modification folks know all the tricks.
I'm reasonably sure that NAD bought a carload of low-bid stuff to bail themselves out.

Bronze Member
Username: Crazywader

Post Number: 19
Registered: May-07
Recall? What recall? I haven't been able to find a list of affected serial numbers. Can someone point me to a link?

Bronze Member
Username: Afj


Post Number: 73
Registered: Jan-08

there you go greg

Bronze Member
Username: Afj


Post Number: 74
Registered: Jan-08
at the bottom of the page click on nad distributor. you'll have to contact the distributor for more info

Platinum Member
Username: Nuck

Post Number: 10249
Registered: Dec-04
I can't find it now, but this was covered quite well in "Help! My amp went up in smoke", It might have been ID who posted the thread, so in the know there.

Everybody pitches one outside now and then, NAD is no different.

Silver Member
Username: Unbridled_id


Post Number: 340
Registered: Mar-04
Yes Nuck it was me who posted about my 272. I believe NAD had identified and corrected the problem with the caps starting in 06. So any amp puchased after that is ok, amps purchased before that (generally the main filter caps are white with black lettering as opposed to the new caps which are black with white lettering) may be at risk. I know NAD has posted on their site that any amps that do go up (272-372) will be replaced, which is the right thing for NAD to do.

Platinum Member
Username: Nuck

Post Number: 10252
Registered: Dec-04
I think they handled it and took care of their customers pretty well.

Bronze Member
Username: Afj


Post Number: 75
Registered: Jan-08
from what they said on their website they covered their as$ by saying that it was a cabinet ventilation problem. but they also did say that they would replace / repair the product should it ever happen. and if they said that on their webpage am sure they would do it
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