To Bridge or Not to bridge.


Bronze Member
Username: Sanio

South Wester... Canada

Post Number: 48
Registered: Jul-07
Ok aside from risking blowing the crap outta your speakers, I am just wondering what the impact is of having an amp(s) that provide significantly more power than your speakers are rated.

My current configuration:
- NAD C272s, bridged, bi-amped,bi-wired 300+ Watts at 8 ohms
- Paradigm M60s v2.0 200 Watts Max

Is there a downside to bridging? Should I consider NOT bridging in this situation?


Platinum Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 12254
Registered: May-04

"My current configuration:
- NAD C272s, bridged, bi-amped,bi-wired 300+ Watts at 8 ohms"

"Is there a downside to bridging? Should I consider NOT bridging in this situation?"

I don't understand. If you've already bridged the amplifier, what are you asking?


Bronze Member
Username: Sanio

South Wester... Canada

Post Number: 49
Registered: Jul-07
I am trying to understand what the downside of overpowering speaker is, if there is one.

I was speaking with a friend and he indicated that I may be "overpowering" my speakers and suggested that I might consider not bridging.

I guess my question is can you overpower speakers and am overpowering my speakers currently?

Platinum Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 12256
Registered: May-04

It's very difficult to do damage with too much power unless you just get very stupid. If you get that stupid and remain that stupid, it's easier to damage your speakers with too little power. The difference between a bridged and an unbridged amplifier usually amounts to an additional 3dB of headroom on peaks. That's unlikely to be heard when you're being very stupid. So, if you get stupid, you'll probably blow something up no matter what you do unless it would be to turn down the volume. The latter makes you feel smart while the former just confirms that you did something very stupid.


Bronze Member
Username: Sanio

South Wester... Canada

Post Number: 50
Registered: Jul-07
What about in terms of sound quality, would too much power impact the soundstage clarity??

Platinum Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 12257
Registered: May-04

Not unless there is a problem with the amplifier. If the speakers are a very difficult load for the amplifier, it's possible it cannot deliver sufficient current in bridged mode though this would be unusual. If the quality remains consistent, you are better off with higher power in most cases. There are exceptions to that rule but this should not be one of them.

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