I had an old NAD, but it finally deads :-( I decide to update my old setup (the NAD cd and Sony ampl) to a Rotel integrated amp RA02 and cd RCD02. Both equipements works fine together. The Cd is really fast reading the table of contents when you insert a CD. No problem with CD-R even if they are no very good quality ones. It is not able to switch off the display, but... The fast forward and fast backward is only accessible by the remote, and it is no so fast, let say moderate forward... The sound quality is very good and detailed (I use JJ Float II headphones to enjoy all the quality that the system gives me), and if you have the Rotel amp RA02, you can use the remote of the amp to control both devices. It also has an extra connector to switch it off when you turn off your Rotel amp.