Which of these bookshelf speakers?


Bronze Member
Username: Guillemot

Lansing, Mi

Post Number: 12
Registered: Nov-07
OK, continuing in my misadventures...

I'm planning to audition a demo pair of B&W 602 s3 speakers tomorrow against the used PSB Image B25s I bought.

A third contender has entered the ring: A pair of MB Quart One bookshelf speakers, used, for $100, from one who claims to have been in hifi for 50 years and says they are in excellent condition. Those vs. the PSBs for $300 or the B&Ws for $500. He also has a pair of Jamo D830s for $900, but they're out of my price range.

Getting the MB speakers would allow me to re-appropriate funds for a better receiver or integrated amp than the Denon I bought. Are they good enough to drive 3 hours round trip in the wrong direction before heading to Boston to try the B&Ws?

Silver Member
Username: Wattsssup

Barrie, ON Canada

Post Number: 150
Registered: Aug-06
Just curious. How will you know which speakers you like better?

It would tough to compare one speaker from another if you have different sources, amps, cables and rooms to contend with.

Platinum Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 11855
Registered: May-04

The MB Quarts are a rather laid back sound; quite unlike the B&W's and PSB's.

Platinum Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 11856
Registered: May-04

I suspect there are no replacement parts for the MB Quarts should the need arise. How much is a warranty worth to you?

Bronze Member
Username: Guillemot

Lansing, Mi

Post Number: 13
Registered: Nov-07
by "laid back" do you mean not very crisp (i.e. understated highs) and more of a warm sound?

marc: of course. that goes without saying. But the world in imperfect. The question was really whether it might be worth it to drive to Burlington, VT to listen to these speakers. i could bring the PSBs with me for comparison.

are the Jamo speakers really exceptional?

Gold Member
Username: Exerciseguy

Post Number: 1627
Registered: Oct-04
I heard some sort of Jamo 2.1 iPod thing-a-ma-jig that sounded outstanding given it's diminutive size.

Platinum Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 11857
Registered: May-04

"by "laid back" do you mean not very crisp (i.e. understated highs) and more of a warm sound?"

Yeah, sure. They are "laid back" in presentation and frequency balance. They are balanced in their overall presentation which is important. Where the B&W's are balanced toward a sound that has plenty of high frequency content with a generous helping of midbass the Quarts are less emphatic in the highs and therefore the overall balance is tilted toward a midrange correctness with highs and lows that play to that strength. They stage to the rear of the speaker plane rather than the more upfront style of the B&W's. The Quarts are a more classic European sound rather than a sound that sells bunches of speakers in the US. They are what B&W once was and is no longer. I don't know the specific speaker you are considering but that's the general nature of MB Quart. Very smooth with enough detail and precision to please a music lover rather than a hifi lover.

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