I decided I might as well start this thread, because I'm slightly confused.
What's up with these people coming along and taking things you say the wrong way? Suddenly remarks are being made at each other and it's like a...cyberfight?
I see it happening on many forums, so maybe it's just human nature. Of course, if that's true, then that's not good.
I have not seen one lately but I know what you mean. It has happened here. I find it hilarious. People get real brave when they are anonymous and out of reach. In my world, (construction) people get knocked out for acting like that.
This was posted on this forum: "Arguing on the internet is like the Special Olympics, even if you win, you are still retarded"
I know what you mean Kevin I'm from Idaho and that's about the same as being in a construction environment...You only have one bad day with a big mouth, at that point your looking for your teeth.
I know that quote isn't yours however I find it offensive...sorry.
I'm involved in a little altercation at the moment on another forum. It's not pretty and I usually stay away from a fight, but not when someone impugns my integrity. Then it's gloves off.
The typed word (email,forums, etc) is sometimes a very poor method of communicating. In a meeting between two people, less than 1/2 of what is communicated is done through the words spoken. The rest is tone, body language, gestures, etc. So, it stands to reason that messages can be misunderstood if only words are used.
Further, only a certain percentage of people are wired to receiving information through text or words. How many people learn well from text books or manuals, versus how many need to experience something, hear something, or visualize (in pictures) something in order to internalize it.
Unfortunately, many people don't understand this, and assume their interpretation of meaning from someones text is the right one, and the only one. Which of course it isn't.
Another problem is that it's far to easy to be a tough guy behind the annominity of a web forum. Way too many people say things that they would never say face to face in an agruement.
True enough. But they are more likely to go away when ignored, than when the abuse is returned. There's no fun for them when they don't get a reaction. I know that's hard to do, especially when they push the right buttons, and I get caught myself by times.
"Another problem is that it's far to easy to be a tough guy behind the annominity of a web forum. Way too many people say things that they would never say face to face in an agruement."
You can say that again.
I made this point a while back, but I have never incountered the sort of insults in person that I've encountered on the web.
Sorry for repeating that quote, Art and everyone else. I have been involved in the Real Secial Olympics where my Nephew won gold in Austria. It is a great organization! That quote was posted, with a photo, over on the OFF TOPIC thread I where I got into the online fight. It was after I fell victim to the prank where your cpu freezes up if you click on a link video. When I got my computer fixed I complained to the mods and demanded the link be removed. The perps found it hilarious and engaged in lots of childish name calling and ridicule. I don't know if that thread got deleted because I never revisited the OFF TOPIC branch again.
Chris said: "...many people don't understand this, and assume their interpretation of meaning from someones text is the right one, and the only one...) Exactly. I have had people react wrongly to a post when I was answering a completely different post. I got a pm once about that and never did figure out why he thought I was referring to him. That was on the Lonely Planet travel forum where lots of LOTS of trolls lurk.
Lots of pratfalls waiting, Kevin. We try to keep this place as clean as possible. But shite happens, as it will. I don't dig the anit-USA rant or the Special Olympics one either, but adding to the fire will only make it worse. Unless I get really pissedoff and then it's 6-5 and pickum. You choose.
Thanks for clarifying Kevin, I knew that quote didn't sound like you. The anti US stuff doesn't bother me a bit. I'm proud to be American, warts and all.
I would not say anything to someone on a forum that I would not say to them in person. I figure if someone is going off on the forum then they get back what they would have gotten back if they were standing in front of me with the exception that they still get to be standing.
I always figure if I or someone wanted to find someone who is "annonymous" it would not be all that hard. If others felt that way they might contribute with a bit of different decorum.
I'm from NY and grew up in the Bronx. Living now in Phila, but sure do miss that New Yawk attitude. Still get back to visit family and shop from time to time.
Kevin, what type of construction. I'm in the CM field. Only get out to job sites on few occasions.
Can't agree more about tough guys on the phone and online......
Choosing cable does not have to be a big deal. Any standard 10 or 12 or 14 AWG Oxygen Free Multistranded Cable (OFMC) is fine for most situations with short runs wherever possible.
Another concern for you is how you decide to terminate the ends. You want to have the tightest connection of the cable to your amp and loudspeaker to minimize contact resistance. You can also use spades or banana plugs on the end if you choose not to just twist the wires.
I'm using Signal Cable Ultra terminated with bananas on both ends......
Thanks Ed, I was joking around because of that other thread.....
but really, I am now starting to learn something about this topic. I was reading the Accessories threads but that seems to be more related to TV than hifi. I will post some questions on interconnects but I need to do some more reading first. A lot of these areas are completely new to me, like DAT and Music Servers, Interconnects, phono cartridge replacement etc.