Any one that has or knows where there is a blown up 1801 for sale please let me know. I need some parts for mine. Please dont post any ebay sites. Thanks.
As a matter of fact a lot of them have blown up due to a flaw in some resistors on the boards. Certain repair jobs have caused the whole board to fry. Both boards for each channel are the same. Hence i can take a good left to repair a right. This is not an emergency i just want to see if anyone out there has one. I also need a VU meter and a couple other little things. Due to that power output of this amp a good solid kick on the bass cause my left meter to hit the end of VU window and broke off. There are many useful parts in these amps to anyone that has one. Once or twice a year a blown up amp shows up on ebay but due its close to 100 pound weight shipping is a pain in the keister.