Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 11362 Registered: May-04 | Once and for all get rid of him. No comments or arguments, please. Just sign on if you agree. |
Silver Member Username: Nickelbut10Post Number: 470 Registered: Jun-07 | Agree. |
Silver Member Username: ShawnharmanPost Number: 129 Registered: Dec-05 | Agree, Jan is there a certain amount of people you need on this to get his IP adress banned. |
Gold Member Username: NuckPost Number: 8772 Registered: Dec-04 | But I like calling him names. OK count me in before I get the boot! |
Silver Member Username: Mike3Wylie, Tx USA Post Number: 728 Registered: May-06 | Ban Wiley and all his aliases. |
Silver Member Username: StefanomVienna, VA United States Post Number: 996 Registered: Apr-06 | I suspect it might be a little more difficult than that. Keep in mind folks, not everybody uses an ISP that assigns a static IP address. As such, banning by IP isn't feasible in all cases. Given the fighting that occurs when he enters a thread though, I can't say I'm shedding too many tears over his being banned. |
Silver Member Username: ShawnharmanPost Number: 135 Registered: Dec-05 | I posted in the link jan gave so lets see what happens |
Silver Member Username: Nickelbut10Post Number: 475 Registered: Jun-07 | Stephen is right, this is a public forum and Wiley being on basic DSL, he will have a Dynamic IP, therefore he can return under any name. We can hope that he just leaves, or joins another forum. lol. |
Gold Member Username: NuckPost Number: 8774 Registered: Dec-04 | Hows about tracking the email addy that has to be listed as a new poster? But then again, a career scuzzball likely has a zillion of them to elude billing on all the pornsites he inhabits. |
Silver Member Username: Nickelbut10Post Number: 477 Registered: Jun-07 | LOL!!!![]() |
Platinum Member Username: WingmanaliveA pic is worth 1000 posts!! Post Number: 10290 Registered: Jun-06 | So how do wireless networks work then? My laptop can pick up an internet signal from 3-4 sources in range of other ppl's wireless modem. I live in the suburb. Imagine if you were in NYC or China, you'd have tons of possible wireless signals to tap into. How can you trace those? J/W. |
Silver Member Username: Nickelbut10Post Number: 481 Registered: Jun-07 | Think of an IP, WAN IP or LAN IP address as your ID number on a network. By your laptop picking up a wireless signal via Wi-Fi, the laptop is just receiving a "ID Number" from that wireless router(in this case). Just like you were to plug in a Cat5 cable directly into that persons Router. Once you have received an "ID" and are officially on that persons network, the laptop will receive a LAN IP(internal IP), you will be connected to his connection now sharing the same WAN IP(Public IP address). By then doing a trace root on the IP you are receiving on your laptop now, you can see where the connection is coming from and the source IP of the Internet Provider. There are 2 or 3 main ways to lock down most basic routers from publicly sharing the network, as all people should be doing this. WiFi technology uses packets called Beacons to communicate with other WiFi to share network information. Either way I don't think Brian would go to this extent to get rid of someone from his Forum. Any other suggestions?lol. |
Bronze Member Username: Mekongdelta69Grew up in Brooklyn an... Post Number: 86 Registered: Apr-07 | "Any other suggestions?" >> Yes. If you're serious, there's one way which works on ALL forums, just as it's ALWAYS WORKED in real life. (Actually two ways, but you can't punch somebody out 'virtually.') When you IGNORE somebody, sooner or later, they WILL go away. I've been on a million forums, ranging from hobby sites to conservative sites to cultural/social sites to technical sites to sports sites to military sites to...(you name it) in the last 10+ years and there have ALWAYS been and ALWAYS will be drive-by, troll posters. The ONLY thing they have in common is they are looking for attention. When they don't get the attention they crave, for whatever psychologically twisted reasons they have, they eventually go away. It won't be right away -- as a matter of fact, if this guy is true to form as every other nuisance poster, at first he might flood your site/thread repetetively, almost to the point of insanity. However, if you MEAN what you say and IGNORE him, then no matter what he (or any other troll) does, sooner or later he WILL leave -- because it's just no fun for him to keep hitting his hand against the wall and never getting the attention he craves from mommy. IF you relent and address him/curse him/acknowledge him at least once, the cycle will start ALL over again. IF NOT, the sooner you will be rid of him. It has always worked that way and always will work that way. It's called simple human nature... M_____ |
Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 11366 Registered: May-04 | . That might be the only option. Everyone up to ignoring anyone resembling wiley under any username? We'll keep working on Brian to come up with a permanent solution. But wiley is scum that keeps returning, this is like getting rid of herpes. Ban and ignore. . |
Gold Member Username: KanoBC Canada Post Number: 1225 Registered: Oct-04 | Looking at Wiley's recent posts I see nothing to warrant the all out assault Vigne is throwing his way. Sure he has been venomous in the past, but his recent negative posts are more reactive than anything. Vigne following him around the forum calling him out in my opinion is more against the terms of use than anything Wiley's done in recent history. Holding a grudge for events months past seems out of place in such a forum as this. I'm not defending Wiley here, he obviously has enjoyed instigating in the past, but following members around the forum simply because we don't like them? Seems pretty elementary school to me. |
Gold Member Username: John_aLondonU.K. Post Number: 4753 Registered: Dec-03 | Mike is correct. Jan, this W-person enjoys being called scum and likened to herpes. Deprive him of "the oxygen of publicity". It is not as good as depriving him of the oxygen of oxygen, but it is a start. My guess is W-person has already been traced and blocked. Otherwise he's be here. Like aliens. Nick;- "If the source IP is a small town DSL provider, I say band the whole provider." How small, exactly....? Some whole countries try to ban the rest of the world. Ya-hoo.... |
Gold Member Username: John_aLondonU.K. Post Number: 4754 Registered: Dec-03 | My post crossed yours, Kano.... I know, we get intelliwrite, or whatever it is, to pop-up "scum" and "herpes" when we move the cursor over the name of he who we do not name.... But E-coustics would get sued by the publishing house, I suppose. |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 1605 Registered: Nov-05 | What? Ban Wiley? But . . . but . . . Now I'll have to watch Days of our Lives for entertainment. Yes, ignoring the blighter is the only way. Stop feeding him. |
Bronze Member Username: Mekongdelta69Grew up in Brooklyn an... Post Number: 87 Registered: Apr-07 | Mike (W.), It occurred to me a while ago (but I never mentioned it), is "Wiley" a takeoff of your hometown, which he did on purpose just to tick you off? Actually he sounds sort of like that Eric character in my CD/Opinions Appreciated thread, who kept multiple posting because he couldn't 'get the hang of the site' (while professing to be an engineer or something like that, no less). His profile is gone, but his posts unfortunately still remain... Mike____ |
Silver Member Username: Mike3Wylie, Tx USA Post Number: 729 Registered: May-06 | LOL. Maybe we should revisit this banning of small towns, like "Wylie"? I did suggest ignoring the slob in one of my recent posts then I let him know what I thought anyway. I support using the "Ignore" button with him. Too bad you can't block what users eCoustics sends you posts from like the way one site I use allows blocking chat from members you specify. |
Silver Member Username: Mike3Wylie, Tx USA Post Number: 730 Registered: May-06 | Kano, Wiley is like someone who goes off their meds, in his case frequently. Yes there have been some informative opinions posted by Wiley, but in each and every case, it is only a matter of time when this member "loses it" and goes on destructive non-productive spamming, and yes usually aimed at Vigne. This has been going on for over a year. While I generally had stayed out of his sights, he has occasionally posted thrash at me too. Gavin, Nuck, and Vigne are his usual targets. He flat out tries to derail posts and wastes all of our time with his spam. I do see Vigne's attempts at calling him out over the top, but I can also appreciate the frustration of having to put up with Wiley for so long. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 5390 Registered: Feb-05 | I agree with Kano. |
New member Username: SobeeatchPost Number: 7 Registered: Sep-07 | You folks (with the exception of Kano)simply wish to ban someone with whom you disagree or for whom you have developed a dislike. In oter words, you want to keep the forum an exclusive good ole boys club. I say you should be banned. |
Silver Member Username: GavdawgUpstate, New York Post Number: 935 Registered: Nov-06 | I agree too. I admit that the last few posts by me were way out of line, at least the ones that had been directed at Wiley. But, there comes a time when a person has enough and gets fed up. Wiley chased me out of the forum the last time this happened. It isn't about to happen this time ![]() |
New member Username: SobeeatchPost Number: 10 Registered: Sep-07 | Well Gavin, at least you are willing to own up to your mistakes. That is a mark of a decent human being. Much more than I can say about some of these guys who insult the poor and disabled, sneer at those who can't afford high end equipment and denigrate those who ask fundamental questions about how some things work. Vigne and his "crew" have made this forum a haven for the snobbish and the Administrators totally ignore it, allowing him to say whatever the hell he pleases with impunity. |
Bronze Member Username: SobeeatchPost Number: 11 Registered: Sep-07 | Art, please excuse my oversight. I should have included you in the small group of good guys. |
Gold Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 2109 Registered: May-05 | Doesn't all of this get old? I'm trying to figure out who enjoys it more - the offender(s), or the offended. The distinction between them seems to get a little blurrier everyday. If you hate what someone is saying, don't listen. If you want them to leave you alone, ignore them. If you want them to keep it up, keep doing what you've been doing. Its worked so well up to this point. |
Bronze Member Username: SobeeatchPost Number: 18 Registered: Sep-07 | It would be that simple Stu if Vigne wasn't on some damn crusade to have certain people banned. |
Gold Member Username: NuckPost Number: 8780 Registered: Dec-04 | Gee Wiley, do you think there is a reason that you have been banned twice? And dont blame Vigne, Brian is loathe to silence anyone, and does so only when the livelyhood of the forum is at risk. Bear that in mind. |
Silver Member Username: GavdawgUpstate, New York Post Number: 939 Registered: Nov-06 | sent Brian a message in the suggestions.. please post on it if we are going to get this resolved. It contains a link to this thread. |
Silver Member Username: ShawnharmanPost Number: 141 Registered: Dec-05 | hope this one works, the one that I posted over there got deleted by brian almost as fast as it went up. |
Gold Member Username: PetergalbraithRimouski, Quebec Canada Post Number: 2036 Registered: Feb-04 | Don't you guys need a body of evidence to ban someone? You should link to the posts you object to. So far this evening, all I'm seen is Jan calling him names for no reason in a few threads. Unless Wiley's posts were cleaned up after the fact, I don't see what the fuss is about. And I remember being called names and insulted in the same way, so I wonder who need to be banned. :-( |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 5402 Registered: Feb-05 | Good to see you again Peter. |
Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 11383 Registered: May-04 | . Wish I could say the same. I never called you any names, PG. And I only insult those who deserve to be insulted and who invite insults. You and I don't get along, PG, get over it. Did you just show up to p!ss on this forum for awhile? You don't have a clue what has happened here recently so, please, don't get sanctimonious on your yearly visit here. . |
Gold Member Username: PetergalbraithRimouski, Quebec Canada Post Number: 2038 Registered: Feb-04 | Thanks Art. Hope you've been well. I'm at a crossroads of sorts, and why I'm back looking for info. |
Bronze Member Username: SobeeatchPost Number: 26 Registered: Sep-07 | "And I only insult those who deserve to be insulted and who invite insults." Jan Vigne Whose forum is this? Who appointed Vigne judge and executioner-other than Nuck and those of similar ilk? Maybe he should start his insults by looking in the mirror. |
Bronze Member Username: SobeeatchPost Number: 27 Registered: Sep-07 | Great post Peter. You used logic and common sense. Too bad those traits are anathema to the likes of Vigne. |
Gold Member Username: PetergalbraithRimouski, Quebec Canada Post Number: 2046 Registered: Feb-04 | Thanks JJ. I never called you any names, PG I guess your rhetorical stabs like Surely you're not that slow. Did you show up here to argue about words you don't understand don't count. Show me where I insulted you in any way before that line. You posts to me last year were full of lines like that, and using big fonts while being rude. Kinda like you're doing to Wiley now. Are you saying that you never did this? Or that doesn't count as rude and insulting to you? |
Bronze Member Username: SobeeatchPost Number: 28 Registered: Sep-07 | Oops. Looks like Vignerino has encountered a little unexpected blowback on his thread and campaign.![]() |
Gold Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 2380 Registered: Sep-04 | I am wholeheartedly with Peter, Art and Kano on this. Jan, your vitriol towards Wiley is out of control after some egging on, but your vitriol toward Peter in the Efficient Speakers thread is just unfathomable! Peter has been a paragon of reasoned writing, but your responses have been insulting, combative, schoolyard taunting with a vicious undercurrent reminiscent of bad teachers in Tom Brown's School Days. The sad thing is it demeans you more than anything else. |
Gold Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 2127 Registered: May-05 | If people hated what Wiley is doing so much, they wouldn't do it themselves. Falling into the trap in the begining is one thing. They've all said - on a number of occasions mind you - that the best way to get rid of him is to ignore him. Yet they continue doing what they've been doing. If you claim to dispise something and know how to end it, yet don't, how much do you really dispise it? One isn't any better than the other in this instance. They all seem to like it just as much as each other. |
Gold Member Username: NuckPost Number: 8817 Registered: Dec-04 | No puter for JV tonight. Bad dog. |
Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 11389 Registered: May-04 | . Thank you, Nuck. Oh, by the way, my dog ate your new turntable. Restating the same words gets us where? Seems everyone is up for a fight. . |
Bronze Member Username: SobeeatchPost Number: 30 Registered: Sep-07 | There is a God somewhere in this universe. And no, it's not Vigne, Nuck's faith notwithstanding. |
Gold Member Username: NuckPost Number: 8821 Registered: Dec-04 | Geez, yer right JV, Wiley is quick. Fukit, I am oughtta here. Next. |
Bronze Member Username: SobeeatchPost Number: 31 Registered: Sep-07 | ![]() |
Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 11416 Registered: May-04 | . I suggest anyone interested in supporting this proposed ban should go to Gavin's post in the "Suggestions" area and copy/repost this iformation. "JJ Johnson Post Number: 34 Posted on Tuesday, October 02, 2007 - 01:26 pm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let it go Vigne. The respected contributors to this forum (present company excluded, of course) have not jumped on your "ban" wagon." Ah, I see. Since wiley has already been banned there would be no interest to jjj in this matter. Only by trying to save himself from yet another banishment would jjj have any interest in whether wiley gets banned once again. This would appear to be a de facto admission by jjj that he is indeed the person who has already banned (at least) twice. I never thought I say it; but, thank you, wiley. This will be forwarded to the administrator. Since he is the only person who has to jump on a bandwagon, we'll see if he is interested in your latest posting. |
Bronze Member Username: SobeeatchPost Number: 41 Registered: Sep-07 | The man is absolutely insane. Report that to the Administrator. |
New member Username: 007bPost Number: 1 Registered: Oct-07 | I'm a newbie but I cetainly don't feel welcome with this kind of stuff going on. I'm curious as to how one poster can call for the ban of another he just happens to disagree with? |
Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 11429 Registered: May-04 | . You appeal to the adminstrator and plead the case. The administrator is the only person here with the power to make the decision. In this case, jjj has been banned which makes number three (at least) for wiley. We'll see if he shows up agin under a new guise. I notice this is your first post. Shall we welcome you or wait for the other shoe to drop? . |
New member Username: 007bPost Number: 3 Registered: Oct-07 | I don't care if I'm welcomed or not, especially by the likes of you. I've seen your posts and insults and don't understand why you haven't been banned. |
New member Username: 007bPost Number: 4 Registered: Oct-07 | I might add that I have looked at every JJ Johnson post and can finding nothing offensive enough to deserve a ban. Leads me to believe there is a double standard at work here-one for Vigne and another for others. No wonder Galbraith took a year hiatus and other decent posters are leaving the forum. Doubtful I will remain-will probably be banned because I think the whole thing sucks. |
Silver Member Username: Nickelbut10Post Number: 515 Registered: Jun-07 | lol Jan is this Wiley again? Man he IS fast. Baxter, welcome to the site man. If I were you I would stay out of this thread. lol. Im not trying to be an A##, just a thought bud. |
Silver Member Username: Mike3Wylie, Tx USA Post Number: 752 Registered: May-06 | I don't think BS is Wiley, as he is acting like he is clueless about Wiley where JJJ came in like he had been here all along. Baxter, this is a good forum, and if you take the time to look through other threads you would soon pick up on that and perhaps get a fairer grasp of the situation. Or you can shoot from the hip. |
Silver Member Username: Nickelbut10Post Number: 516 Registered: Jun-07 | MW is right Bax, this is a great forum, and JAN has provided a large amount of knowledge to people seeking it. This thread is between JAN and Wiley, and when the time comes where you need help with something, JAN will certainly be there with some great info. In another thread of |
Gold Member Username: StefanomVienna, VA United States Post Number: 1026 Registered: Apr-06 | "I might add that I have looked at every JJ Johnson post and can finding nothing offensive enough to deserve a ban." Presuming that JJ was the same as Wiley (which the admin could likely verify), that means he would have sidestepped a ban, which will again bring the wrath of the admin. "Leads me to believe there is a double standard at work here-one for Vigne and another for others." It wouldn't say its a double standard. Its about the ratio of useful posts versus garbage posts. Unfortunately what JJ/Wiley and you don't seem to understand is that that Jan has posted a heck of a lot of useful information on this forum as far as I and likely a good number of us are concerned. That gives him a lot more leeway than someone with 40 posts. In either case you're starting fresh here. Why continue useless fights. If you have a problem with Jan, then settle it with him. If you feel he has made mistakes, by all means point them out; I suspect though that he can back up most, if not all of what he says. Can't we all get along? |
Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 11431 Registered: May-04 | . I hear footware hitting the linoleum. |
Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 11432 Registered: May-04 | . BS - (The initials should tell all.) Just where did you come across the information that PG took a year away from the forum? I should note that should you insist you owe me no answers, your fate will be sealed and you'll have to re-register again tomorrow under another name. |
New member Username: 007bPost Number: 6 Registered: Oct-07 | All of your responses assume JJ Johnson and Wiley are the same individual. You ban a person based on assumptions. Again, can anyone honestly say that Johnson's posts were deserving of ban? If you believe they were, then obviously, this is not a forum for me or anyone else who might disagree with this Vigne guy. Again, it sucks. |
New member Username: 007bPost Number: 7 Registered: Oct-07 | I failed to mention that a good number of contributors to this thread objected to a ban. Yet, according to Vigne, Johnson was banned anyway. What kind of crap is that? |
Gold Member Username: StefanomVienna, VA United States Post Number: 1027 Registered: Apr-06 | "Again, can anyone honestly say that Johnson's posts were deserving of ban?" In and of themselves no. "All of your responses assume JJ Johnson and Wiley are the same individual. You ban a person based on assumptions." We don't ban anybody. The administrator does. And I suspect the administrator has the means to find out whether JJ and Wiley are one in the same. |
New member Username: 007bPost Number: 8 Registered: Oct-07 | Stephen M., you may not directly ban, but when someone starts a ban thread and you guys all jump on like lambs to the slaughter, you are contributing to the madness. Have you read Vigne's insults and put downs? And yet you believe he is not deserving of a ban because from time to time he provides what some believe is useful information. In other words, he can say what he damn well pleases as long as he brackets it with audio mumbo-jumbo. |
Silver Member Username: Mike3Wylie, Tx USA Post Number: 753 Registered: May-06 | Maybe BS is a recently banned member. Why else would someone showing up on a forum to share information jump right in where a banned individual left off? If I came across something that I was not invested in and found it objectionable I would simply move on. To do otherwise would seem senseless to me, unless... |
Gold Member Username: StefanomVienna, VA United States Post Number: 1028 Registered: Apr-06 | "you guys all jump on like lambs to the slaughter" Hardly. "you are contributing to the madness" Fortunately the admin is a bit cooler tempered than some of the less forgiving folks among us. He tends not to ban much under most circumstances. "Have you read Vigne's insults and put downs?" Yup. " And yet you believe he is not deserving of a ban because from time to time he provides what some believe is useful information." He regularly provides what most posters here would classify as useful information. "In other words, he can say what he damn well pleases as long as he brackets it with audio mumbo-jumbo." As I said, he gets more leeway than someone who has 40 posts. Granted he has gotten into a few online scuffles, but with 11000 posts in 3 years, these things are to be expected. |
Silver Member Username: ShawnharmanPost Number: 144 Registered: Dec-05 | this baxter guy seems a bit fishy dont you think, like michael said why would a new member on his first post, jump in and start defending the man being banned knowing nothing about this case because he is a new member? you would assume he would know nothing of whats going on here, wouldnt you think? oh and another thing Baxter, how did you know Johnson was banned??? |
Silver Member Username: Nickelbut10Post Number: 517 Registered: Jun-07 | Michael- I was just about to post almost the same thing. Why would someone who is new to a forum, join to argue with someone, about a subject that has nothing to do with audio. I know when I joined this forum, I wanted to talk audio. Didn't care about arguments people were Baxter, lets say for a minute, that in fact you are Wiley. Start over man. Your back on the site, with a new name. Start with a clean slate bud, leave it alone. Lets talk audio. That is what we are here for. |
Silver Member Username: DavidpaPortland, Oregon US Post Number: 477 Registered: Nov-05 | Baxter, or whomoever, JJ................Wiley interesting you would enter a thread, or forum for that matter, and go to the defense of someone you dont even know (supposedly) and think that Jan is the one doing the attacking. If in fact you are not the evil twin of JJ, or Wiley, why would you try to enter a forum and start, or continue something you have no part in? And, why would you care? Not the smartest way to make new friends, or get the help you may have needed? Which is why I suspect you came across this forum to begin with no? Or did you just happen across this forum, and saw something unjust happening, and being the good guy you are, read all of JJs, Jan's, and Wileys posts, and figure your spin on things would enlighten us all. Look, I stop by when I can, contribute if possible, and see what the guys are up to, but never have I seen someone as bold as to try and fool an entire forum of members with all this nonsense. Your addtion to this thread, and many others under your banned ID have been useless, and a waste of bandwidth. Since you (and your evil twins) have come along, quality threads about audio/gear/setups/systems etc. have been interrupted at some point or another. No matter how hard you try, the longtime members here will sniff you out and expose as many of your split personalities as you present. Now, I am also wasting my time. |
Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 11433 Registered: May-04 | . BS - (Stll those initials are telling.) You have the opportunity to address any issues you have directly with the administrator. He makes the decisions here. He banned dale wiley last year, dennis wiley this year and jjj yesterday. So, he obviously is not adverse to removing someone he finds offensive. All you have to do is draw attention to your email address by posting your objections in the "Suggestions" section of the forum. I'm certain he'll be glad to have an opportunity to obtain your information, wiley, oh, I'm sorry, BS. Why play games? Go directly to jail. . |
New member Username: 007bPost Number: 9 Registered: Oct-07 | "Baxter, how did you know Johnson was banned???" Simple. I read. |
Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 11434 Registered: May-04 | . " No wonder Galbraith took a year hiatus and other decent posters are leaving the forum." And you knew of PG and what other posters how? How do you know others have left unless you've been here before? What other posters have left that you read about? The only others who have left that I can think of have been banned. You must have spent a lot of time reading for someone who just arrived. If I found a forum that distasteful from reading, I wouldn't want to stay. So, how'd you know and why'd you stay? About time to put the BS on "ignore". . |
Gold Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 2391 Registered: Sep-04 | Banning people because they disagree with you is despicable - welcome to the land of the free. |
New member Username: 007bPost Number: 10 Registered: Oct-07 | Frank, that's why, in surfing this forum, I give great weight to your entries and pay little attention to the Great Insultor. |
Silver Member Username: Nickelbut10Post Number: 519 Registered: Jun-07 | Change the Baxter, what you have in your system?? What kind of music do u listen to? Jan is a MAC fan, arnt we all though, cant beat a MAC. You like MAC? You like NAD? I like NAD. Give me something audio related. I want to talk audio. Just making conversation. |
Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 11437 Registered: May-04 | . "the Great Insultor" OK, BS is to be ignored. |
Gold Member Username: StefanomVienna, VA United States Post Number: 1029 Registered: Apr-06 | Its not about agreeing or disagreeing Frank. Its about rules of conduct as they relate to posting on this forum. Wiley consistently picked fights and was rude to other posters. It was pointed out to the admin; the admin presumably looked at a few of his posts and agreed that he was a troublemaker, and thus banned him. Within 24 hours of being banned, JJ showed up as the next incarnation of Wiley. He made the same arguments, the same patronizing remarks, etc. Most had a pretty good hunch that it was Wiley. Again it was brought up to the admin. JJ was banned for skirting around the previous ban. And now again Baxter has shown up, again with patronizing remarks, carrying on the argument; seemingly the next incarnation of Wiley. At this point, it really doesn't matter what he says, good or bad, if he is Wiley. Skirting around bans is cause for being banned. It should be noted that this has been going on before "Dennis Wiley". Previously there was Jim Bob Jones. Before that, theoretically it was Dale Wiley. I would also daresay that this forum is not about free speech. It is privately owned and administered. The admin can do whatever they he feels is needed for the welfare of his site. |
Bronze Member Username: 007bPost Number: 11 Registered: Oct-07 | "It should be noted that this has been going on before "Dennis Wiley". Previously there was Jim Bob Jones. Before that, theoretically it was Dale Wiley." Again assumptions and you failed to address the behavior of Vigne. Or does he deserve a free pass? |
Gold Member Username: StefanomVienna, VA United States Post Number: 1030 Registered: Apr-06 | "Again assumptions" But assumptions I'm willing to make. "you failed to address the behavior of Vigne" It isn't relevant to whether Wiley should have been banned. "Or does he deserve a free pass?" Of course not. But he gets more leeway in his actions than Wiley, simply because he has contributed a large body of useful information to this forum. |
Bronze Member Username: 007bPost Number: 12 Registered: Oct-07 | Well Stephen M., I wish you luck in your serpentine path towards the truth. As for me, I'm on to more productive pursuits. |
Gold Member Username: PetergalbraithRimouski, Quebec Canada Post Number: 2075 Registered: Feb-04 | Rule #1 of the forum: Don't point out if JV is wrong about something. |
Gold Member Username: NuckPost Number: 8827 Registered: Dec-04 | ABOUT TIME |
Gold Member Username: StefanomVienna, VA United States Post Number: 1031 Registered: Apr-06 | Enjoy, Baxter. |
New member Username: DmanwithnonameLondon, Ontario Post Number: 7 Registered: Sep-07 | This is incredible. I've been on and off this forum for about 4 years. Every once and a while it gets ridiculas. Most of the posters here are very knowledgable and I might add is why I end up coming back. Part of being in a discussion with others is sharing ideas, or at least trying to understand the other persons rationale. This is clearly not the point in this discussion. I do not always agree with what I what i read. Since anyone in this forum is clearly intelligent enough to read I suggest reserching from another source, possibly a public libary or reputable source other than the internet. Whether or not you agree or disagree take the advice at point blank. Go listen to things you are intersted, spend some money and formulate your own opinion. There are so many different ways to spend money in this hobby, no wonder its so easy to argue about differnces. There should be a rule on this forum where no one can say you are dead wrong. But I guess that is like saying there is no such thing as a bad beer, just that some are better than others- to a scotch drinker (which i happen to be myself, no references to anyone. Anyhow I am generally a lurker on here. But I do know one thing; that energy would be better directed discussing audio. |
Silver Member Username: GavdawgUpstate, New York Post Number: 952 Registered: Nov-06 | this is getting out of line, and has been for some time. Many good members have left due to this type of crass and distasteful behavior. If it weren't for the regulars who like to hold down the fort, I would have been long gone. |
Silver Member Username: Nickelbut10Post Number: 523 Registered: Jun-07 | Im thinking about leaving myself. Nothing interesting has been on this Forum for 2 or 3 days now. ZzzzzzzZZZzzzzzzZZZZzzz. Just arguing. |
Gold Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 2396 Registered: Sep-04 | Stephen, I agree that Wiley (and other pseudonyms) had been objectionable in places and in some places made unnecessary remarks, and even some vindictive ones. I have had a go at him for this in the past. Be that as it may, Jan's responses to Wiley have been more vitriolic, more antagonistic and more demeaning than Wiley's! Furthermore, Jan's responses to Peter Galbraith have been just as vitriolic, just as demeaning and just as unacceptable, especially considering that peter has never once used antagonistic language! I appreciate that Jan has contributed immensely to this forum, and therefore carries an awful lot of weight with all forum attendees, and also the administrator since Jan's contributions weigh heavily in the number of hits to the administrator's site (quite important to them). I also freely admit that the forum would be much the poorer place without Jan's wonderfully thought out more technically challenging discussions. However, unacceptable behaviour remains unacceptable. It is precisely for this reason that I am so unhappy at his latest antics. This thread calling for (and succeeding in achieving) is a bullying tactic of the worst kind. Instead of having reasoned discussions and just agreeing to differ, he has to go on an all-out crusade to get another contributor banned. That's just a breakdown in communication. I appreciate there are troll posters in the world, but Wiley was a genuine contributor, and getting him banned will merely see him resurface as someone else. Better to find common ground than this frankly stupid, destructive, merry-go-round which can only be putting off other genuine newbie contributors. Regards, Frank. |
Gold Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 2137 Registered: May-05 | Frank, You are a gentleman and a scholar. You've stated exactly what I was thinking, but couldn't articulate. One thing I'm not sure if you're about - Baxter and Wiley not being the same person is about as believable as when Pro Wrestling claimed they weren't fake. |
Gold Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 2400 Registered: Sep-04 | Stu, Thanks for the kind words. Although I don't contribute to certain threads (usually ones that have degenerated into a mud-slinging match) I have usually read much of them, and checked what on earth caused the whole thing to explode in the first place, so although my contribution hasn't been from the beginning, I usually only do so once I am fairly well versed in the history. I appreciate that there's something going on with the whole JJJ, Wiley, Baxter Smith, JBJ thing, but this is mostly a reaction, and reactions are provoked by actions. Question is: when will I be banned, or when will a call go out to have me banned? After all, my number of posts doesn't have anything like the weight of certain other contributors. Regards, Frank. |
Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 11445 Registered: May-04 | . "Better to find common ground than this frankly stupid, destructive, merry-go-round which can only be putting off other genuine newbie contributors." And, so, buying yet another ticket for the merry go 'round just to list the shortcomings of another member as you perceive them does what for newcomers? wiley has been banned (at least) three times. By all logic this thread should now be meaningless since the ban has taken place - again. he's still here. He repeatedly flaunts the forum rules without cause other than sheer desire to harrass specific forum members. The administrator repeatedly finds this behavior cause for yet another ban. Anyone seeking my dismissal from the forum is welcome to take the issue up with the adminsitrator. There is a place for just that on the forum. That someone objects to my using my rights to free speech as provided by the forum and then speaks of how I am limiting free speech is over stepping their logical boundaries IMO. To deny that I have the right to come to this forum with the expectation that I will \u[not} be harrassed on any given day at any given moment is foolhardy and can only come from someone who has not been in the same situation for a prolonged period. Anyone who denies wiley targets me and that he attacks anyone who argrees with me with vitriolic anger and language has simply not been paying attention. Anyone who considers that a "contribution" to the forum is out of their friggin'minds! All you have succeeded in doing is providing wiley a bit more of the attention he so desparately desires. Congratulations! "but Wiley was a genuine contributor" To begin with, that is not important if you continually cross the line into constant harrassment. If you wish to debate my behavior on this forum show me where I have continually harrassed anyone over the course of several months. There are members who do not like me and, to be honest, who I am not inviting to my next party. Disagreements will happend and they will sometimes be heated. That is a portion of the free speech we all enjoy on this forum. To act and talk as adults act and talk. However, wiley's posts have been directed at me personally for over a year now. Might I remind you this was the cause for his first ban from the forum. Yet he persists. He persists by defying forum rules. He is acting in anything but adult behavior. Secondly, please, show me the "contribution" wiley has made to this forum. I will then show you the hundreds of posts made under wiley or one of his psuedonyms that are anything but contributory. I assure you, I will have a far simpler job finding my evidence than you will yours. If anyone wishes to complain to the administrator about anything, go here on this thread; Wednesday, September 26, 2007 - 06:06 pm, to find the link to the "suggestions" section of the forum. You have the same rights I have to complain about what happens on this forum. This is our forum and it is what we make it and allow it to be. IMO I have only exercised my right to make this a forum where one member does not constantly derail threads with his continuing harrassment of other contributing members. Exercise your right with the adminsitrator. Brian is the only individual you must convince. To sit and flap your gums otherwise is certainly not beneficial to "genuine newbie contributors". . |
Gold Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 2402 Registered: Sep-04 | Jan, I do not have to vindicate my position and frankly don't have the time nor inclination to go pouring through the reams of distasteful verbage that have been posted by several posters including yourself, compile and collate the evidence of which there is plenty and eventually get you banned which is not something I want to do anyway! What I want is for you to cool it, and act a little less like the king of the hill. I disagree with you on this issue. I dislike the way you have behaved, not just toward Wiley but to newbies as described by Zorro, to Peter Galbraith and sundry other forum members who have been blown out of here because of your tirades. You are indeed correct that we should be able to act and talk as adults. This is why I have specifically stated that yours is the bullying of childish behaviour. I cannot imagine that you would use the language you have used if you were at a convention discussing these issues face to face. Your arguments would have been far more reasoned and, indeed, adult. I have contributed to a greater or lesser extent for 3 years now and in the early days I really enjoyed reading your wonderful posts which were laced with good humour, thoughtful anecdotes and genuinely written for the better understanding of the population at large. I used to admire and respect that poster to my core. Over time, your posts have become increasingly bitter, taken on a thoroughly nasty cast, with really vengeful, spiteful language. I don't want to exercise my right with the administrator. I want the old Jan back. With Best Wishes, Frank. |
Bronze Member Username: 007bPost Number: 18 Registered: Oct-07 | Frank, that Jan is dead and cannot be resuscitated. You are now seeing the real Vigne, drunk with the power of 12 million posts and armed with the assurance that no matter what he says, the Administrators will look the other way unless he is seeking to ban another poster. |
Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 11451 Registered: May-04 | . Walk a mile in my shoes, Frank. Baxter Smith Bronze Member Username: 007b Post Number: 15 Registered: Oct-07 Posted on Thursday, October 04, 2007 - 11:16 am: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to information from one of this forums true gentlemen(unfortunately, they are in short supply-usually have to put up with folks like Vigne), I have the 8400 and I wouldn't part with it for love or money. I have not heard the 85 but if it is on par with the 84, you would have to spend hundreds more to surpass its overall quality. I'm not even on that thread. . |
Bronze Member Username: 007bPost Number: 19 Registered: Oct-07 | Vigne, you're everywhere. That's the problem. |
Gold Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 2405 Registered: Sep-04 | Baxter, so are you and that's part of the problem. If you used to post on the forum 3 years ago, then you should recall what I'm talking about. You might like to call me the eternal optimist but I refuse to believe your position on the subject. Furthermore, your last line is just as unacceptable and in entirely the same vein as the ones I am complaining to Jan about. Don't make the mistake that I'm on your side just because I've come down hard on Jan. |
Bronze Member Username: 007bPost Number: 20 Registered: Oct-07 | Frank, I never make assumptions about anyone on this forum. And I make no effort to curry favor. If folks agree with me fine, if they don't, fine. |
Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 11454 Registered: May-04 | . You've been banned at least three times. Obviously, people and the adminsitrator disagreee with your tactics. Tell me why you continually return in yet another guise. Why can't you follow the rules? When you've been banned you should stay banned. Those are the rules of the forum you have agreed to multiple times. Why do you feel you have the right to ignore rules? . |
Gold Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 2406 Registered: Sep-04 | Baxter, Then if you're not Wiley or whoever else has been banned from the forum, enjoy the environment and make constructive discussion. Don't have sideswipes at anyone. OTOH, if you are said banned person, either clean up your act or leave. |
Bronze Member Username: AvnoviceAL Post Number: 25 Registered: Mar-07 | Frank Abela for President. or Prime Minister This is not a joke. Frank, you epitomize good manners and integrity. Thank you. |
Gold Member Username: NuckPost Number: 8830 Registered: Dec-04 | Of Malta? |
Platinum Member Username: WingmanaliveA pic is worth 1000 posts!! Post Number: 10428 Registered: Jun-06 | Who needs a drink?![]() |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 1614 Registered: Nov-05 | I am so sick of the 'Ban Wiley" email notications. I can't say how sorry I was that I also added: the best thing is to ignore. Just about everyone agrees with that, but this stupid thread has reached 100 posts or so. While I'm here once more and for the final time adding to this ridiculous thread I have to state that while I sometimes understand JV's aggrevation, I have to wholeheartedly agree with Frank Abela's comments also and his commendable behaviour on this forum. Jan, you and I have had our run-ins in the the past, and I have nothing but respect for your help and knowledge that in many cases, you go to a lot of trouble to provide for people including myself, but I cannot understand for the life of me why you go so far overboard when simply replying politely or totally ignoring would go a long way to avoiding these childish spats. You only bring yourself down to the level of those foolish few who antagonise you (and others) and it is way below what I believe is your real character. I know I haven't been perfect, but I think there's a line that should be drawn and our behaviour should reflect who we are: Adults! Anyway, that's it from me except for on threads where everyone acts reasonably and politely. |
Gold Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 2409 Registered: Sep-04 | avnovice, not according to my mum ![]() Paul, ya, mine is a very nice drop of 16 year old Isle of Jura. MR, thanks again (getting embarrassed now), and your post is right on, except that as this is an open forum, children may also be reading here. Regards, Frank. |
Bronze Member Username: 007bPost Number: 22 Registered: Oct-07 | Well I like Frank but I don't think I would vote for him simply because of his entries on this post. But what the hell do I know? We currently have persons in high office who are probably no more qualified. Some of them have actually been voted in for multiple terms. |
Bronze Member Username: 007bPost Number: 23 Registered: Oct-07 | ...on the other hand, there is one poster I would not vote for as dog catcher. Might consider him as Director of Sewage, though. |
Gold Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 2412 Registered: Sep-04 | Baxter That sideswipe is unwarranted and uncalled for. Just let it go for goodness sake. It would be nice to discuss High Fidelity equipment for a change. Frank. |
Gold Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 2140 Registered: May-05 | Careful who you elect as Director Of Sewage. You never know where that sewage will ulitmately end up. An enemy is the last person I'd want for that one. |
Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 11482 Registered: May-04 | . ![]() |
Gold Member Username: NuckPost Number: 8841 Registered: Dec-04 | small, thin Wile E. Coyote holding up a small umbrella comes to mind. Oh wait, that's me! |
Silver Member Username: Mike3Wylie, Tx USA Post Number: 769 Registered: May-06 | Wile E. Coyote? Nuck not PG? Road Runner? Not Jan? Mike B. may know something about them, Plymouths. Manufactured in Belvedere, Illinois, U.A.W. Sorry, a little appropo bleed over from another thread. |
Bronze Member Username: 007bPost Number: 24 Registered: Oct-07 | Frank, while I understand your efforts, I trust you are not so naieve as to believe that a thread devoted to banning a poster can maintain a civil tone. It is by its very nature contentious. Blame Vigne for starting it and the Administrators for allowing him to do so. |
Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 11489 Registered: May-04 | . Jan Vigne Posted on Wednesday, September 26, 2007 - 04:08 pm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once and for all get rid of him. No comments or arguments, please. Just sign on if you agree. . |
New member Username: MagfanPost Number: 7 Registered: Oct-07 | Jan, you're gonna blow a gasket. don't do it. |
Gold Member Username: NuckPost Number: 8860 Registered: Dec-04 | Anyone who badmouths Frank A. is nekertny The nicest guy in the world and you dis Frank?!? Everybody say 'booo' for dissing a Primo member here. Booo! |
Gold Member Username: NuckPost Number: 8861 Registered: Dec-04 | Boooo! |
Bronze Member Username: WattsssupBarrie, ON Canada Post Number: 94 Registered: Aug-06 | Wodek, bring some of your accoustic treatments in here, I think there's an echo. Just kiddin Nuck. |
Silver Member Username: Mike3Wylie, Tx USA Post Number: 781 Registered: May-06 | Oops, that probably wasn't the acoustic treatment you wanted... |
Bronze Member Username: WattsssupBarrie, ON Canada Post Number: 95 Registered: Aug-06 | ahhhh......that's better. Hi Marylin. |
Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 11513 Registered: May-04 | . See, Frank. This thread is pleasing to newbies. |
Gold Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 2419 Registered: Sep-04 | Heh, thanks for the backup people. Baxter, it was contentious when it started which is when I was not happy but it has settled down to a pleasant discourse (very pleasant viewing three posts up). Do you know it's so rare to see more than a brief glimpse of Marilyn Monroe nowadays that I'd forgotten what a positively beautiful face she had? Such a shame... Regards, Frank. |