Matching bookshelfs for NAD


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Username: Andrewh973

Post Number: 5
Registered: Nov-06

Can I get some recommendations for bookshelf speakers to be matched to NAD C542 CD Player and NAD C325BEE Intergrated amp.

Dues to smaller living room and configuration, bookshelf speakers are in order. Music listened to: rock, jazz, classical, folk, vocals.

Much appreciated.


Gold Member
Username: Stu_pitt

Irvington, New York USA

Post Number: 2090
Registered: May-05
My personal favorite is the PSB Image B25. Its really the speaker to beat in its price range IMO. Great speaker and great synergy with NAD.

Paradigm, B&W, Epos, and Energy all make very good speakers for about the same budget range. The best is a personal thing.

Platinum Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 11270
Registered: May-04

Do they really have to fit on a bookshelf? Can you use stands?

New member
Username: Andrewh973

Post Number: 6
Registered: Nov-06
Stu, thanks much for the advice. Jan, stands are possible, but the living room is configured such that it'll be difficult--they'll be in the way. What did you have in mind?

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Username: Exerciseguy

Brooklyn, NY United States

Post Number: 1297
Registered: Oct-04

Gold Member
Username: Exerciseguy

Brooklyn, NY United States

Post Number: 1298
Registered: Oct-04
Are speakers ever actually put on bookshelves? Wall-units perhaps, but bookshelves, now that's a rarity.

Silver Member
Username: Malco49

Baltimore, Maryland Usa

Post Number: 121
Registered: May-05
i would have to concur that bookshelf speakers rarely fit on bookshelves! many mini system speakers but not stand alone speakers.
i champion the PSB image B25's that i use with my cambridge AZUR 540A(v1)not that different at least in price from NAD.
can't say i have heard tons of bookshelves but when i went to buy speakers i heard KEF and Focal and once i heard the PSB's was sold right away.
now i do use mine on atlantis speakerstands and isonode isolation.i find the speakers dynamic and able to handle a wide range of music stlyes.
good luck with your choice.

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Username: Exerciseguy

Brooklyn, NY United States

Post Number: 1299
Registered: Oct-04 ViewItem

Gold Member
Username: Exerciseguy

Brooklyn, NY United States

Post Number: 1300
Registered: Oct-04
I'm sure the PSB B25 are a fantastic match with the NAD (I've heard the B25 with a differrent NAD amp, and it sounded great from what I can rememeber), but if the budget is in the $500 range, I would also strongly consider a pair of Monitor Audio S2 for $449+s/h, the S2 is a bit more detailed than the B25 IMHO, and would mate well with the warmth of the NAD.

The Wharfedale Diamond 9.2 for $292+s/h is another strong contender d=9356d577213ed2c21ff6486c3e9fb4b3

And the Infinity Beta 20 for $248 (delivered) temZ130153091596QQihZ003QQcategoryZ14991QQcmdZViewItem

Gold Member
Username: Nuck

Post Number: 8636
Registered: Dec-04
Hey kids, like I said, CM can shop!
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