change anything about your system, within the price constraints of the value of your current system? Eg, if you could undo buying your current receiver, would you buy an integrated amplifier for around the same price? Would you have different speakers? Would you completely change your system? Why or why not?
For me, I play the "what if" game a little more than I probably should. I drool over new speakers, amps, etc as much as the next guy. Fortunately, when I do think more about things more deeply than "ohh those speakers look pretty and have cool measurements", I do end up reinforcing my purchasing decisions.
I rarely worry too much about my specific speakers, receiver, etc. They all work well together, and give me good all round performance. Beyond that, I've generally gotten bored reading about how the performance crown gets handed off to a new speaker each month. Heck, it seems like the Ascend Sierra has already been beaten by something from Swan (according to folks at AVS anyways). While they may be in a whole other league from my Emmas according to the hype machine, I think I'll live without rushing out to hear what these new contenders have to offer.
What I do second guess more often is my system architecture. There is no two ways about it: my system is compromised in both musical and HT capabilities by space and financial constraints. I have a system that delivers excellent performance in both HT and music; however, it is a true master of neither. As such I do occasionally lust after other systems that are weighted towards one or the other. Fortunately at the end of the day, I'm able to recognize the balance that I currently have is right for me.
Good post Stephen. I too am guilty of lusting after new gear on frequent basis. It actually drives my wife crazy I think. Every time I come home with something new she kinda just rolls her eyes, wondering what was wrong with the speakers I just replaced, etc.
Part of the problem for me I think is that I am relatively new to the hobby, so I'm still learning what sounds good, and what doesn't.
I can give you a concrete example of one of the things that I think I would have changed with my system. If I had to do it all over again, instead of going with NAD power amps (I have two NAD C272s), I would have purchased Outlaw 2200 monoblocks all around instead.
I enjoy the upfront attack of the Outlaws when listening to music. After spending a lot of time listening to music with the NADs I find their sound to be a little compressed, and almost "mushy" sounding.
David - Could the C272 power amp sounding mushy have anything to do with the NAD/Pioneer mix? Just curious.
Stephen - For me, it would be hard to change anything for the SAME amount of money I have spent, as I got a lot of my gear for almost cost prices through friends that work for my dealer. But I can tell you what I do NOW want to change. I would like to change my center channel up to the Studio series Paradigm line. Reason being, is that I purchased a used pair of mint 1996 Paradigm Studio Monitor speakers for my fronts. These speakers are what became the Studio 100's. To people who know what they are, such as ART and a few others on this forum. They can kick some butt. The tweeters are the same tweeters that the Studio series used up until the new Version that just came out. That said, my Paradigm Monitor series center channel has trouble keeping up. I would change that first. Also, like you said in your first post about room problems, I have as well. My room sucks. But when I buy the new home coming in the next year or so, I will have a dedicated home theater room im hoping.
Either way, the hobby wouldn't be a hobby if we all didn't get the upgrade bug. As for spending the same amount of something else, no change for me. But down the road, my system will get better, and will cost me more money than
I would have bought a home with better potential for a quality listening space. No options on that one at the time, for various reasons. Without a reasonable prospect for a space with more than 7'6" ceilings, the speakers will have to be what they are. Although I have no regrets at all about the rest of the stuff.
David- LOL, nah man, your receiver is cool. My uncle Al had a NAD C270 with a old pioneer receiver and he said it didnt give him what he wanted, thats why I was just curious. I have the C272 hooked up to my T763 and I don't get that muddy/mushy sound. Although, I do need a single channel power amp for my center, I was considering the outlaw. Ive heard the outlaw power amps just recently, they sounded decent but in the setup I heard it in I wasn't overly impressed. It was the 7500 or something like that?? But the guy was running it to a cheap Yamaha receiver which was probably the I read good things about it, and will consider 2200 or another C272.
Gavin- I have a nice set of Logitech computer speakers you can have.LOL.
Maybe if I were going to do anything to our system for a reasonable price I'd add another C272. Many have told of the the advantages in bridging them and using them as monoblocks, but seriously, I find the Apollo/C162/C272/Quad 22L's really do deliver the goods and unless, by some good fortune I could afford some higher end gear without blinking an eye, I would say I was in affordable musical nirvana. I certainly don't hear any mushiness :-)
M.R- Being a NAD owner like I am, did you notice a HUGE difference when upgrading to the Apollo cd player? I ask this, as I come back to mention, I am in the market perhaps for a new CD My system was built around Home Theater, although my T763 crunches out two channel music as good as any NAD integrate I have heard, I am looking into making the system better for two channel audio. I think the CD player has to be upgraded.
Nick, I previously had a C542. When we (meaning wife and I) auditioned the Apollo we did it side by side with another C542. The NAD sounded like it was running out steam compared to the Apollo - so much so that even my wife commented on the difference. It also took away the slight edginess the NAD had and was overall better in all regions such as bass, mids and high end where it is very clean and detailed. Mind you, the C542 was a fabulous cdp for the money. Whether the difference is HUGE to you is one thing or whether it is worth the upgrade. It is about increments vs dollars, but to me it was worth it.
If you could take your C521 to an audtion to compare you may well be suprised.
I changed a lot in my system, like some of you I wish I just went to were I am at now right from the get go. However we also all know we could not have gotten to the point we are now had we not been on our respective paths.
Most things I had impressed me when I got them because they were better than what they replaced and I really did not have a clue as to what good really was until I started hanging out here with you all.
No worries Gavin. I'm just giving you a hard time. I'd readily admit Bose has gotten a thing or two right in its history.
I'm not shocked that some of the ecoustics veterans have no qualms with their systems. Most of the folks here have more music oriented systems. I'm curious what kind of concessions there are in HT though.
And of course I'm interested in the folks whose systems are geared towards HT and how they view their musical performance. I suppose my goals are a bit different from most here though.
My work week just ended so I'm a bit late to the dance...sorry. The only thing I would change is the ugly circuitous route I took to get here, meaning all of the useless dollars spent. I could have a full Mac or Naim system with the money I've spent on audio over the last several years.
With the actual retail of the gear I have now I'm very satisfied. You may have noticed my recent foray into vintage audio...if the main system wasn't right that wouldn't happen.
What's most amazing to won't be to Frank or Jan, folks with experience and savvy, is just how much it is still improving. There is a lot of value in just leaving it the heck alone for a while and let it, and you, settle in.
For equal money, I honestly wouldn't change a single thing. I think my integrated amp, CD player, and speakers are the best I could do with my budget.
While buying a Rega P2 instead of my Pro-Ject 1Xpression my have been a better move, I didn't have a local Rega dealer at the time, and thought (and still do) it would be better to buy from a local dealer than order on line. Not that I think a P2 is far better, but its a little better in stock form than the Xpression is.
Then again, the 1Xpression with the Speed Box beats the stock P2 IMO.
Nah - on second thought, after the amount of bucks I threw down for all my stuff, my wallet's so empty, right now all I can afford is to type this cheesy post.
Maybe, when I'm not so busy and if I get motivated, I'll throw some pix up here.
...Or it would probably just be easier to invite y'all over for a poker game (I'll supply the liquor, wine, beer, cognac, food and music -- you'll have to supply your own cigars/cigs.!).