Center for Jmlab 826s


New member
Username: Dbailey34

Post Number: 1
Registered: May-04
I've been looking around for a center speaker and a receiver for my system. Ok, I already have a stereo system with Rotel Integrated, Rotel CD Player and my JmLab 826s. I want to upgrade it to an HT system.
In this point I really can have some advice from You.

For Receiver; Yamaha V540 may be an option.

For Center; Biggest problem for me is to choose the center. I know it's important in an HT system and it 's better to use "matching" speaker with the main speakers. But JmLab CC800S is not an option for me since it's an expensive one. I don't want to spend too much money on building HT.

Please give some advice.

Silver Member
Username: Hawk

Highlands Ranch, CO USA

Post Number: 575
Registered: Dec-03

You do not, I repeat, do not want to pair a Yamaha receiver with JMlabs speakers. Both are rather bright sounding and combined it may lead you to thoughts of suicide. It is a very bad combo.

First, you are obviously aware that the three front speakers need to be voice matched if at all possible to give the sound a seamless quality across the front. Since you cannot afford the CC800S, I would recommend the Boston Acoustics VR-MC, which has a similar sound as your Cobalts. Also has a similar finish if you have the "Classic" finish on your Cobalts. The MSRP is $599, but you should be able to get it for about $475, which is almost half the cost of the Cobalt center. Contact Kiefs ( and speak to Ed at extension 109.

As for a receiver, as I said, the Cobalts tend to be very bright with the wrong electronics. Having said that, with the right electronics, they sound very airy, with a tremendous amount of detail--they really are very nice speakers and worth getting a matching center. I would suggest you look at a Marantz 5400 or a H/K 330 as appropriate receivers in what I think is your price range. Better yet, if money is tight, consider a good Marantz refurb from which has some very fine prices on older model Marantz receivers such as the 6300 or 5300.

Good luck!

Unregistered guest
Maybe I am in the wrong place, but here goes.
I have psb classic 200c center, psb stratus silver fronts, and psb alpha(older) surrounds.
The amp is h/k avr 65. Subs are run via technics piece of crud w/2X 12" sub boxes, 100wX2.
I can crank that unit till it overheats and still not warm up the speakers. Any ideas for an amp for this set-up?
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