i find my onkyo i little harsh sounding. i dont feel relaxed when i play some of my soft listening music. i have connected the onkyo amp to my 901 bose with QEDs. i have also used different brands of wires like eccosse and mosters but am not sastisfied. i like to know is there a cable brand that i should use to take care of this problem. i am also looking for speakers for movies and music. i like to know which speakers i should get to match my onkyo receiver and also which cable brand i should use. thankyou
If you believe that the amplifier is harsh sounding, what help do you really think different wiring can offer? Garbage in, garbage out. Same with speakers.
If it were me, I would get rid of the amplifier for starters. I'd probably ditch the 901s too; however, that is your call. If you like them, by all means use them.
If you keep the 901s, find out what other 901 owners are using to successfully drive the speakers. See if you can get those amplifiers to try out, and see if they meet your needs.
If you decide to get rid of both the 901s and the Onkyo, go to a hi-fi dealer or two, and listen to a few complete systems (source, amp, speakers) within your price range. Pick the one you feel offers the best performance and call it a wrap.
It might take a bit more effort than just trying different wires, but its usually worth it.