As Jan said, why limit yourself to these two speakers unless you have already gone through the audition process.
Can you provide some more info, such as style of music, size of room, and what you are powering them with.
Speakers and amp-receiver combos are not quite so cut and dry that you can pick up a pair of speakers, and a seemingly decent receiver and expect them to sound good.
Onkyo receivers have been known to be grainy, and if you pair that with a speaker from a brand like Klipsch, you have a recepie for ear fatigue.
The CR77 are very good if you can find them for about $200/pr., they become slightly less attractive as the price goes up towards the $300 category. However, I would say they're very competitive with many models in the sub-$400 category.
I am looking at purchasing a HK 340 or 445 receiver. I think that it will also be powering a Boston PV 500 sub. In terms of room size it would be a medium room. Music would mostly consist of rock. I am REALLY looking for "lively highs" on music such as acoustic rock. (Jose Gonzalez, Ray LaMontange etc) Also how are Yamaha receivers esp. the HTR series?
My friend who use to work at the big box store, Future shop, had all polk RTi series all around on a H/K 645 receiver. The H/K receiver I liked, the polks I didn't. He has Paradigm Monitor Series all around now with the same H/K receiver and it sounds a thousand times better. The sound is so much warmer and dark compared to the bright sound the H/K and polks provided. I would go Boston, or look into the Paradigm Atom V5 bookies. They will be in the same price range. Cheers.
are you classifying "lively highs" as bright highs or clear highs, there is a definable difference.
Bright highs are usually defined as "peaky", which stand out. Clear highs are just that, clear, but the tweeter need not make its voice heard above all else.