I just moved into a new home using structured wiring RG6 for the sub to the Denon AVR987 receiver in the basement, problem is now my AR sub which has always worked great with the previous Sony receivers is making a very quite popping sound every time the auto on/off kicks in and out. On music it's not bad because it only happens when the song changes but on regualar TV is happens every few seconds and is very annoying. The TV audio is coming to the receiver via HDMI from the DISH receiver. Any ideas on what is causing this popping and why the sub continually comes on and off when a TV signal is being broadcast to it? Thanks,
Start by calling Dish Network. Unplug the satellite input to the receiver and determine if there are any changes. If there are, then Dish Network should at least try to resolve the issue. This sort of problem usually relates to a fault in the muting circuit of either the receiver or the subwoofer.