As i am looking to move from NAD T773 receiver to ARCAM 350 receiver, I audited both ARCAM and NAD amps (as I am more listening to music), and found out that the sound of the NAD amp is more what I am looking for. ARCAM was good but more bright. Now, I am wondering if the NAD amp is not what I am looking. Any advice?
take it home and try both if possible with your own audio set-up not store set-up. Got NAD743 last year, then I got pair of totem Arro's. In store Arro's were spectacular but I was listening to them with Briston and some high end cd player. Got home and it was dissapointment. After a year of breaking in tweeking... I changed NAD for Arcam280 and I love it now. Before I got Arcam I took from the store totem Staff just to see if my problem was speakers. connected them to B to NAD and listen some tunes back and forth Arro's and Staff. For me was Arro's hands down but I was able to detemine this only when I had both set in my home env. So do it the same. get both for a day and try. Pablo
Provided both units were used with the same components (i.e. same source player, speakers and appropriate cabling), then the comparison was fair. If so, you do prefer the sound of the NAD and if you still want to upgrade the sound you'd be looking at NAD's Masters series.
If the comparison did not compare like with like - i.e. it used a different source, or different source connection (e.g. different digital connection type), different speakers and appropriate cabling, then the comparison is not a fair one and so would not be reliable.