Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 4805 Registered: Feb-05 | Just struck a deal to buy a Rega Saturn...very exciting!!! Must first sell my Apollo and P3. Should have my Saturn by mid June, if all goes well. |
Bronze Member Username: DudywoxerScunthorpeUK Post Number: 25 Registered: Mar-06 | Congratulations, June will not come quicky enough for you, and welcome to the Saturn Club, although I think you will miss the P3. It will certainly check out the bottom end on those 5's of yours. It just builds on everything that the apollo has. |
Silver Member Username: RsxmanPost Number: 268 Registered: Jul-05 | Wow art you are a madman going for that P5 first and now that Saturn!!! email your price on that p3 at |
Bronze Member Username: DudywoxerScunthorpeUK Post Number: 27 Registered: Mar-06 | Sorry, didn't see you had a 5, youll not miss the 3 then\clipart{lol} |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 4807 Registered: Feb-05 | Sent an email to ya Eric. Thanks Colin. I'm looking forward to the changes. Not in that big a hurry because the stuff I have is fabulous! |
Silver Member Username: Mike3Wiley, Tx USA Post Number: 394 Registered: May-06 | Art, Due diligence? I hope you really had a good audition with the Saturn. It is not like the Apollo. Certain music sounds better on the Apollo than it does on the Saturn. I am not attempting to put down the Saturn as I believe it is the better of the two, but having had both they are more different than one being the better of the other. Check out NMyTree, he has been able to keep both the Apollo and Saturn. There is a reason he did and I am just wanting to convey that to you. Other than that, way to go my friend, I am sure you will be in Hi-fi heaven. BTW I am still waiting to hear more on your 100% improvements. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 4810 Registered: Feb-05 | Waiting to post pictures. Do tell Michael relative to certain music sounding better on the Apollo...what music might that be? |
Silver Member Username: RsxmanPost Number: 270 Registered: Jul-05 | Ive heard both the Apollo and the Saturn with Blue grass music and texas blues. They both sounded excellent to my ears but the Saturn had a more authoritative presence about its midrange, it was bright or forward at all. It was more elevated and believable; more convincing of its imaging capabilities i would say. but what the hell do i know, im totally new to this |
Silver Member Username: RsxmanPost Number: 271 Registered: Jul-05 | wasnt it what i meant to say lol |
Gold Member Username: NuckPost Number: 7407 Registered: Dec-04 | Yes, what's your take on the Saturn/Apollo Mike, Tree? |
Gold Member Username: NuckPost Number: 7408 Registered: Dec-04 | Art, how did you demo the Saturn? |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 4811 Registered: Feb-05 | I didn't demo it Nuck. In 34 years in audio I've never bought a reputable audio companies step up product and have it not be better than the one below it. I made the deal with my friends in Eugene and they don't carry the Saturn because they are analog guys. They just sell the Apollo just to have a cd player available. |
Gold Member Username: NuckPost Number: 7409 Registered: Dec-04 | Got it Art. Are you going to be able to have both players at the same time, at least for a while? I didn't A/B both together(Mike didn't need to), if you can do so, I wanna hear all about it. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 4813 Registered: Feb-05 | As stated above I must first sell the Apollo and P3 before I pick up the Saturn. I don't have the scratch to have them both together. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 4814 Registered: Feb-05 | I forgot to mention that I believe that there will be a difference with an all Rega system than without. It's like Naim gear is great alone but together reaches an altogether different level. The best review of the Saturn that I've read is the one in Stereo Times and he used the Mira 3 and Vandersteen 2Ce's for his initial audition. I'm also interested in your impression of the two. |
Gold Member Username: NuckPost Number: 7411 Registered: Dec-04 | I have had limited time to gather a full scale impression of the Apollo, as there seems to be somebody sleeping here all the time. I quietly and clmly dismiss the fact, and take my times when available, as opposed to when I would like, which, of course, is not conducive to the best listening environment. That said, I have a bit of a hard time with the Apollo in some cases. The PRaT of the player does not sound, in any way, shape or form like the Rotel 1072, which is most common to me. The Classe Transdac is (was) my preference for, say Sinatra, Krall and anything else non-rock(ya know what I mean), but the Apollo is a hands down winner for smoooth listening. The Apollo does not Rock as smoothly with my kit. Which is fine, as my tastes evolve(along with my age), the Rega player is exactly in line with what I want. The Saturn(as reviewed by Mike and I) is a different beast. Warm it up, oh please do. Once on cue the Saturn is a wonderful player. Timing is paramount to the focus of the player. I cannot, at any price(hi Shane) imagine a player better suited to your purpose, Art. None. Cept'n maybe the Jupiter? Art, spin SRV as soon as you get it,I wanna hear what YOU think. Fir that matter, how is SRV on your setup now? |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 4816 Registered: Feb-05 | I'm not sure as I've not been in the mood to hear SRV for quite sometime...I'll try to give it a listen before I make the change and thanks for the feedback. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 4820 Registered: Feb-05 | So last weekend my AVR overheated and it appeared to be because of inadequate ventilation. I had recently moved it to accomodate the .8 meter vdH interconnects I bought for the XM. Now I was in a quandry as the new placement was not working out...hmmm. I decided to start from scratch. We moved the TV off of the stand and I waved goodbye to my wife as she went shopping and/or looked for other time consuming activities to keep from listening to me grunt and curse as I move the gear around. Next I removed all of the components. I bought the Studio Tech cabinet used 3 years ago and when we brought it home we just set it up and didn't pay much attention to what was in the spare parts bag. Time had come to look. Above is the cabinet, mine is in cherry. It has different handles but other than that it is the same. Pay careful attention to the feet... ![]() I turned the cabinet over and reached into my parts bad and replaced them with the supplied spikes (no pictures unfortunately as I put them on before getting out the camera). So far so good. Then I noticed some other interesting pieces in the bag of parts...hmm. Might just as well try those. So I replaced the stock parts... ![]() with these... ![]() ![]() Now were cookin' So what the heck I bought the old paver with bad intentions last fall, my wife is out at the store so she can't yell, not at least until she gets home by which time I can claim (honestly) back issues and that it can't be changed tonight, so let's see... ![]() After all she has already tolerated.... ![]() While I'm at it I will use one of my Premier cabinet shelves to give my Rega TT some lightweight isolation and strategically place vibrapods between the Premier shelf and the Lovan shelf that is has been on. ![]() ![]() End result of all of this messin' around is a major improvement in every aspect of the system's sound..and the TV's picture. One thing that the Rega gear has never excelled at is low level resolution...uh uh...also the Rega has been bettered in my home experience in quiet late night listening..uh uh. The difference in both of those is night and day. Everything sounds not just a little better but an order of magnitude better. |
Silver Member Username: Mike3Wiley, Tx USA Post Number: 396 Registered: May-06 | Art, I had a similar experience with my mother of all sweet spot speaker placement. Low volume listening never sounded so crisp before. Nice surprise in the little bag from your cabinet huh? Either I am still getting used to the Saturn combined with the speaker placement, or I really did like the sound I of the Apollo better on some acoustical cuts I have, tracks 1 and 5 of Pink Floyd's Animals CD, and a couple of Clapton acoustical songs, don't quite remember which ones. Nuck is right about the Saturn having a stronger presence in the mid-range, and a fuller bottom end I must add. Other vocalists, like Cash and Elvis really come across wonderfully on the Saturn. And the Saturn does Rock better than any play I have heard. Since classic Rock is 75% of what I listen too it is the best player for me. I recently heard an Apollo in someone else's kit and it was so so sweet. I truly sense that there are set-ups and situations that could favor one over the other. As to your "I forgot to mention that I believe that there will be a difference with an all Rega system than without." I would whole heartedly agree. Listening to the 2nd CD of my Southern Rock Gold, to be follow by Pink Floyd - Pigs, vinyl, then since you are not in the mood, The Essentila SRV and Double Trouble - double CD. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 4822 Registered: Feb-05 | So Mike what exactly is it that you like better about the sound of the Apollo on the tracks you've described? |
Silver Member Username: RsxmanPost Number: 273 Registered: Jul-05 | so art do tell about the vibrapods i was thinking of picking up a whole bunch of them. did they make a decent improvement? |
Silver Member Username: Mike3Wiley, Tx USA Post Number: 398 Registered: May-06 | I will do the best I can to explain this Art. There is a signature to the Apollo which is both warm and laid back when compared to the Saturn. There are certainly similarities to both machines and I find the Saturn worth every penny, but there is some music that I do not think requires the weight which the Saturn delivers it. Unfortunately since I nailed my speaker placements, with Jan's patient coaching, there is so much more I am getting with the Saturn (and my Linn) that I did not get before it is difficult for me to keep it in perspective. I realize the more specific I can get the more helpful this would be for you, but when I try to think of how to describe it, colors comes to mind more than anything else. There is color to the Apollo that is different than the color of the Saturn. I too could not afford the Saturn without sacrificing my Apollo, but having both would have been nice. Unlike NMyTree, I would have had to use them both in the same system. My system is probably one of a kind with the refurbished slightly modded Carver. I do not have the synergy that you have with Rega. Not better, not worse, just different. To me there is a very real difference in the sound I get with the Saturn and there is music I listen to, which to me in its simplicity, does not need everything the Saturn does for it. That is where the Apollo is missed. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 4827 Registered: Feb-05 | Thanks for explaining Michael. Seems that the Saturn should work for me. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 4835 Registered: Feb-05 | NMT do you have any insights relative to Saturn vs Apollo. |
Silver Member Username: NmytreePost Number: 115 Registered: Aug-04 | Hi Art. Hi guys. Unfortunately the work we are doing on the house, is not completed yet. So I still haven't really had a good chance to listen to the Saturn on my main system. I am very anxious to hear this baby, so I did hook it up to my second system and sneek a brief preview. The one I noticed off the bat was that the Saturn packs more of a kick and punch (in terms of dynamics and delivery), than the Apollo. At least that's the impression I got from my brief listen. I find it very smooth and musical, but in a slightly.....maybe a little more than just slightly way, from the Apollo. That's all I can really this time. Believe me, as soon as my main system is back up and cranking; I will give the Saturn a good work out.....for several months. I will post my opinions as soon as I get more than the lame 5-10 hours I have had, now. Sorry, I know this doesn't help you guys.....right now. But that's all I have. And for the record, I will have both the Apollo and Saturn in the same main system; with my other Apollo going in my second system. I decided that I could not remove my first Apollo from the great synergy it has with my Butler amp, Wharfedale Opus 2 and Vincent SAT1 Pre-Amp. Although the Vincent Pre Amp will he competing for it's job with a McIntosh C220; by the time my first system gets put back together. That will be the first McIntosh Pre Amp I will try with the system. If I find the results I'm looking for, it will stay and the Vincent Pre Amp gets moved to my second system. Which means my Musical Design pre amp may be moved to the third system. We'll see. The Musical Design Pre Amp ain't no slouch either, so it may still prevail in the second system. Should be a good |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 4842 Registered: Feb-05 | Thanks for the reponse NMT. Think I'll go ahead with the deal. Frank, do you have any insights before I move ahead? |
Silver Member Username: Mike3Wiley, Tx USA Post Number: 401 Registered: May-06 | Art, Why am I getting the sense you are not sure about this??? |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 4844 Registered: Feb-05 | "Due diligence? I hope you really had a good audition with the Saturn. It is not like the Apollo. Certain music sounds better on the Apollo than it does on the Saturn. I am not attempting to put down the Saturn as I believe it is the better of the two, but having had both they are more different than one being the better of the other. Check out NMyTree, he has been able to keep both the Apollo and Saturn. There is a reason he did and I am just wanting to convey that to you." I'm fairly confident it's the right move but statements like the one above does at least give pause to think. There is considerable evidence that the difference between the machines is exactly what I'm looking for but without the opportunity to audition the proof will be in the playin'. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 4847 Registered: Feb-05 | I think I will hold off on the Saturn and enjoy my P5 for awhile. Perhaps got carried away. I haven't change my mind due to not believing that it will be the right sound but more due to not wanting to be poor all summer (paying off the P5 and Saturn). |
Gold Member Username: NuckPost Number: 7424 Registered: Dec-04 | Ideally, Art, you could have both. Second best, a few weeks with both. Third best, satisfaction with where you are now, and keep an eye out for that great deal. I like your most recent opinion. |
Gold Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 2193 Registered: Sep-04 | Art, are you sure those Vibrapods are actually helping the sound? My experience with Vibrapods is that they open the sound out but make the timing less assured. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 4884 Registered: Feb-05 | I think so Frank. I have gone back and forth on it. I'm using heavier (higher) number ones than are recommended which seems to be the trick with Rega gear. I would never use them directly under the table but with that shelf I think it improves the sound. Probably because the table is so close to the speaker it needs the extra isolation and just a smidge of suspension. |
Gold Member Username: Thx_3417Bournemouth ... Post Number: 4025 Registered: May-05 | Art Bingo I see you have done the same thing with a concrete slap or other placed underneath the sub. What where you're impressions about using a concrete slap after listening as well as feeling the difference? |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 5104 Registered: Feb-05 | I'm still using it. Bass tightened up and can be felt in the chest rather than the feet. It was a good move. |
Gold Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 2278 Registered: Sep-04 | Still no Saturn? (Or did I miss that?) |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 5108 Registered: Feb-05 | Nope, decided to just enjoy my P5 and Apollo for now Frank. I'm listening to about 80% vinyl these days. Got some cd's comin' in the mail though. |