Those of you that thought PA was crap; I have a number for you: 163.4db! Here is the set up: 2 PA SL5500's wired down to 1ohm 4 Sound Stream SPLX 15.2 8 optima batteries 1 Phoenix Gold Bass Cube 1 MTX 4-way X-over Monster RCA's 4 50 farad power caps Vehicle dynamat extreme whole truck top to bottom
First sweep was 161.3 to find the note. Note was 53 hertz.
Charged the batteries for 1 hour for my second run and as I said 163.4db's
PA did the due with the new SL5500. I was very skeptical about it but there you have it. PA is not crap, it just depends on your amps,subs, BOX, and the INSTALLER. For the money; the PA SL5500 is a true monster just like the MA Audio 4000D, Lanzar 4000D, Visonik 4000D, and Cliff Designs 4000D. Good Luck.}}}