| I have several vintage stereo receiver/amplifiers and would like to set up a home display so each receiver/amp could alternately, (by changing a switch manually) drive the same set of speakers. Parts Express is selling a DLS Home Audio SPEAKER SWITCHING CENTER Part Number 240-075---it is normally used to switch 5 sets of speakers into one power amplifier. Can this unit be wired--in reverse- so as to switch 5 power amplifiers into one speaker set??? Also, any information you can provide on why the overload protection is required on the above DLS unit would be helpful----are the designers concerned that the switches are "make-before-break" and so, when switched, the amp outputs can be temporarily connected together??????????????????? Seems like a break-before-make swicth would solve that problem, so I don't understand. I'm thinking about building my own switching box. Finally, does anyone know how to contact DLS home audio in the US? The only web address I know is Sweden. THX |
Derek | You may be better off building it with a heavy duty break before make rotory switch. I used to design spakers and used one with 4 passive cross-overs to quickly allow me to measure a driver with a microphone. I think it was this one http://www.radioshack.com/product.asp?catalog%5Fname=CTLG&category%5Fname=CTLG%5F011%5F002%5F015%5F005&product%5Fid=275%2D1386 What you don't want is a switch that has impedence matching and use it in reverse like this... http://www.hifistore.co.uk/product.php?qsProd=SS50 It looks like all of the ones in Parts Express have that. One slip-up and you connect the amps to each other. If you want absolute safety you could build a switch board with Phone jacks and plugs like the old telephone operator system. I wish I knew where the hifi stores buy thier stuff, but I don't. Hope this helps. |