What should my speakers delay time be? My center speakers and front speakers are about 10 ft from the listenning position. The 2 rear speakers are about 3 feet from the listenning position. As of now, it sounds like 2 dimensional. I have an Yahama 5560 receiver. I believe I can only set the center speaker delay time from 0ms to 5ms. The receiver has few preset movie programs such as movie theater 1, movie theater 2, music, etc... I've checked on movie theater 1 & movie theater 2 programs (the 2 that I use most), the preset or default delay time is 15ms. I can change that setting from 0ms -15ms only. I was wondering if I can set it higher than 15ms??? or what should my delay time be? Any other tips to help me improve the sound quality? Thanks in advance...
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1 ms for every 1.1 feet from the acoustical center for rear surround delay.