Does anyone have the mcintosh mx120? Im close to buying the mx120 with mc 207. I know its not the best to use HDMI through most audio ,but the mcintosh i think will be good .Any comments about that?
Sure, George, ignore the hdmi. Keep the audio and video functions purely seperate. A unit that handles video is inherently subject to trade-offs in the audio dept. Walmart sells shoes and toasters. Neither the footwear or the appliance are of a standard of quality that I would strive for, but may have to settle for. Do you want to settle?
Yeesh! Sounds rather petulant there, GR. $13k for more inputs? Ever heard of a switch box?
So, what are the alternatives? What other products have you considered if you don't buy the McIntosh? Why the Mac? What are you coming from now? What have you been using and is this change being made strictly for more HDMI inputs? You do realize in a few years HDMI, as it is currently marketed, will be as obsolete as S-video or progressive inputs are right now; don't you? That's how this industry works. You'd be better off buying a new TV every few years.