Subwoofer placement issue...


Silver Member
Username: Ccdoggy

Post Number: 112
Registered: Jul-06
So i finally finished my LLT FI Q 15" driver with an EP2500 powering it. I will be moving into an "apartment" and need to figure out how to setup all my sound gear in my room.

I basically have 2 options, The first being something i think might work, and one that will work.

1st option is to do the usual thing and put it in the front left corner, pretty safe and generic place to put a sub.

2nd option which would make my life allot easier would be to put the sub in the middle of the wall and have the center channel actually be on top of the Sub with the left and right fronts next to the sub. This would help allot as i dont know how much room i have to work with and the sub takes allot of space, with it in the middle i could have the AV rack on the right side or really where ever i wanted.

The problem i see with the 2nd option is mainly the response. The room is a rectangle but i have no clue what the actual dimensions are.

Do you for see any real problems by center locating the sub? would it really be that bad?

Thanks for all the help!

Platinum Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 10342
Registered: May-04

I assume you haven't read any set up guides for subwoofers.

Silver Member
Username: Ccdoggy

Post Number: 113
Registered: Jul-06
well i have, the issue is room and having the sub in the middle.

The sub is not small by any measure, its 12 cubic feet. There in lies the problem.

Platinum Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 10345
Registered: May-04

I would assume the issue would be where does the sub work best, regardless of size. It would appear you are asking for our permission to place the sub in the middle. Center placement of a sub is seldom the best location. And placing another speaker on top of the sub is usually to be avoided. What exactly are you asking?

Bronze Member
Username: Dmitchell

Ottawa, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 73
Registered: Feb-07
Placing your center on top of your sub probably would not be such a good idea. Just thinking how much my subs vibrate... I'm sure there are all sorts of sonic issues involved with this as well.

Silver Member
Username: Ccdoggy

Post Number: 118
Registered: Jul-06
I suppose the sub vibrations would make their way to the center channel's woofers which is definetly not optimal.

I am more or less asking if i will be alright with the response i will get with the sub in the middle compared to the corner. is it still going to sound good, or will it need a good amount of equalization?

Silver Member
Username: Davidpa

Portland, Oregon US

Post Number: 465
Registered: Nov-05
Trial and error with the sub placement,
unless you have 2 subs (both centered opposite each other), the center position will generally not net the best results, but I have seen odder things.
There is no set in stone answer here, you need to experiment, which is what I think Jan was hinting at.

Platinum Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 10351
Registered: May-04

I was trying to say we can't tell you much about how a subwoofer will sound in one location or another when we have no more information to go on other than what has been provided, which doesn't even include the room dimensions. Placing a subwoofer along the centerline of any room will normally excite the most room problems and do so with more symmetry than a corner placement would manage. Unless you don't care how the subwoofer sounds, I would not suggest you consider placing it in the center between the two speakers. However, with no more information to go on, I would say "suck it and see what comes out". It seems ridiculous that you would spend time asking rather than just trying the various positions when you move in. If the sound is OK with the sub in the center and you find no other position that sounds better, then the center will do. Do you want me to tell you which drawer to put the silverware in?


Silver Member
Username: Alright_boy

Post Number: 217
Registered: Jan-07
There he goes again with that condescending bull.And you guys actually worship him. What a shame.

Platinum Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 10355
Registered: May-04

Shame? I'll tell you what a shame is. That you are taking oxygen away from the rest of us.

All hat, no cattle.


Gold Member
Username: Arande2

Just a matte... Missouri

Post Number: 2403
Registered: Dec-06
Farewell, goodbye, although I'll cry
Ain't that a shame?
My tears fell like rain
Ain't that a shame?
You're the one to blame!

Platinum Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 10357
Registered: May-04

What Andre said!

Gold Member
Username: Stu_pitt

Irvington, New York USA

Post Number: 1815
Registered: May-05

An effective - but not foolproof - way to place a sub would be to start with the sub at your listening position. Put the sub where your seat is, and walk around the room. Where the bass sounds best in is where to put the sub. Sit in your seat and listen. Then move it around to see if anything improves.

If this doesn't work well, back to square one.

Silver Member
Username: Ccdoggy

Post Number: 120
Registered: Jul-06
Thanks for the suggestion Stu.

any one have an opinion about placing the sub behind the listeners. Its mainly for movies and what not.

Platinum Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 10361
Registered: May-04


Gold Member
Username: Petergalbraith

Rimouski, Quebec Canada

Post Number: 2020
Registered: Feb-04
Dr. Hsu recommends it. Having the sub close to you will certainly allow you to dial it down with the same volume in your seat. That could help with neighbours if that's an issue.

Platinum Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 10362
Registered: May-04

And it might work well in this application. How can we guess? All we know is SH has a big subwoofer that he wants to put in a small room. With only that much information to go on, how are we to answer anything? But, if SH's sub doesn't have a phase compensation control, placing the sub behind him is less likely than most other positions to garner the best results. Unless he has one of Dr. Hsu's subwoofers, that is.


Gold Member
Username: Thx_3417

Bournemouth ...

Post Number: 3724
Registered: May-05
Let's have a long story short ok.

Note the professional cinema THX set-up and how the loudspeakers are positioned into the THX baffle wall and WOW look at that cluster array of JBL 4645C in the centre bottom part of the screen and placed above it is the JBL custom array yes centre yes this is how its done now JUST DO IT!


Gold Member
Username: Nuck

Post Number: 7174
Registered: Dec-04
How did the picture of my basement get out here?

Gold Member
Username: Petergalbraith

Rimouski, Quebec Canada

Post Number: 2021
Registered: Feb-04
Didn't picture you as a JBL kinda guy Nuck.

Gold Member
Username: Artk

Albany, Oregon USA

Post Number: 4684
Registered: Feb-05
That's actually a picture of his family van...and I thought things were bigger in Texas.
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