I recently purchased a pair of Axiom M60's from a friend for cheap. I have not heard them, but read some positive reviews. I read that the Axiom M60's are bright.
I thought the Cambridge Audio 640A V2 would be a good match due to its laid back presentation.
Your thoughts are greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I've always felt that Cambridge was a bit lean sounding, in a good way mind you but if you add that to Axiom's erghh....I don't know, could be a bit too much of a good thing. You'll have to listen for yourself as your ears are the ultimate authority.
Art, Thank you for your reply. Eventually, I plan to upgrade the speakers. Right now, I just want to begin listening to music. I am not looking for a perfect match for the speakers, but one that will suffice until money permits a speaker upgrade. Unfortunately, as life goes, the time frame for upgrading speakers maybe longer than I would like.
I listen mostly to classical choral and some jazz. I thought CA 640 integrated/CD would be a decent combo. Any other suggestions besides the CA equipment for the axiom speakers? My price range is $2000.00 total for an integrated and CD player.
Both the CA and NAD are excellent bang for buck amps. I'm really not sure that the CA/Axiom combo would be all that bad, in fact it might be right for you. If you like CA gear and plan to upgrade speakers anyway, why not.
One suggestion might be the Rega Brio or Mira integrated amps and the Rega Apollo cd player. The Brio does not have a remote which is an issue for some folks. The Mira/Apollo combo retails for about $2100 but can be had for less than your stated budget.
I spoke to Dale at Eugene HiFI. I told Dale you had recommended Rega.
Dale is great. We spoke at length about all types of equipment. It is a done deal. I chose the Mira/Apollo combo. I am very excited and happy to get the shopping over. I just thought there was something missing with the NAD and CA equipment, which keep me from buying one of them. I wanted more, but I didn't want to pay over $2000. I think Rega will meet my needs for many years to come. I have not heard the Rega gear, but Dale's incite gives me confidence I made the right choice.