New member Username: PopCheyenne, WY Post Number: 1 Registered: May-04 | I am thinking of buying a new pair (with EQ) from a friend at a really friendly and super low price! What is you opinion of this set of speakers? Additionally does anyone know what the frequency response of the drivers truly are? Went to the website and can not find any info. Thanx |
Anonymous | Specs? From Bose? Never gonna happen. But, here's a link to a review on their $1300.00 Accoutsamas AM-15 system. This might help you understand Bose quality. Here's the link. |
Silver Member Username: Project6Post Number: 567 Registered: Dec-03 | I wonder why your friend is selling them? Is he getting another set of speakers? |
New member Username: PopCheyenne, WY Post Number: 2 Registered: May-04 | He is selling them because of a divorce. They are new in box. Never used them. |
Silver Member Username: Project6Post Number: 573 Registered: Dec-03 | The reason I ask is because I sold mine cheap, too...they sound horrible. If he can let it go for less than $500 then go for it. However, if it goes for more than that, you can get better speakers. |
New member Username: KoberPost Number: 1 Registered: May-04 | If they sound so bad,why did you buy them? |
Silver Member Username: Project6Post Number: 576 Registered: Dec-03 | This was before I knew better and I had more money than sense. But you live and learn. Hopefully you will, too. |
New member Username: KoberPost Number: 2 Registered: May-04 | ![]() |
Unregistered guest | FP.......if your smart, you'll never play them either. Steer as far away from Bose as humanly possible. I don't allow any of my loved ones to come within a 5 mile radius of any potential Bose speaker. :-) |
New member Username: PopCheyenne, WY Post Number: 3 Registered: May-04 | Any other comments? |
Silver Member Username: Project6Post Number: 581 Registered: Dec-03 | Now the question much are you willing to pay for them? |
Anonymous | How did that change how they sounded when you bought them? |
New member Username: SkoberFaribault, Mn Usa Post Number: 5 Registered: Jun-04 | Very good question Anonymous...As I got smarter my ears developed as well ??? |
Anonymous | I had purchased 2 Pair of Bose 901 IVs back in the 80s when they had the 6 year warrenty.You have to have at least 250 on up to play these babies to even keep them straight.DC amps area a plus.The cleaner and powerful the amp, the better the sound.They eat up all the whats left of the power when bass pedals and a real low bass organ is played.I cranked them up with a Pioneer SX 1980 and they rocked.Then the trouble started.The 901 had a bad engineering flaw and that was the heart of the brain child of Dr. Amar G. Bose was that its HVC Driver had serious foam edge problems which resulted in the driver busting into little pieces of foam all over the back of the cabinet.Bass was completly gone.They said they would replace the whole sets if I would mail them to them and fork out another 700.00.I don't know about you guys but that really T 'ed me off.For thier problems I have to do this to get the sound back.I loved them but not that much.So they are with me never to be played again.I would never buy them again in fear of a big let down in quality again.Bummer. |
Unregistered guest | First of all anyone who says Bose is crap apparently have no idea of what they are talking about. Bose is one of the best Speakers you can buy. And on top of that they have the most clean and defined sound IF you know how to run them. Currently I run a Bose 1801 power amp which is not rated for power along with the 4401 pre amp. This pre is made for the power as well as the 901s. And also happens to have direct RCA hookups for Eqs. These speakers are probably the best things you will get your hands on. And they are definately well worth it. Dont be shy with power and try to find a 4401 pre amp even if you cant get the matching power amp which happens to be more common. It wont sound like you expect with out the pre amp. As far as replacing the foam surrounds it is an easy feat that most dont want to spend the time and very little money it costs if you do it yourself. But all in all your probably better off to get the 5 channel surround that everybody dies for these days. 2 channel all the way baby. |
Judas Unregistered guest | Power Man your kidding right? :D BOSE sucks man! |
swampcat Unregistered guest | anonymos If you really like your bose 901's There is probably a local guy in your area that will refoam your speakers alot cheaper than $700. I have a guy who does beutiful work, speakers look like new. (not bose). Never owned bose. (Phila area) |
J. Vigne Unregistered guest | The saleperson's answer to Bose quality is simply, "If you like the sound you should buy them. There is nothing else that sounds like Bose." I always thought that constituted a pretty fair warning. |
Anonymous | There isan't anything else that sounds like Bose. |
Unregistered guest | I was wondering if you guys can help me out. What series of the eq's can be used with the 8 ohm drivers. I thought I read that some of the drivers were 1 ohm. I have the 8 ohm style and need an equalizer. Thanks, Don |
Power Man Unregistered guest | I'm Not Kidding. Bose is the best your sound deprived ears could ever hear. |
New member Username: RbssPost Number: 1 Registered: Jul-04 | I am looking to buy from a friend: a pair of Original Bose 901 speakers with original equalizer, along with Carver Amp M-400; 500watts/250watts per speaker and a Mitsubishi DA-C20 Dual Mono Tuner-Amp. I was wondering how much I should be looking to pay and possibly if anyone has any advice on this purchase. |
New member Username: Rockroll_ninjaPost Number: 4 Registered: Jul-04 | You should pay enough so that you'll still make a healthy profit on Ebaying the whole shebang. |
New member Username: RbssPost Number: 2 Registered: Jul-04 | How much do you think that it would all run for on Ebay? |
Silver Member Username: KeggerMICHIGAN Post Number: 707 Registered: Dec-03 | bose has a very distinctive sound their aren't any real tweeters in their or any real woofers in their. they use a comination of many speakers to produce the sound and it disperses in all directions. they have to use the eq that comes with them or you will get all midrange. for some people that is fine. me personally i don't want any speaker that has to use an eq to sound right. also you can't even start to get an image from them when the sound is spread all over the place then being reverberated from your own room. if this is fine with you than you might like them. the one plus is they general can play fairly loud and handle quite a bit of power. good for a bar or party speaker. articulate they are not. |
New member Username: PopCheyenne, WY Post Number: 4 Registered: May-04 | Well I finally got them. Series 6 with pedestals and eq , black, Like new in box for $600! To say that I am purely elated is certainly an understatement! I am pushing them with 2 Carver TFM 42 (each one bridged at 1000 watts RMS) and they sound phenomenal! Additionally They can take the pounding of that power like no other speaker I ever had. The lows are just awesome and the highs are brilliantly clear! Some may not agree but I am very very happy! |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 1037 Registered: Dec-03 | That IS the point isn't it? As long as you are happy and satisfied, it doesn't matter much what others may think, you are, after the final QA in any purchase! Happy listening! cheers |
New member Username: Gc2410Post Number: 6 Registered: Jul-04 | I have 901's BOSE = B uy O ther S ound E quipment |
Anonymous | John John, you think you will get better loud speakers for this price? no way.... i have bose 901 IV for over 25years and i have 100W RMS 8ohms SAE amplifier, the sound is really brilliant even though they are 25yers old. You just have to set them up correct. rate: 10/10 |
New member Username: CdubauSacramento, CA USA Post Number: 2 Registered: Aug-04 | Can you use a series 2 amp with a series 6 speaker .The place that sold me the amp says it's alright |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 1170 Registered: Dec-03 | yes. Their technology has not changed, even the speaker materials, so you shouldn't have any problems. |
Anonymous | Bose are the best speakers on the market. The sound clarity is excellent. |
Silver Member Username: LandrovalPost Number: 500 Registered: Feb-04 | Anon, ![]() |
New member Username: CdubauSacramento, CA USA Post Number: 3 Registered: Aug-04 | simple Q&A whats the best position for the 901's stand or hanging ? |
Bronze Member Username: Culp4684Post Number: 11 Registered: Aug-04 | <<simple>> How about on the curb waiting for the trash collector to pick them up? (Sorry, I just couldn't resist...) |
New member Username: Nm2285Delaware Post Number: 1 Registered: Aug-04 | I'm just wondering...all those people who have and/or love the Bose speakers...have you ever directly compared them to other reputable brands in similar price ranges? My guess is probably not: 1) because Bose marketing does not allow it in stores and 2) if you have, you wouldn't enjoy the Bose nearly as much. I can respect Pop's position: he's very happy with his purchase and that's all that matters. However, for everyone defending Bose out there, I hope your defenses are informed and not just opinions from hearing only the Bose. (I have done head to heads and EVERY manufacturer I've put up against the Bose has blown them away (and they've all been in the same price brackets or below)) |
Bronze Member Username: StoneWest CoastUSA Post Number: 79 Registered: Dec-03 | "Bose are the best speakers on the market. The sound clarity is excellent." That absurd statement must have been posted just to tick people off. |
New member Username: Nm2285Delaware Post Number: 8 Registered: Aug-04 | I'm just commenting that I find it funny none of the Bose defenders have responded to my post... |
New member Username: CdubauSacramento, CA USA Post Number: 5 Registered: Aug-04 | I find it funny that so many people diss bose without ever listening to them Do me a favor sit back give them a test drive and enjoy the ride |
New member Username: BrijeshBudapestHungary Post Number: 4 Registered: Jul-04 | I couldnt resist but add to this discussion ... Here is what the key problem is .... Some time in the 1970s/80s bose came with an apparently revolutionary measurement ... They measured that in a typical concert hall when u r listening to live music out of all the sound that u hear - 19% is the direct sound and the rest 81% is reflected sound - which may be true. Then what they did that they started to design the speakers that would try and give u the same ratio of sound - 19% direct and 81% reflected.... ... Now read carefully ........... If u have some music that was recorded live... while recording itself the microphones captured this ratio of direct/reflected sound... as thats the sound they received ... So now u take this recording which already has this sound ratio ... and u play it on speakers that further 'reflect' 81% of the sound ... so what is happening that u r hearing is that 81% sound being reflected artificially again - and screwing up the sound in the process. On the other hand... if u r listening to a studio recording ... the artist never intended it to sound like a live one ... he/she along with the sound engineer went thru great pains to ensure that there was no reflection or distortion in the recording studio ... and wants u to hear the soundstage and music correctly (Unless u r listening to Britney spears or some other crap like that)... so now - why do u want to un-necesarily reflect that sound .... it should come to u directly ... get it ! So the bottom line is that whtever u hear on any bose system is never what the true music is .... Although this 'reflecting music' may sound like a neat idea... but in effect it screws up the sound totally. Take my advice ... Use ur 500/600 odd dollars to buy speaker pair like the Quad 11L or 12L ... u will do urself a huge favor ... or ride along the baseless Bose marketing wave ... Its up to u. |
New member Username: Nm2285Delaware Post Number: 10 Registered: Aug-04 | Carl Wilson: Sorry, my original post was under the name "Nick Minutella" and I have since changed it. However, if you had read my original post, you would have seen that I have listened to Bose. Not only have I listened to Bose, I've compared them head to head with other brands (Polk, Infinity, Boston, Mirage...) and every other brand has won out, often times at HALF the price. If the two sets of speakers were equivalent prices and I preferred another brands product, I could see that as a personal preference. But when the other brands are 1/2 the price of the Bose and win out by a LARGE margin, that says there is something wrong with the Bose product. Can you explain that? Do you have similar experiences with opposite results? All Bose lovers say listen to them. Done. I say compare them. Also, any Bose lovers ever seriously considered the measurements behind them? |
Anonymous | Carl,You own the 901's dont you? So why are People telling you anything different than what your question is? |
New member Username: CdubauSacramento, CA USA Post Number: 6 Registered: Aug-04 | Please no disrespect entended. Me myself personally enjoy Bose speakers .Everyone has they're own personal preference Plus it's your money so you can buy what ever tickles your fancy . So on that note I say lets play nice and let bygones be bygones PEACE...... |
New member Username: Hannibal_lectorTrenton, Nj Post Number: 5 Registered: Aug-04 | Dont trust anyone who owns bose, its not like they will say right out bose sucks, Im an idiot for purchasing a $500 clock radio. If you like the bose sound then fine its your money. Personally I dont trust any large scale speaker companies, in the same market as bose. E.g. sony etc. Ive sold bose before and believe me if you want to spend money on a product that has literally been marked up over 2,000% by all means, do it. Your not buying a speaker your buying the sum of 30+ years of marketing and the "status symbol" that comes with it. Bose sounds good to people who do not like high frequencies. Because they do not use tweeters, they have an EQ built into their network that strips all subteranean bass and crisp highs. Your left with only midrange. And about having "deprived ears", If you took an alamclock, added some bass to it by using bass ports and jacked the price up enough your ears would not care if it sounded like someone f4rting on a snare drum. Its called psycoacustics for a reason. This is just like brave new world. All this marketing creates a subliminal aura around bose. Dont bother buying a good amp for it either, that would be like buying $3,000 worth of power cleaning/filtering for a toaster. Lastly, Have you ever heard these speakers in a quiet room for a substantial amount of time? Have you only heard them passing buy in best buy, and thought to yourself "wow those little speakers are so loud". Have you gone to an outlet store and heard the bose theater? Have they shown you afterwards all that bass and earth shaking sound came from an acustimass? Did they also tell you that those display rooms are treated with an excess of $50,000 worth of room treatments, or that the acstimass is connected to thousands of dollars worth of EQ equitment... That kind of equitment could make a tin can on a string sound like your live in concert. WARNING: Incoming Bose flame-war detected ps my spelling sucks ![]() |
Anonymous | It dont matter what they tell you,or dont tell you. It boils down to what you hear. Give people advice on what they want advice on. |
Bronze Member Username: Culp4684Post Number: 22 Registered: Aug-04 | I heard something rather amusing from a local audio store about Bose. It seems that this store had contracted to sell some of the higher end Bose models. In the agreement, Bose stipulated that the store had to create a "Bose Room" where only their speakers were on display. Anyone want to take a guess as to why? |
New member Username: CdubauSacramento, CA USA Post Number: 7 Registered: Aug-04 | Josh it seems like the joke's on you dude. It seems like you got took by someone who got commission for selling you as you put it a 500.00 doller radio I wish it was me I could've used the money anywho be a peace with yourself and mark it up as a lessen learnd ,life goes on |
New member Username: Hannibal_lectorTrenton, Nj Post Number: 6 Registered: Aug-04 | Who said I bought it? My parents bought one when I was god knows how old. Its always been there just sitting...Don't assume Im stupid enough to fall for anything. Im the guy salesmen hate, because I know 8 times more than they do, research for 5 years even if Im buying a dam calculator. And with 500 bucks I probably would have just thrown a party or something. |
Anonymous | "Who said I bought it"? "Im an idiot for purchasing a $500 clock radio" Looks to me like you said it. You'd research for 5 years if you were buying a calculator to make sure your getting your moneys worth,but you'd just throw away 500$ on a Party? |
New member Username: Hannibal_lectorTrenton, Nj Post Number: 7 Registered: Aug-04 | dude, I was speaking in general terms. As in thats what someone wont ever say. I guess I should have put it in quotation marks. Read the context of that line. "its not like they will say right out bose sucks, Im an idiot for purchasing a $500 clock radio" If the first part of the sentence is about other people who have bought it, why would I use a comma and completly change the subject? Notice How I use the pronoun they, not I. |
New member Username: Hannibal_lectorTrenton, Nj Post Number: 8 Registered: Aug-04 | Its like if I said something sarcastic, you would take it for truth regardless of how blatently sarcastic it was? o.0 |
New member Username: Hannibal_lectorTrenton, Nj Post Number: 9 Registered: Aug-04 | And By party I ment something big. I dont mind spending money on enjoyment, but I dont like spending money on something that isnt justified given its value to cost ratio. |
New member Username: Hannibal_lectorTrenton, Nj Post Number: 10 Registered: Aug-04 | Its not worth fighting over. Bose is spreading negative vibes to start armagedon. Its pure evil and its making us all crazy! ahhhh Runaway |
Unregistered guest | Hello! I am Kevin from Austria, sorry that my english is not very good! I have a few questions to you, experts ;-) I will by a couple of bose 901 speakers! I am a student so I can't buy new speakers. In ebay I saw a pair of bose 901 series 5 inclusive equlizer. What is the different between Series 5 and 6? Is it dangerous to buy Bose Speaker of Series 5? Maybe they are too old? Every information is very helpful for me! Thank you very much! Greetings Kevin |
Unregistered guest | OK, OK, I've been reading this thread and decided to chime in. I'm 57 and used to own a set of 901's I purchased new in 1971. I originally was using them with a Mac 5100 integrated amp and they sounded GREAT. I late moved up to a Mac 2300 queen mary anchor, and they sounded even better. I went through great pains in the two houses I had them in to get them set up correctly. In one house I had them hanging, and had to build some hanging walls to refelect the sound properly. I spent weeks getting it right, and it paid off. Now, some background on me. I was a professional drummer in the San Francisco Bay Area for almost 35 yrs. I worked 350 to 370 gigs a yr. Most were performances, some studio session and jingle work. I'm a schooled player, and I taught privately from '65 until '99. Most folks don't have a clue as to what a real instrument sounds like. They've only heard them through a P.A. or stereo, but an electronic "sound system" none the less. This is not a put down, because I even like some of the enhanced sounds. I used electronic drums from '84 through '90, then a combination of miked acoustic drums that were also triggering samples. I have a real knowledge of what instuments sound like up close. Thousands of hours of up close..... both acoustic and electronic. A bunch of the guys I played with also had high end stereo gear and used 901's. In almost every case, these set ups were superior in sound to Magnas, JBL, Klipsch, Advent,Polk (which I currently own and will be getting rid of soon RTa 11's and SDA 1's), Boston, B&K, etc. The exceptions were when the 901's were underpowered or placed incorrectly. They need lots of current and it's most critical to set them up correctly. BTW, I only gave them up because of a messy divorce and was too broke to buy another set until recently. Also, I have a degree in audio electronics.....I certainly forgotten just about everything! I also did commercial sound reinforcement. I would like to summarize by saying that the average listener would not like the natural sound of the 901's because it is NOT what they are used to hearing, but that does NOT mean that the 901's are inferior. They are an excellent speaker, and definitely not for all budgets due to their need for good power and a proper setting. Just my 2 cents worth! |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 1600 Registered: Dec-03 | Kevin, if you like the Bose, just buy them! |