Bronze Member Username: Shane24Post Number: 89 Registered: Mar-07 | Well Firstly both high-end, top notch branding speakers and well renowed as well,, although i feel dynaudio is a bit more expensive to own for the common man... in terms of sound i feel b&w have an edge over dynaudio with their diamond domes tweets/tube-loaded tweeter/cabinets/bass units and bracing, resulting in full,crisp and startlingly true-to-life as one would expect.. I found the dynaudio more suited for classical and jazz music... what do u'all guys have to say? Also, one of sales guy at b&w showroom said that in the middleeast and some parts of australia, recording studios were using jbl and jmlab(focal) for quite some time actually, but for over 5yrs now most of studios in middle east or 70% of them are using b&w spks and found it to deliver superlative sound and more natural sounding... |
Gold Member Username: Touche6784USA Post Number: 1189 Registered: Nov-04 | what series speakers were you comparing? its like asking to compare mercedes with BMW with no further information. |
Bronze Member Username: Shane24Post Number: 91 Registered: Mar-07 | it wasn't just one series, but answer to ur info i was comparing confidence c4/c3 with b&w 700series evidencemaster with 800series(803d/801d) also contours5.4/3.4 with 600series and i also compared some of the audience series with 700series and also 800series respectively.. running with rotel receivers and dynaudio some with nad master's/and classe... one does'nt need to compare each and every series, to determine which brand sounds better than the other, so to answer ur bmw comparison with merce.... |
Gold Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 2034 Registered: Sep-04 | Shane, It sounds to me like you heard the B&Ws in one system and the Dynaudios in another system. If this is the case, then you haven't really compared the speakers - you've compared systems. As system comparisons your observations may be correct, but as speaker comparison, the experiment is flawed. B&W is currently the biggest selling speaker manufacturer in the world. They have products that fit almost every niche and it is true that they are used in many of the most respected recording studios. That said, what the dealer didn't tell you is that the studios use pretty much exclusively the B&W 800 series. The lower ranges are not used in very many studios at all. this reserves the use of B&W to the larger studios. Dynaudio has a long established history in recording studios and is one of the better known brands to be used in studios, along with ATC and PMC. Dynaudios are used in studios from their entry level, which is a range or two up from B&W's (i.e. top of the DM600 range), all the way to the Evidence Master. Dynaudio do not hit every niche (not having sub/sat or lifestyle systems) but do have one niche not offered by B&W which is the active monitor niche (as far as I know). In terms of studios, this is very often an essential offering due to space limitations. In design terms, Dynaudio have quite a few innovations of their own which are quite interesting. Their cabinet technology is second to none and yet they have gone a very different road to B&W in this respect. Some of this technology has trickled down to the FOCUS range. They have eschewed the materials race with the diamond and beryllium tweeters of B&W and Focal and developed a very interesting double tweeter of their own which has its own advantages and disadvantages over the other developments. Incidentally, a Focal dealer will tell you that Beryllium is a far better material than diamond to use in a tweeter since it has less harmonic modes and these can be controlled more easily in Beryllium than diamond. The B&W dealer will tell you that diamond is the better material since it has much higher resonant modes and can be made lighter which allows damping should resonances be a problem. Also consider that recording studios have a very definite requirement to hear things clearly and accurately in order to check the quality of the recording. This is where the word monitor comes from. Systems in the recording environment are used to monitor the recording rather than to engage with it. Domestic systems have other concerns too - domestic acceptibility is an essential factor, and they should engage the soul. It's the difference between the mechanic who tunes the car and the driver who experiences the sensation of driving. I'm glad you've had a listen to some models, but I wonder about the environment(s) you heard them in. The Contour series is a cut above the 700 series, but it requires electronics which are also a cut above those required to run 700 series in order to perform correctly. In fact, Dynaudios tend to need more power generally than B&W. The Evidence Master is also very far beyond the 800D, but in order to elicit that performance you have to be running with really stunning electronics. I'm not sure that Classe's Omega system (their top offering - and incidentally owned by B&W) is enough. On the end of a top Chord Electronics system (a traditional pairing in many recording studios), the Evidence Master is in a completely different league of performance. Enjoy the trip - it's a long learning experience. Regards, Frank. |
Bronze Member Username: Shane24Post Number: 92 Registered: Mar-07 | frank, on the topic of evidence master, to elicit that performance u have to be running with stunning electronics, i was wondering what amplifier or receiver would be best for evidence master.. all i can think of is a mcintosh or mark levinson and lexicon.. is there any other brands superior to these, or one which would be ideal for evide mast..... |
Silver Member Username: GavdawgUpstate, New York Post Number: 556 Registered: Nov-06 | Why are you constantly asking such inane questions about topics that have little to no relevance to what you are looking for? How does powering an ultra high end speaker with a receiver have anything to do with asking about what intergrated amp will perform best with a pair of Bose 901's? I think you are trolling for responses you know will ilicit "duh" comments from forum members, telling you to stop being a moron. At the very least you are sure writing like it. |
Bronze Member Username: Shane24Post Number: 93 Registered: Mar-07 | one moron recognizes the other.... and why do u bother then to post ur comment or u find it difficult to bypass them... i guess its in ur nature in doing so... another jackass of ecoustics... |
Gold Member Username: Touche6784USA Post Number: 1190 Registered: Nov-04 | gavin, i tried to be nice this time but its good to see someone else finds his posts pretty stupid. shane, i was asking what series becuase it would be dumb to compare B&W 300 series with Dynaudio's upper end speakers kinda like you JBL klipsch comparison from not too far back. getting close to 100 posts and you really haven't said much. |
Silver Member Username: GavdawgUpstate, New York Post Number: 559 Registered: Nov-06 | it is in my nature to call trolls on their behavior. Posters in here know that you can't (shouldn't) power a high end pair of speakers with a receiver (with some expensive exceptions). Likewise the Bose 901's are not liked around here. I have wondered for a while if you may be a troll because of your questions. If not, I apologize. |
Silver Member Username: GavdawgUpstate, New York Post Number: 560 Registered: Nov-06 | Thanks for reminding me of that one Chris... |
Bronze Member Username: Shane24Post Number: 94 Registered: Mar-07 | right, from hence forth no more inane questions, coz smart guys like u and lee always posts such great awarding winning e-coustics threads.. |
Gold Member Username: NuckPost Number: 6768 Registered: Dec-04 | Better'n some of mine. |
Silver Member Username: GavdawgUpstate, New York Post Number: 562 Registered: Nov-06 | Shane, it is just that it is the same stuff over and over... A few are easy to let go... but your post count is nearing 100, and have said nothing. That was my point. |
Gold Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 2041 Registered: Sep-04 | Gavin, It seems to me that Shane is merely interested in the subject of audio as a whole and is looking for information on the subject. He doesn't insist you read his threads and he doesn't force you to answer. If it's not for you, then why get hot and bothered? Just move on. There seems a really antagonistic attitude to people on the forum at the moment. I object to all this name calling and baiting, but I see none of this from Shane. After all, there are many who read, discuss and dream about cars they can never afford. I see no difference between that and esoteric HiFi. Shane, there are many many brands that suit Dynaudio, although there are fewer that suit the Evidence Masters. And I must agree that the very idea of running Evidence Masters with a receiver makes me shudder! I mentioned one of my favourite brands earlier - Chord Electronics ( - look them up, they're interesting). Other brands I would include that I know have models which are capable of driving these speakers include: Mark Levinson Krell McIntosh Audio Research Bryston I include Bryston because they produce very powerful amps but I'm not completely sure if they have the quality required to do justice to the speakers. As to the rest, I am really only thinking of the top models in each brand... FYI, Dynaudio themselves had designed an amplifier which they considered as of acceptable performance for their top rank speakers. It was called the Arbiter and the components were all individually designed and handmade so this was a small production run only. The Arbiter was made to order and hugely expensive (about $200k). I believe there are only enough parts to make one more. Reports are that it is in a league of its own in performance. I've never heard one. Regards, Frank. |
Silver Member Username: DavidpaPortland, Oregon US Post Number: 447 Registered: Nov-05 | FWIW, including the Bryston was not a mistake. They do in fact have the quality to do just about any speaker justice, and do very nicely with my Aerials. Another would be Classe. |
Bronze Member Username: Shane24Post Number: 96 Registered: Mar-07 | thanks for that frank, i have a better understanding now, about sound and related... |
Gold Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 2045 Registered: Sep-04 | David, When it comes to Classe, the only amp I think capable enough is the Omega. As for Bryston, I was more concerned about their preamps of which I know nothing. Shane, you're welcome - just don't overdo it... ![]() Regards, Frank. |
Silver Member Username: GavdawgUpstate, New York Post Number: 580 Registered: Nov-06 | "There seems a really antagonistic attitude to people on the forum at the moment." I agree with that... 100% |
Silver Member Username: GavdawgUpstate, New York Post Number: 581 Registered: Nov-06 | I have noticed the increased hostility over the past week. |
Gold Member Username: NuckPost Number: 6777 Registered: Dec-04 | The JBJ, Edster, Wiley effect. One person, so much dischord. |
Silver Member Username: GamerdudeOntario Canada Post Number: 487 Registered: Apr-06 | A bryston 4B has wicked clearity and power! |
Gold Member Username: NuckPost Number: 6778 Registered: Dec-04 | All, the Classe Omega mono's have recently been uprated, I understand, to reflect closer to their true output.The website may be revised soon(I hope) with truer specs. These are only superficial specs, mind you. Power under load, response, etc. The group may, in fact, publish more useful data and some curves quite soon. If my dealer and service tech are correct, the great Canadian amplifier wars may heat up very quickly! TeeHee! note: the Classe data on the Mono does not quote @ 1 ohm load. This will also be corrected. |
Silver Member Username: DavidpaPortland, Oregon US Post Number: 448 Registered: Nov-05 | Its the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine. |
Gold Member Username: NuckPost Number: 6782 Registered: Dec-04 | david, you missed about 7 zillion words to the song. I like the version from Great Big Sea, a Canuck Maritime band, done to a kinda funky Celtic beat. Visit 'music for the speaker guys'. |
Silver Member Username: DavidpaPortland, Oregon US Post Number: 450 Registered: Nov-05 | Nuck, I wrote the lyrics. (I swear!) Whats goin on with this site lately?! In the dead of the niiiiiiiiiiiiight. I'll move on now. Got a visit to make. |