Bose plans to launch 901's series 7


Bronze Member
Username: Shane24

Post Number: 78
Registered: Mar-07
bose will be launching the 901's series 7 edition.. and will constitute titanium drives,
pushing it to 500watts... rumour has it they plan to change to look of it to... after 40 yrs or so... and offcourse other improvemets as well...

Gold Member
Username: Frank_abela

Berkshire UK

Post Number: 2018
Registered: Sep-04

Bronze Member
Username: Shane24

Post Number: 79
Registered: Mar-07
Hey Frank, what do u think of the 901's.. I read a couple of reviews abt bose first spk, most of them say that it lacks bass, i wonder why... i personally heard them once actually and i thought they are far from good sounding spks, given the fact abt their over and much hype...
whats ur opinion, since u seem to have good knowledge abt sound...

Silver Member
Username: Uback007

Columbus , Ohio USA

Post Number: 215
Registered: Mar-06
and they will cost a to to pay for the 5 minute informecials used to sell them.

Silver Member
Username: Uback007

Columbus , Ohio USA

Post Number: 216
Registered: Mar-06
and they will cost a ton to pay for the 5 minute informecials used to sell them.

Gold Member
Username: Frank_abela

Berkshire UK

Post Number: 2019
Registered: Sep-04

As to sound quality, 901s are fine. I wouldn't say they lack bass. I'd say they're just not very involving. There's reasonable clarity and space but then you'd expect that considering the design. We'll just have to see I guess.

The problem is I have seen/heard so much hype about 'forthcoming models' from so many manufacturers and then been disappointed at the results that I find it quite difficult to get excited about anything until I've heard it or it's been out and about and had some good (independant) press.


Gold Member
Username: Stu_pitt

Irvington, New York USA

Post Number: 1688
Registered: May-05
"and will constitute titanium drives,
pushing it to 500watts..."

I've asked you this before, but must ask again; If the speakers are pushing out 500 watts, what's the amplifier doing?

Gold Member
Username: Touche6784


Post Number: 1185
Registered: Nov-04
the cha cha!!

Gold Member
Username: Frank_abela

Berkshire UK

Post Number: 2022
Registered: Sep-04
Uback, I've never seen a Bose advert on TV! Here in the UK, Bose doesn't have the market presence or market share that it has over the pond.


Gold Member
Username: Stu_pitt

Irvington, New York USA

Post Number: 1690
Registered: May-05
It must be nice Frank.

Silver Member
Username: Divin11112000


Post Number: 125
Registered: Dec-04
Stu Pitt,
Since the speakers are now pushing it to 500watts, you no longer have to buy that expensive amp. Just plug the speakers into the pre-amp, then buy a second set of speakers that can use the watts put out by the first set of speakers. You should be good at that point.

So instead of you circuit running:
preamp - amp - speaker
preamp - speaker 1 - speaker 2

I warn you though make sure that speaker 2 is compatible with the "watts" put out by speaker 1 or you will have trouble.


Silver Member
Username: Uback007

Columbus , Ohio USA

Post Number: 221
Registered: Mar-06
The commercials are legendary here.
Like PT Barnum of circus fame said, "there's a sucker born every minute" Bose figured that out a long time ago have been fooling the masses ever since.

Bronze Member
Username: Shane24

Post Number: 80
Registered: Mar-07
stu, the amp raises the voltage of ur mommy's................... 500watts of direct/reflecting sound.. no need to worry abt a pre-amp...

Silver Member
Username: Claudermilk


Post Number: 460
Registered: Sep-04
"The commercials are legendary here.
Like PT Barnum of circus fame said, "there's a sucker born every minute" Bose figured that out a long time ago have been fooling the masses ever since."

Boy, don't they? Their latest ones have supposed "experts" singing the praises. Wonder how much they got paid for that? reputation...paycheck...reputation...paycheck...tough choice

Bronze Member
Username: Hoanghai2k

Melbourne, VIC Australia

Post Number: 23
Registered: Oct-05
let compare bose 901s with my logitech computer system...u'll love mine...hehe

Gold Member
Username: Nuck

Post Number: 7117
Registered: Dec-04
In the proper context, the 901's will likely make a lot of people happy.
They may be here or not, who's to say?

Gold Member
Username: Petergalbraith

Rimouski, Quebec Canada

Post Number: 2015
Registered: Feb-04
"and will constitute titanium drives,
pushing it to 500watts..."

I've asked you this before, but must ask again; If the speakers are pushing out 500 watts, what's the amplifier doing?

What's up with the Watts issue? He said "pushing it". Presumably that mean power handling capability. Speakers dissipate power, partly as sound and mostly as heat. What's wrong with that?

Gold Member
Username: Nuck

Post Number: 7124
Registered: Dec-04
If I bridged the Classe amps to provide 500 watts of power, the 901's would be rendered into a shrunken, smoldering pile of refuse.

If I cranked up an Onkyo receiver, the same result, maybe the receiver, too.

Silver Member
Username: Divin11112000


Post Number: 128
Registered: Dec-04
I'm betting that Bose considers your statement of bridging a classe (or similar caliber amp) to produce 500 watts. I doubt very much that anyone with that caliber amp would be pushing bose speakers (901's or other)
Furthermore whats the chance of someone having 500 watts at their disposal (again someone purchasing the 901's are probably not going to have this kind of power).
Also consider if you were using 500 watts, that would cause the speakers to be pretty loud, and chances are that you wouldn't be in the room anyhow.

Platinum Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 13983
Registered: Dec-03
Tell that to the car audio guys with systems pushing (sic) 1000 watts (claimed) and up.

Silver Member
Username: Stefanom

Vienna, VA United States

Post Number: 548
Registered: Apr-06
Bridge some Behringers and you're in power city!!!! Classe quality? Heck no, but you got the juice!
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