OT, Thread hijacking???


New member
Username: Natediggidy

Baltimore, Maryland U.S.A.

Post Number: 9
Registered: May-04
Hi guy's. I'm new around here but one thing I notice alot of is someone will reply in a message thead with a question. The question usually is about the same topic but dosen't really relate to the original poster's question. It's really simple and easy to start a new thread and much more likely to get a proper answer so why do people piggy-back questions onto other people's threads? Shyness perhaps?

Silver Member
Username: Kegger


Post Number: 272
Registered: Dec-03
I don't know if this pertains or not but my observation.

i see a lot of questions basically on the same
topic in a thread and that i don't mind.

it seems topics with more responses get more attention.

the ones that get me "and i don't answer or even
give them the time a day" are ,say your talking
about recievers and a guy chimes in about his car

to me that is just dumb.
and uncalled for.

but if your asking questions fairly close to the
original topic at least you may spurr some questions
from the original poster that he may not of thought.


New member
Username: Natediggidy

Baltimore, Maryland U.S.A.

Post Number: 10
Registered: May-04
..."but if your asking questions fairly close to the
original topic at least you may spurr some questions
from the original poster that he may not of thought."

Hmm, I hadn't thought of that.

..."the ones that get me "and i don't answer or even
give them the time a day" are ,say your talking
about recievers and a guy chimes in about his car

Trolls will be trolls :P


Gold Member
Username: John_a

Post Number: 1051
Registered: Dec-03
Kegger, Nathan,

In many cases, it seems to be a mixture of desperation and insecurity. There is a good example right now on NAD - To be or not to be?. That poor lady has been ripped off by a dealer. Jeez, I wouldn't mind a few words with that guy.... Anyone join me? Unfortunately, he's in New Zealand.

There are trolls, too, Nathan, I agree.


If we always begin by assuming the best of people, we will sometimes be disapppointed. There are worse things than that. If, instead, we always begin by assuming the worst of people, then we will always find ourselves proved right.

Unregistered guest
I know this might not be the topic, but what causes a loud thump from my subwoofer when I switch inputs, audio settings, etc. I am using a Marantz SR880 receiver and this has happened with both a Paradigm and Yamaha sub.

Silver Member
Username: Kegger


Post Number: 275
Registered: Dec-03

Unregistered guest
Is there something useful you would like to add to your last post?
No other setup I have heard does this.

Bronze Member
Username: Natediggidy

Baltimore, Maryland U.S.A.

Post Number: 13
Registered: May-04
A thread on hijacking, hijacked hehe! Gotta love it.

Gold Member
Username: John_a

Post Number: 1059
Registered: Dec-03
Nathan, returning to your question. Trolls feed on attention. They go where they see they can easily get it. It is pathological.

Good folk with honest problems usually go where it looks like they will get attention, too. I have some ideas about how to tell the difference. It ain't easy.

One is, you can always find how good but confused people could think their questions relate (may just be a brand etc). Their idea of "relevant" may look weird, but if they don't know so much, they don't know where to start. If the question is totally unrelated, whichever way anyone looks at it, chances are it is just attention for its own sake.

The problem is, you always have to ask questions. That just feeds the troll. I suppose it just depends on how much time and patience anyone wants to put it. Trolls are also quick to adapt to what you say. It is like e-mail spam: the only thing to do is never respond. If you do, it only makes things worse.

Or kick all the kids out of here. oh yeah this is prodimately 21 and under. See ya fellows.
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