New member Username: Mkh16Post Number: 1 Registered: Mar-07 | I hope everyone is doing great, I really don't want to offend any audiophiles here, but i really need the help of some people who know what they are talking about. I'm in college, and next year 3 buddies and I are renting a house. Being the stereotypical college kids, we are poor and in dire need of the loudest stereo system for our basement. This is where you guys come in, as I have some knowledge of car audio, and alittle of home audio(basically just the research I have done in the last week or so), and from my perspective the best home audio setup i can come up with is going to run us atleast 300 for a receiver and two floor standing loud speakers, which may or may not be able to handle the decibel level that a college party needs. This is way too much for the poor college kid, sorry folks but we just can't dish out that kind of dough, and I realize that for alot of you 300 is about the price of one speaker, but please keep reading. My plan is to spend about 80 dollars on a BOSS R835 car amp. This amp is rated at 1200Watts(which it will never do), but the RMS rating is still very good at 150Wx4 at 4 ohms. This is a very cheap amp, it has very poor build quality...but it is cheap. And i am going to risk poor quality simply because it is powerful and we are cheap. So next is the speakers, my plan is to buy 4 Blitz Audio BZX695 6x9's. Again these are cheap, and i realize the build quality is poor, but they are 5-Way speakers with an RMS rating of 250 Watts at 4 Ohms. They have a sensitivity of 94dB and the Frequency Response is 40hz-20KHz. These are about 30 dollars a pair, so we are looking at 60 dollars for the speakers and 80 for the amp. I am very good when it comes to electronics, and the only reason i am even considering this is because I did the same kind of setup on my boat. I hooked a 150w car amp up to the boat, hooked the speaker level input up to my MP3 player and mounted two 6x9s. The boat stereo BLASTS and works great. And since both these speakers and amp are alot more powerful, and because we are college kids simply looking for LOUD and obnoxious volume levels, I think this setup will work. I can take care of hooking the amp up power wise, and i plan on it being in a box with a computer fan on each end for cooling. The speakers will probably be mounted in some ghetto box's and one placed in each corner. The input will again come from our MP3 player or computer. I just wanted some expert opinions on how well this setup will work. Considering the only other options we have for about the same amount of money(200 is the MAX) is a Home Theatre in a Box or some really cheap ghetto receiver speaker combo, I think my idea should work out just fine. Thank you all for reading this post, and if I offended anyone by my ignorance, I'm sorry. |
Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 10105 Registered: May-04 | . "I just wanted some expert opinions on how well this setup will work." Experts in what? Anybody out there an expert in cobbling together a system from parts that shouldn't be used for this purpose? Ohhhhh, Andre ....... Where is our resident 14 year old who dreams of blowing out his eardrums? Do some odd jobs and scrape up a few more dollars for something that will tolerate some abuse then head to your local pro sound shop for some active speakers. Or go to the Salvation Army Store and just keep blowing out cheap gear until you get tired. From a MP3 player?! You don't need experts for that. . |
New member Username: Mkh16Post Number: 2 Registered: Mar-07 | I tried to apologize for my ignorance towards high quality sound systems, obviously you didn't seem to care. But now you should be the one apologizing for not only your rude and brash post, but also for you ignorance towards college house parties. I'm not sure if you've ever been to a party in a basement, but 60 drunk college kids crammed into a 30x30 room really don't care about how this system sounds, all they care about is that it is loud. Not "blowing out his eardrums" loud, but loud enough to overcome the chatter and talking of socialable people. Now, if there is anyone with some actually CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, or an idea for a better system, please feel free to post. |
Platinum Member Username: Project6Post Number: 13614 Registered: Dec-03 | If you are trying to do a Frankenstein set-up on the cheap, I don't see a reason why your proposed set-up shouldn't work. But why piece things together? Just get yourself the loudest $200 boombox you can find and turn it up as loud as you can. |
Bronze Member Username: StryvnPost Number: 90 Registered: Dec-06 | Apologizing up front for your ignorance doesn't mean that the guys here shouldn't give you an honest answer. Jan is very knowledgeable and well respected around here. You apparently are the resident college house basement party expert. Nothing wrong with that. When you're 19. But don't start crying when someone gives you an answer you didn't want to hear. Stick to what you know. Now, about the tunes. Do some odd jobs. Don't tell me how ignorant I am in the ways of college life....I was in college once too. Increase the budget and get the right gear for what you're trying to do. Your plan stinks. You can't polish a turd. |
New member Username: Mkh16Post Number: 3 Registered: Mar-07 | Alright, i don't want to disrespect anyone, and I am sure that Jan is very knowledgeable, which is why i posted on this board. Its not the lack of revenue, all four of us work, and we've all been working for quite some time. The problem is when your renting a house at 1600 a month, and have to pay for things like a washer and dryer, dishes, food; you have to have priorities. Now i'm sure alot of you have a house and kids and have alot bigger problems and priorities than we do, but certain things still come first. That is why our budget is set so low, not because we don't do enough "odd jobs." I know my plan is a bad one, and i didn't come here so everyone could tell me that my 150 dollar setup is going to blow away there 3000 dollar stereo, i'm not an idiot. But I was just wondering one, if it would work(I'm pretty sure it will, but before i get all my roommates to drop the cash, I would like to know that this isn't going to blowup i my face...not literally) and two if there was a setup that would be better for around the same amount of money. I am going to assume that everyone on here will recommend we get a Receiver and set up floorstanding or bookshelf speakers. Which is fine, but does anyone have a recommendation for a cheap, powerful receiver? Because I can't seem to find much that can match the output from the car amp i'm looking at for much less than 350. And the cheapest I can find a receiver that more than 200watts is 130, and that was an Isignia, so its not like i'm going high quality here. Here the thing, if i can't come up with something, the 3 of them are going to over rule me and spend 150 on a home theater in a box...and there is no way that those little 3in drivers are going to power our basement... I may not be able to polish a turd, but i can spray paint it silver... |
Gold Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 1666 Registered: May-05 | Max, How did this thread turn into an arguement? There's nothing wrong with doing everything you can with what you've got. Between college and grad school, I should have gotten a PhD in making something out of nothing. I had internships which took up just about all of my free time, and could only work a paying job during the summer. I have no idea how your proposed set up will work. If you know how to power it properly - read not a fire hazard - then I guess you should give it a go. Alternatively, you could look into "digital" amps. Look up the Panasonic XR55 or whatever model it currently is. They've got some respectable power, should take a half way decent beating, and may come in under budget if you look around hard enough. Also look into a Harmon/Kardon stereo receiver from their ebay store. They usually go for pretty cheap, can withstand some punishment, and can get plenty loud. Forget about the 1000 watts thing. It rediculous. The gear your looking doesn't have a chance in hell in being true to spec. 50 Harmon/Kardon watts will most likely beat out 1000 watts from a cheap car amp. The Panasonic 100 "digital" watts should as well. For speakers, look into Cerwin Vega or MTX. CV makes indestructable party speakers. They're sensitive as hell (turning watts into sound - a good thing). I've zero experience with MTX, but they could very well be along the same lines here. Circuit City carries the MTX speakers. They look like carpeted DJ speakers. Try looking into Klipsch speakers as well. You'd most likely have to search ebay for those to come in under cost. Good luck. |
Gold Member Username: Arande2Extreme SQ FTW Post Number: 2089 Registered: Dec-06 | Haha blow my eardrums out..that's great. $300 eh? I like eBay in these situations. It's a lot about install. Install is very important. If you can build a box, put some drivers in it, and give it power I'm sure you could get VERY loud for $300. I'm veering off in that direction... That Boss seems to be the only amp that's cheap enough and can provide enough power. If you have the space, you can really get LOUD..I guarantee it. If you can gather some plywood and wire it up in a box and cut a couple holes, you could achieve 120dB if you do it properly. That might be 50hz to 200hz coverage there for $80 If you buy that amp and have 4x150w (more like 100w) that's 160 so far. Ignore the peak power... I know it's only 90dB, but it should have less power compression based on specs. If you get one for each channel, then max output should be ~115dB and those would be what I choose... |
Gold Member Username: Arande2Extreme SQ FTW Post Number: 2090 Registered: Dec-06 | Ba BOOM BOOM BOOM BASS? + Z270102785717QQcategoryZ23787QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem = BOOOOM! |
Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 10107 Registered: May-04 | . Look, forget everything you know about car stereo. It's crap and home audio doesn't work the same. People who try to think like they are installing a big car system in their home end up blowing up crap. High wattage is not important in home audio. High efficiency in the speakers is what gets you volume in home audio. Forget five way 6X9's. (Five way? Awww, geeeeez!) Car speakers are only going to be loud and distorted in the basement. Not good, not decent, not even respectably loud for that matter. Filling a 200 cubic foot car interior is quite a different function than filling a 7200 cubic foot basement particularly when there are 30 drunks in there absorbing sound pressure. What you need for this space is the most efficient speaker you can find and afford. I'd give you the technical reasons why but I think they would be wasted at this time. If you go to the pro sound shop and find some active monitors, you'll get the most bang for the buck. A few hundred dollars for the amps and speakers. No floor standing speakers, no home audio speakers, get dance music speakers. If you don't want to do this, go to the pawn shops and buy some PA speakers. They are meant to play loud and fill a space. Otherwise buy the boombox. If you've got priorities, they should include not blowing up junk that isn't suited for the purpose you've devised. You want an expert to tell you your plan stinks? It stinks! If you don't want that advice, stop posting, you're getting annoying. And how much does a CD player cost? $79. Use your head, car stereo doesn't work for what you want and $150 isn't enough to get a loud hifi of any quality in that room. All you wanted was someone to blame when the crap you suggested blew up. "Awww, the guys on the forum told me it would work." "Aww, I pay $1600 a month for this house and I have to pay for dishes and laundry." Grow up! It won't! It's junk! It's worse than junk!!!!! It's a waste of money and I want you to tell your buddies that when it does blow up. How'd you get into college anyway? . |
Gold Member Username: Arande2Extreme SQ FTW Post Number: 2096 Registered: Dec-06 | Whoo! Pro Sound FTW! High efficiency + High Power = RUN AWAY, my ears are gonna blow! |
Gold Member Username: KanoBC Canada Post Number: 1158 Registered: Oct-04 | Active speakers will be the cheapest route but will limit you to one source. If you get a receiver you will be able to add more sources down the road, like a CD player! You can't really do better than that at the price. Next since party speakers can last a long time look at some used speakers on the cheap and you'll be happening. 5408138QQcategoryZ50597QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem $90 shipped not bad. ryZ14994QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem $50 shipped even better. 102893224QQcategoryZ71569QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem These are the ones you really want though if you can get them at a good price. |
Bronze Member Username: ChicomoralessxmDutch islesCaribbean Post Number: 95 Registered: Feb-07 | At times like these when I read posts such as this I feel better.....pheeewwww |
New member Username: Mkh16Post Number: 4 Registered: Mar-07 | I would just like to thank everybody for your help. We are going to search and buy some used MTX or Cerwin Vega party speakers and a receiver. Again, thanks for your help, i really appreciate it! If your ever in pittsburgh stop by listen and a drink... |
Gold Member Username: NuckPost Number: 6608 Registered: Dec-04 | Careful, Max, I may actually be in Pitt one day soon! |
Silver Member Username: Uback007Columbus , Ohio USA Post Number: 206 Registered: Mar-06 | It's interesting to see how things can go awry here. Proof that effective communication can completely fall apart when writing opinion. We (me included) can be very sensitive and protective of our beliefs and opinion. I wonder how we would all get along if we met up a next years CES show. Could it be done?? |
Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 10139 Registered: May-04 | . Sensitive?!!! Who you callin' sensitive, Pilgrim? |
Gold Member Username: NuckPost Number: 6611 Registered: Dec-04 | Not exactly my choice of adjectives... |
Gold Member Username: Arande2Extreme SQ FTW Missouri Post Number: 2240 Registered: Dec-06 | Good morning Nuck... |
Silver Member Username: Eib_nationOhio EIBville Post Number: 163 Registered: Jul-06 | If you buy older party speakers, be prepared to dish out another $50-100 to have the foam surrounds replaced once they arrive. If you're handy, you can do it yourself for significantly less. For example, Kano posted an EBAY link to a pair of CVs $90 shipped. Not to shabby, but you'll need to have them repaired first before you do any jamming. Take a closer look at the surrounds, because they're completely shot. Expect the same from every old party speaker with foam surrounds. Be sure you ask the owner how old they are and if the surrounds have been replaced. If they have 10+yr old original foam surrounds, they're probably already rotted. If not, they'll soon be toast. It's no biggie. I just don't want to see anyone paying $100 for a used set of speakers only to learn that you require a $100 fix before they can rock the house ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: PatnshanWisconsin USA Post Number: 32 Registered: Aug-05 | receiver $68 Speakers $99 This is a reasonable 2.0 system for you and it will play fairly loud and maybe even clearly. It is under your $200 mark. It will be waaay better than some 6x9's (if you know car audio you know that 6x9's are far from ideal, even ina car). You could add a parts express 10 inch sub for just over $100 in the future if you get more cash. Pat |
Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 10168 Registered: May-04 | . 88dB speakers ain't for parties. |
New member Username: Mkh16Post Number: 5 Registered: Mar-07 | Yea i thought those speakers might be alittle questionable. The amp he linked to was only 50 watts per channel, but on that site they had a 7.1 JVC digital surround sound amp. It says that it "The amp runs at 770 watts of total power (110 watts x 7 in surround mode, 110 watts x 2 in stereo mode), which should fill all but the largest listening environments." Would that amp drive the two MTX TP 112's at 110 watts in stereo mode alright? It also says that it is 110 watts at 6 ohms, and I believe the speakers are 8 ohms impedance. I know these are cheap, but anyone know anything about the Gemini GT-1002 10" PA speakers? There crap, but i can get two new for $100. Heres a link That same website has a package with two of those and a Gemsound SA 147 amp. Or two Gemsound TR-100's and a Gemsound EXA-1000 which is 100watts RMS @ 8 ohms. IDK, just trying to explore all options. |
Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 10172 Registered: May-04 | . The amp's specifications are obfuscation personified. It will not likely fill this room for long, if at all, when thirty drunks have a hand at the volume control. Why would you want to buy crap even when its cheap? You just don't have enough crap already? |
Bronze Member Username: PatnshanWisconsin USA Post Number: 33 Registered: Aug-05 | Basically, it's impossible to do what you want to do well for the budget it requires. Pat |
Gold Member Username: NuckPost Number: 6659 Registered: Dec-04 | Buy something hot. |