Which DAC is better?


Gold Member
Username: Larry_r

Naples, FL

Post Number: 1857
Registered: Oct-04
I have a NAD 763 receiver and a Cambridge Audio DVD-87 CD/DVD player. Now, I'm trying to determine which DAC is the better?
Any help here?
When playing redbook CDs, the DAC in the Cambridge sounds a little brighter - and the NAD DAC sounds a little smoother and just a bit rolled off on the top end.

If anybody can give me some hints?

Platinum Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 10075
Registered: May-04

You're on your own here, Larry. You know how to listen and, if you can do that, you can decide which you think is better.

Gold Member
Username: Larry_r

Naples, FL

Post Number: 1858
Registered: Oct-04
Sigh. OK, Jan - I just wish there were some scientific way to show which DAC gives the least jitter, etc. But so be it. . .

thanks, anyway. . .

Gold Member
Username: My_rantz


Post Number: 1297
Registered: Nov-05
There's more to the end result than just DAC's Larry.

Gold Member
Username: Larry_r

Naples, FL

Post Number: 1859
Registered: Oct-04
MR - You're right - there's Scotch! (grin)

Gold Member
Username: My_rantz


Post Number: 1299
Registered: Nov-05
Sure Larry,for some. My hard liquour days are gone, unfortunately [double sigh]. And hard liquour is good for jitter, until one has too much of course.

Gold Member
Username: Artk

Albany, Oregon USA

Post Number: 4359
Registered: Feb-05
Not this early Lar! Oh that's right your retired....

I really can't think of a situation in which I would't use the DAC's in my player. If they're not better than what's in your AVR (cringe) then perhaps you bought the wrong player or that receiver is better than I think (since I used to own it I doubt that).

As Jan has said trust your ears, which BTW you should have more confidence in after the cable shootout. You were able to choose, through critical listening the cable that works best for you.....I'm not sure you would have believed that possible not that long ago.

New member
Username: Venishya


Post Number: 2
Registered: Aug-07
Agogee mini-dac is a good ADC converter, i have used.
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