OK it looks like we've all had a go at the favorite music thread. I've got a slightly different one: not your favorite music, but instead what is the best music to test speakers with? Let's say you're going into the dealer to test several speakers, and you can only take in 1 CD to do it with. What would you choose to put the speakers to the test, to push them across frequencies and speeds and tones?
I'm thinking it's gotta have drums, bass, vocals, horns, strings, the whole bit....any ideas?
I'd go with whatever I play the most. Even if its not the best recording, I'll hear it more than anything else.
Then again, their isn't one CD that I listen to often enough to say its the most played. Therefore, I'd probably end up bringing Dark Side of the Moon.It's got enough of everything I need and has great sound quality.
difficult decision,especially if one listen's to classical,jazz,rock,electronica,world,etc... however if i had to go with one CD,i would pick something along the lines of brian eno's "another day on earth"or maybe john cale's "hobosapiens" both amazing musicians and producers with long and varied track records(no pun intended)as producers and preformers.
Children, children, children! Last time I looked, an electric guitar was only half of a real instrument. Without the "electric" part it ain't much of one at all.
not sure if the instrument debate is valid.music is not only played but produced in a recording studio and today most if not all of this is done with digital technology.even live acoustic stuff is mastered. so i would think production value is as important if not more important than any artificial idea of what makes an instrument.
Children! it's not like your some father of audio JV, knowledgeable you may be, but you have some serious blinders on when it comes to anything outside your circle of comfort.
"IMHO, you should try to test speakers with your the music you listen to."
exactly, if you know a recording by heart because you listened to it too many times, then subtle nuances from equipment changes are more likely to be heard. That's my child like opinion of course.
The Naim label is great as well. Minimal to no processing. For example, to equalize instruments they move them closer and further away from mics. The songs are actually complete band studio performances, and not one instrument played at a time and patched together later.
"The Naim label is great as well. Minimal to no processing. For example, to equalize instruments they move them closer and further away from mics. The songs are actually complete band studio performances, and not one instrument played at a time and patched together later.
I just wish they signed bands I like."
It's too bad bands, or for that matter consumers, don't appreciate what the folks at Naim or Mapleshade are doing.
Very true. However, I wonder if either label has the capacity and/or revenue to back more popular artists.
Also, 99.9% of the people out there have no clue what true HiFi really is. Fully compressed mp3 from an iPod through Bose headphones is as good as it gets in the eyes (or ears) of far too many people.
and u would know that stu pitt... having spent several years studing sound at harvard.. you talk as if u got ur own line of speakers or company for that matter.. or the almighty of sound what is it that u do for a living.. let me guess ur probaby a janitor... stu... i may not know much about sound and related but i am not a phoney like what u are.. coz ur full of shitttttttttttttttttt.
I have to input two CDs in here. I like them equally, but it depends on what I am in the mood for. They both are jazz, but the vocals and overal mood are slightly different.
Diana Krall "Love Scenes" Eliane Elias "Dreamer"
Eliane Elias' Dreamer is full of lush orchestrations, but still is a rompin' jazz ambum at heart. Her voice has a bit of Brazilian huskiness and warmth to it, similar to Asturd Gilberto.
Shane, considering you have been around here for less than a month spouting useless knowledge an Stu has been here for almost three years (of which I have read numerous knowledgeable posts) I would say that you are the one that is full of crap. Go back to the Volty strings amateur.
Thanks Joe. But honestly, what's the point. It doesn't bother me at all. He'll be gone soon enough like so many others in the past. Dale Wiley... Paul Bayless... the original Paul... mauimusicman...
Joseph,how could you forget Paul,out of those 3 annoying individuals,the original Paul was atleast honest and he trully believed what he said,I respected him for that.Bayless was pretty smart even if it was all recycled out of a book,Dale was just a pure moran simple as that,this guy thats spouting out at the month,you dont want to follow their road,we wont let you get to their post count before we have you looking for a new forum to pollute.