Curtis MP1003 STMP3503 based MP3 Player


New member
Username: Skymaster

Post Number: 6
Registered: Feb-07
Here is my story:
It was a gift by a friend, worked for a week, then it got stuck on menu. no keys would work. computer wont recognize it
as per manual, uploaded firmware from accompanied CD,(on Win98 system) and tried to recover/update firmware: guess what happened? it got worst.....
It was supplied with Wrong version of firmware...
Here are details:

player type: STMP3503 & TC58NVG Flash based
Manufacturer: Curtis MP1003, IGB, no FM
stuck at logo showing "computer to player" connection with "ver 2.600.100" in INVERTED (you needed a mirror to read it) Logo was larger than LCD as well.
Made in China, sold in North America...
my systems: Win98 and Win2K

I fixed mine after doing some research...(thanks to internet)

1.I pulled out sticker under battery and it revealed following info on chips:
SigmaTel STMP3503 (MP3 market is dominated by them and they SUCK big time!!)
Toshiba XT8858 TC58NVG3D4CTG00 (1GB NAND Flash: they SUCK too!!)

2. since it was a sigmatel chip based player, all I did was to experiment with various versions of sigmatel MSCN players (firmwares available at various websites for look-a-like players with same chip..STMP35xx) :but none worked... including those ones available at curtisint*com (They dont offer it under support/download section).

3.I also tried installing wrong(supplied)version of firmware CD (2.600.100) AND switching these files resource.bin,,, and hostrsc.bin: again didnt worked..

4. finally, I found firmware zip file CUR_MP3257_UPDATE_EN.Zip under FAQ section at curtisint's was for 256MB player but after extraction it showed similar files with wrong-supplied CD which came with player.
this zip is incomplete: you cant install it.

5. STMP35xx are pretty forgiving, whenever my player turned dead after flashing with other versions of MSCN players, I was able to bring it back to life using wrong-version-CD firmware on another computer with Win2K. either by simply connecting it (it would show up as a drive) or by holding play button (without battery) as suggested in the manual.

6. I had better luck with MPIO's MB100 MSCN firmware which was more latest and better as it would find and lock the player. so I uploaded it and switched all of its files with zip found in step6. it was basically copying and dropping them on program folder "Mscn" under Sigmatel, and saying yes to all, when replacing files.
After Flashing this time, guess what: VOILA!!!!

I will NEVER buy anything CURTIS or No-brand names ever again. "IT" wasted lots of my time,but I'm glad, I learned my lesson!!!!!!!!
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