Bronze Member Username: JmsoaveSouth Lake Tahoe, CA USA Post Number: 11 Registered: Feb-07 | OK, so through my last two threads and many hours researching online, I am thoroughly convinced into getting a NAD c325bee or c320bee amp. Now onto the speakers: I have a large living room with high ceilings, so I need a full, expansive sound. And because the NAD amps have only 2 channels, I need full range from 2 speakers with no sub. The aesthetics of my living room are such that I want floorstanders, but they must be slim and modest in size. From my research, I've narrowed the field down to the KEF iq5, and the Monitor Audio BR5. My question is, any thoughts on how these would work with NAD, and which would be best? Alternatively, are there some speakers in the same price/size range that I am not thinking of that I should be? I'm hoping for under $700 per pair. Cheers, Joe |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 4139 Registered: Feb-05 | Have you listened to either of them? Can you listen to either of them? Which one sounded best to you? Buy it. You are asking for a lot by asking that a small NAD integrated drive a pair of $700 full range speakers (is there such a thing) to large room filling volumes. Perhaps it's possible. Sorry, David (he hates when we suggest other than the products mentioned by the original poster), but another speaker to consider might be the Tannoy Mercury series floorstanders. Very full sounding and easy to drive. |
Gold Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 1948 Registered: Sep-04 | Joe, I think they're both crap and can be improved upon with either the B&W DM602.5 or for slightly more the Focal Chorus 714V which is a fabulous speaker. The B&W is a bit long in the tooth now, and will be replaced in the coming months. The Focal is brand new and stunning value in my opinion. To me, the iQ5 sounds thin and bright. The MA sounds mechanical but I admit it's a lot of perceived value for money. Regards, Frank. |
Silver Member Username: Jingka99Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Post Number: 121 Registered: Aug-06 | Joe, another alternative are PSB Image T45 and T55...NAD gears match well with PSB listen to them, in most cases, the NAD dealers carries the PSB as well... |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 4142 Registered: Feb-05 | Actually I know no NAD dealer that also carries PSB. It may exist just not around here. PSB is a good suggestion however. |
Bronze Member Username: JmsoaveSouth Lake Tahoe, CA USA Post Number: 12 Registered: Feb-07 | OK I'll look into all of these suggestions, thanks for the help. Frank, do you know of a good online source for B&W or Focal? But back to what Art you think I'll be underpowered with an entry level NAD pushing 2 full range speakers? What would you suggest? (I started a couple threads in the amp section along these lines...) Perhaps my whole approach has been wrong...I have been thinking I would find the amp first, then the speakers...should it be the other way around, or does the pairing need to happen simultaneously? |
Gold Member Username: NuckPost Number: 5990 Registered: Dec-04 | Art, every one shop in three has the combo, being Canadian and all. The last one I heard, in Montreal, was the Psb Goldi and a master3. The Goldi's never were right. The Nad was nice. |
Gold Member Username: NuckPost Number: 5991 Registered: Dec-04 | Joe, I would love to have a higher sensitivity standmount with the Psb sound. The B25 is average sens., but good all around. Yes, in fact, you should buy a system together, if you do buy. This involves a dealer. The Guy with all the good stuff, and enough of the stuff that you want or need. |
Bronze Member Username: JmsoaveSouth Lake Tahoe, CA USA Post Number: 13 Registered: Feb-07 | Yeah that Guy...kind of like a drug dealer, eh? But seriously, I think I'll just have to drive down to San Francisco and go to a premium dealer...all of this online research and shopping is kind of driving me in circles. In the past week alone, I've gone from being sure I needed a NAD, then to a Cambridge Audio, then back to the NAD. What I need to do is just go listen...that said, at least I'll go in with some good knowledge and suggestions, so I appreciate all the help from this the least, I'll know which brands to look for. |
Gold Member Username: NuckPost Number: 5996 Registered: Dec-04 | Joe, do go and listen! This is an expensive and potentially highly rewarding purchase. Make sure you have the warranties and so forth figgured out beforehand. DO NOT BRING MONEY ON THE FIRST VISIT! |
Silver Member Username: Jingka99Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Post Number: 127 Registered: Aug-06 | Good Suggestion Nuck and may I add do not bring the credit card as well...![]() |
Silver Member Username: Jingka99Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Post Number: 128 Registered: Aug-06 | "Actually I know no NAD dealer that also carries PSB." Art, sorry about my general suggestion, I failed to realize that it's a different situation in other in Malaysia, that is the case though... |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 4175 Registered: Feb-05 | I can only speak my experience here...and didn't want the US readers to misunderstand. |
Gold Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 1522 Registered: Jun-05 | Joe,you are in the best area in america the Bay area has the most dealers that I know of its like candy land,go have fun and listen to everything you can,I cant wait I'll be back out your way for good in about a month,you have many many choices.What is your pricerange Joe? |
Bronze Member Username: JmsoaveSouth Lake Tahoe, CA USA Post Number: 16 Registered: Feb-07 | Ideally, I'd like to spend $500-700. I actually live at Lake Tahoe, but go down to the Bay Area for business occasionally. Do you have any suggestions for stores? The only one I've been in is World Of Sound in Marin. They have Monitor Audio and KEF. Do you know of any that carry B&W, Wharfedale, Energy, or some of the other brands mentioned in this thread? |
Bronze Member Username: JmsoaveSouth Lake Tahoe, CA USA Post Number: 17 Registered: Feb-07 | On that note, do you know of any store anywhere that carries Cambridge Audio? I'm set on getting that amp, so I'd like to hear different speakers with it... |
Gold Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 1524 Registered: Jun-05 | There is a store that carries Wharfedale in Fremont,I cant remember the name,but the guy gives great great prices,you might want to call iag america and ask them.Future Sound in Burlingame carries B&W,ProAc,Nad,Martin Logan,Mark Levinston,and some other stuff.Goodguys in Dublin carries Energy,Boston,Parasound,Denon,Yamaha,ect.Theres more lots more but this is just off of the top of my head,I'll call my friend and ask him for some more dealers,but that should get you started though. |
Silver Member Username: StefanomVienna, VA United States Post Number: 406 Registered: Apr-06 | Good Guys in Dublin is gone. Stereo Doctors nearby where it used to be though carries Paradigm and NAD. The guy I dealt with there, Steve, was good enough that I still remember his name more than a year later FWIW. |
Silver Member Username: StefanomVienna, VA United States Post Number: 407 Registered: Apr-06 | You might also check out Magnolia Hi-Fi in San Ramon (not the watered down version in Best Buys). |
Bronze Member Username: JmsoaveSouth Lake Tahoe, CA USA Post Number: 18 Registered: Feb-07 | Thanks guys! Big help. I went to the Magnolia last time I was down, they carry Monitor Audio which is one of my leading contenders. They also have Marantz, but I'm not that into them. I'll definitely check out Future Sound for those B&W's. Do you know what components they carry? I'm finding a lot of NAD dealers, but so far I can't find anyone with Cambridge Audio. |
Silver Member Username: StefanomVienna, VA United States Post Number: 408 Registered: Apr-06 | Paradise Audio Video San Jose California 95130 Telephone: 408-378-3220 Looks like the closest dealer to you. |
Gold Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 1588 Registered: May-05 | Owning a 320BEE'PSB Image T55 combo, I have a little insight on the topic. The 320BEE will most likely struggle to fill a large room. While it'll put out 50 real world watts, they're still 50 watts. In smaller to average sized rooms, it generally shouldn't have any problems as this is most likely what the designers had in mind. I would look into the C352 as a minimium. The PSB Image T55 won't have any problems filling a large room as long as there's enough power going into them. They aren't power hungry; my 320BEE drives them more than sufficiently in my smaller room, but again, a larger room requires more power than a 320BEE can muster up. You should make it a point to hear a NAD/PSB combo if at all possible. They're owned by the same parent company and I'm 99% sure they use each other's products to voice their own. They sound like they're made for each ther, and they most likely are. There are better speakers out there, perhaps even at the same price points, but the synergy between the two is really where they shine. Individually, Rega electronics and speakers sound very good. Together they're at another level. Same for PSB/NAD, although they're not at the Rega level. |
Gold Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 1589 Registered: May-05 | Also, if you need to keep the price down, NAD and PSB gear can be found at a discount online, if you don't mind refurbished/B-Stock items. Check these out - I haven't bought from either, so I can't personally vouche for them. Others here have and had good things to say about them. Just don't buy something without hearing it first, just because we say they sound good. |
New member Username: LrochaPost Number: 1 Registered: Mar-07 | I can give an opinion, for what its worth: my hi-fi set up is KEF iq5, Cambridge Audio Azur 540a vs2 amp, Cambridge Audio Azur 640a vs 2 Cd player. Speaker cables arte Kimber Kwik 12 (good performance for money) and Kimber Tonik interconnect. Perhaps I'm not so demanding as some audiophiles, but to me it sounds great for the overall price. I tried other combos (KEF iq5 with Advance Acoustic amp (MAP-105)and hybrid valve-transistor CD player (203 MKII) and the sound was nowhere near the Cambridges and the KEF iq5, in transparency, detail, tonal balance and sheer enjoyment of music. For me, the iq5 and the Cambridge Audios turned out to be a great combo, very musical and always controled, not sounding too bright nor with heavy bass. I love it. |
Bronze Member Username: JmsoaveSouth Lake Tahoe, CA USA Post Number: 21 Registered: Feb-07 | Thanks Luis, that's helpful. I actually just bought a second hand Cambridge 640a v1 amp, and when that gets here I'm going speaker shopping. Right now I'm still debating over the Monitor and the KEF. I think I'll buy it at a place where I can return it. Then I'll just demo at home. I'll let you all know how it goes... |
New member Username: MilnerSLC, UT Post Number: 2 Registered: Feb-07 | I'm a newbe, so take my opinion for what it is worth. In my recent quest for full range 2 channel speakers, I ended up with NHT Classic 4's. I have read several people using NAD amps with them that are very pleased. They are about double your price range, but with some wheeling and dealing.... Had them about 2 weeks now and love them!! I auditioned several B&W's in the lower price range (under $3.5k) and to me they seem very clean and true, but sterile.... IMHO of coarse.... |
Bronze Member Username: JmsoaveSouth Lake Tahoe, CA USA Post Number: 25 Registered: Feb-07 | An update: I finally went speaker-testing today, and here's my report, for what it's worth. First I auditioned the B&W 603s3. Unfortunately the dealer only carried B&W and no other brands, so I couldn't compare on the spot. Overall, I was impressed by the sound, but they didn't blow me away. Neither fantastic nor disappointing...I think Marc put it best when he called them "clean and true, but sterile..." Then on to a Monitor Audio dealer. Here I tested the bronze br5 against the silver rs6 and rs8. There was a noticeable advantage in the rs6 over the br5...a big improvement in depth and imaging, not to mention power. Since I'm trying to fill a large room with sound, I was immediately drawn to the Silvers. I was really really impressed with the rs6. I tried lots of my favorite cd's and they all sounded fantastic. I tried the rs8, but I didn't really notice much of an improvement. Definitely not $500 worth. Both were a lot more exciting than the B&W. So I left that store pretty excited about the rs6... Finally, I went to a dealer that has both KEF and MA. Tested the rs6 against the iq5. Absolutley no question, the MA blew the KEF's away. Compared to the MA, the KEF sounded flat and timid. Loud, sure, but not exciting at all. If I hadn't heard the MA, I might have been happy with the KEF, but too late...I'm getting the rs6. Can't wait to try them with my CA 640... |
Gold Member Username: NuckPost Number: 6448 Registered: Dec-04 | Joe, a fair lineup to try. Well done. |
Bronze Member Username: JmsoaveSouth Lake Tahoe, CA USA Post Number: 31 Registered: Feb-07 | Final update: got the Monitor Audio rs6 setup with my Cambridge Audio 640A, and it sounds fantastic! These speakers are amazingly rich and powerful. The soundstage is very large and open, and if you close your eyes, it's hard to place the speakers position exactly...just seems to come from everywhere and it fills the whole house. They are in a very large room with high ceilings, and they they have no trouble dominating the whole area. If I really push them, they're almost too much for the house! Apart from the amazing deep and hard-hitting bass, if I had to pick a particular strength of these speakers, I would say that they really shine with vocals. Female vocals especially, sound wonderful, and almost feels like a live performance. I played Sarah Harmer at high volume, and it gave me the chills... Cheers and thanks to everyone for the advice, Joe |