I have a pair of Dali suite speakers driven by Arcam AVR300. I dont seem to get all i can from the speakers. Was thinking on getting a dedicated amplifier for them. Can you recommend one for me?
The other option would be to get another receiver for Home theather such as Marantz sr80001. And leave the arcam only for music.
I really would like a set up that is capable of reproducing music in excellent fashion and also be great for all the digital improvements of todays technologies for movies. I have a ps3 and i use the blue ray for dvd viewing. My arcam dois not have hdmi.
D, how about introducing an Arcam FMJ cdp to your system? A very good player, with matching cable, would let you really open up your 300. Your other ancillaries could stand pat, and the fmj would give you a real sense of synergy with the receiver.
Take a look at the new 350 from Arcam. Smashing! Watch for Frank A. to drop by.
I have looked into Arcam 350, a more powerfull receiver but with hdmi v 1.1. for video and sound i would need hdmi v 1.2 or 1.3. My monitor is 1080p so i need that type of video management. A beter cd player is a great idea i will look into that i just keep the avr 300 and my dalis for music. And get a separate set up for videos, dont kinow what speakes for that purpose i have a 10K budget give or take
You don't mention your source. If you are using a basic source, this is more than likely your issue. Most sources which aren't capable just seem not to have any punch, definition or scale. The suggestion of a better source may be a good one therefore. The minimum I would consider would be a Rega Apollo.
Please tell me you are using good wires in all this! They really do make a big difference with better equipment.
If you really need more power, which is unlikely, have you considered biamping the front speakers or are you doing 7.1 already? If this is all already in place, consider the matching Arcam power amps, or even better the FMJ power amps (the P1 monoblocks are awesome).