SIOP BOY Unregistered guest | Please Help!!! I just got a RCA Lyra Model 1090 and I have no idea how to download music from the computer to it? Could someone tell me how to do this step-by-step? I heard it's best to click and drag. Thanks! |
Kristy Unregistered guest | I want to know what type of memory card should i use for my rca thompson lyra "RD1028A" mp3 player.?? |
Bronze Member Username: Fixer57Mobile, Al USA Post Number: 13 Registered: May-05 | Kristy, Have you read the earlier comments on this page. You will be hard pressed to find a SD card that will work with the Lyra. It is a real piece of work. In fact, if you have a laptop, take it into the store where you bought the lyra. Hook up your usb, and see if the card they supply will work. If it won't, get your money back. For both the Lyra and the SD card. |
Christy Unregistered guest | Hmm..maybe only I have problems with the 2765 lyra..however its worth a shot. I am getting the "File system corrupted" message. My computer is not recognizing the device so I am unable to format or install the update from the lovely RCA website. Can anyone help. Thanks in advance!Christy |
Unregistered guest | here is my problim... i recently got a RCA RD1028A.. i had some music on it adn it worked great for a long time, but then all of a sudden i went it to change the music around and there were some files in there i know i didnt put in there, i figured something was up because there were labled in weird symbols. well not paying any attention to it i tryed to delete them adn it said somethign about they couldnt be read, yada yada yada, some thign corrupt files and they wouldnt delete, i tryed them on all 5 computers in the house, and every other computer i could get my hands on (even reverting back to the school computer labs and library) and nothing happened. iv been looking on the internet for problims like this and havnt found one single answer except "TAKE THAT DAMN THING BACK!" and i cant do that (threw away teh box and everything). i also dont have the software any more, i think it got lost in the move, not sure what happened tho. well if anyone has any ideas on how to remove these damned files can you please e mail me at ... i would love some help here adn im with out music untill something happens |
Unregistered guest | I'm getting frustrated! I have an RCA Lyra RD2315A 512MB player. I've purchased a "kingston" 512MB SD Card to use with the player. The problems that I'm encountering are as follows: I can load music to the SD Card, The files show up on the players screen, but when I try to "profile" the card, it says "profile error" and shuts down and restarts. If I rightclick the "lyra" icon in the sysemtram of my PC, and profile that way, it says it works, but the effect doesn't seem to go through to the player and register. It still won't play from the card. The second problem that I've been having is that it is not showing all the files on the player's internal memory. I currently have about 250-260 songs on the internal memory in .wma format. The player is only displaying 219. This number seems to have no set limit. It changes every time I alter my playlist. Any suggestions? Oh... I've already updated the firmware to the latest version (1.12) and still no luck. Help please. |
L P Unregistered guest | Well this is the coolest thing ever... des any one know if Win2K comes with a corrupt file editor or something... because if you read my last post i said i had some corrupt files and couldnt delet them... well i was trying to work on it and the power goes out.. and i somehow set my computer up to restart auto.(now i cant fix that eather.. i have to unplug it to turn the damn thing off) but when it started up i left the MP3 player pluged in (witch iv never done) and i walked away then came back thinking it should have been done booting up but there was a black screen with letters moving fast up and down.. all i could make out was something about corrupt files and i started cussing up a storm thinking that my briliant computer (witch seems to have a mind of its own) has copyed the files from the player to the computer hard drive (it has dont it in the past) so when it startd up i looked for the corrupt files and couldnt find them so i gave up and went into the file for my player saw only 3 files left there, one i had no idea what it was, one that was a text doc. that had the records about what all it fixed, and the last one was a song i had on there, and i could delete them all! yippie... come to find out there wasnt just 14 corrupt files, more along the lines of over 300, my jaw droped when i saw that..., but i can now use it again so im happy, thanks but no thanks |
L P Unregistered guest | Well this is the coolest thing ever... des any one know if Win2K comes with a corrupt file editor or something... because if you read my last post i said i had some corrupt files and couldnt delet them... well i was trying to work on it and the power goes out.. and i somehow set my computer up to restart auto.(now i cant fix that eather.. i have to unplug it to turn the damn thing off) but when it started up i left the MP3 player pluged in (witch iv never done) and i walked away then came back thinking it should have been done booting up but there was a black screen with letters moving fast up and down.. all i could make out was something about corrupt files and i started cussing up a storm thinking that my briliant computer (witch seems to have a mind of its own) has copyed the files from the player to the computer hard drive (it has dont it in the past) so when it startd up i looked for the corrupt files and couldnt find them so i gave up and went into the file for my player saw only 3 files left there, one i had no idea what it was, one that was a text doc. that had the records about what all it fixed, and the last one was a song i had on there, and i could delete them all! yippie... come to find out there wasnt just 14 corrupt files, more along the lines of over 300, my jaw droped when i saw that..., but i can now use it again so im happy, thanks but no thanks |
Unregistered guest | I have a lyra RD2010A. It worked fine but now my PC doesn't recongize it anymore and when I turn on the player it just displays "RCA" for a couple of seconds and then shuts off. What is going on here? Any help? |
BK Unregistered guest | Can someone help? My roomate has a RCA LYRA mp3 player and I plugged it in the USB, deleted his mpy files, and tried to drag and drop my mp3 songs from my MY MUSIC file into the e: drive LYRA file, and it shows it in there, but when I unplug the usb cable, and try to play the songs, they don't show up on my mp3 player. it says 0 tracks. Help? |
Joman Unregistered guest | Hi I recently bought an lyra rd1028A(128 mb), I'm also using an sandisk 1gb sd card with it. I have no problem to add or delete music from my sd card or from the internal rca player memory. Everything work fine. But can someone tell me how to SYNC the songs. The rd1028a doesn't play the song in the right order it just doesn't match my playlist. It plays the songs but not in the right order. I spent 20 hours to tried to figure out how to correctly sync my songs, but with no success, even if i check in musicmatch ''Playlist syncronization''. Can someone help please. |
Bronze Member Username: Fixer57Mobile, Al USA Post Number: 14 Registered: May-05 | Joman CONGRATS! You have gotten lucky and gotten one that works. Hopefully it will continue. As for the playlist, good luck with that. Just accept that it is gonna do its thing or select random and be surprised with whatever the next song is. |
deedee2005 Unregistered guest | how do you download songs from itunes to the rca lyra rd1028a??? is it possible?? |
Unregistered guest | Howdy, I've read all posts and I just bought a walmart version of the RCA Lyra RD1028A. I also have a Sandisk 1.0gb SD Card. I never installed any software and I have an external card reader hooked to my computer for the SD Card. As soon as I opened the Lyra I put about 14 cds on my SD card and then popped it into the Lyra. It has played fine and I've not had any problems. I did notice though that the player reads its internal memory before the SD Card. Granted some SD Cards require more voltage for faster throughput of data, but I would recommend everyone that is having that problem go out and get a Sandisk SD card. (Blue and Red Label) I would steer clear of Music Match and Media Player altogether because both of those programs like converting files to different Bitrates and it usually only creates problems. If you have the spare money, I would get an external card reader and stay away from plugging your lyra into the computer as most of the time when you paste files into the Lyra, Windows XP is going to want to created a "Recycled" directory and "System Volume Information" directory on the device which is used for Windows XP File information tracking. It could create problems with the Lyra operation and if the Lyra saw these files on the player there is no telling what it would do. That might explain some of the problems people are facing with it freezing up or locking... Etc. If I can be of any help, Feel free to toss me a line. ![]() Later, J. Fields |
Anonymous | I got my RCA Lyra RD1028 off of eBay and I was so excited to use it but when I took it home, I found out that it has no firmware upgrade for it.Is there anyway to still use this portable device or no? |
truth Unregistered guest | RCA stands for "Really Crappy Appliance". |
truth Unregistered guest | RCA stands for "Really Crappy Appliance". |
jasonjason8 Unregistered guest | I bought a Lyra 2780 and when i hook it up to the t.v. and try to record it states ''No video signal'' cannot record.... I've checked all the settings and nothing, the connections are all right, i'm getting frustrated at this gadget. Does anyone have any idea on how I can fix this problem besides smashing it on the floor??? |
Anonymous | I have been trying to fiqure out how to use the lyra rd1080b,since the booklet is useless. I did fiqure out to put songs on the memory card (I think) How do I delete songs from the player and from the memory card. HELP ME PLEASE!!!!! |
Bronze Member Username: Fixer57Mobile, Al USA Post Number: 15 Registered: May-05 | Just drag and drop Your MP3's, from your music folder to your drives that are the Lyra. If you want to delete songs from the Lyra drives just open them and use windows to delete the ones you want to get rid of. To find your Lyra drives. Just double click on My Computer and you will see the drives. Then open the particular drive and delete, drag and drop, whatever you want to do. JUST REMEMBER TO LOOK AT THE REST OF THE FORUM! RCA sucks! I now go totally out of my way to Not buy any brand that uses Thompson electronics as its service group. No more GE or RCA for me. Good luck with your Lyra. If you got a good one, it should be fine. If you start having troubles, well, more like when, you can expect very poor tech support. Trade Up to another brand. |
New member Username: SecoyPost Number: 1 Registered: Sep-05 | I just bought a lyra 1028. How do I delete the DEMO Song? |
Canada man Unregistered guest | Should i buy a lyra what do you think amaricans |
Bronze Member Username: Fixer57Mobile, Al USA Post Number: 16 Registered: May-05 | Canada Man Have you not read the forum? When you find this many comments on a product and they are mostly negative, you did the right thing by looking the Lyra up first. I will never buy another RCA product! If that doesn't give you a clue well, go ahead and buy one for price only and deal with all the problems that people on here have shared. Best of luck. AYE |
New member Username: HeheClewiston, Florida Post Number: 1 Registered: Oct-05 | I bought a mp3 player its a RCA LYRA RD1072 I can only put 39 songs on it and it says its full Im putting the songs under DEMO Can Anyone HELP |
Unregistered guest | hey, i also have an RCA RD2854a, and I'm having the same issue as Nick Fortin did (i get an error message saying "Failed to load files! Reset unit to resume operation. Update LyraHD if problem persists" If you know how i can fix this, please e-mail me back at On a side note, I'm pretty surprised with just how many people are having problems with their RCAs, and I'm guessing they're starting almost as soon as the warranty burns out. Good thing I got an extended one on mine, and Futureshop can kiss my butt. |
scott94 Unregistered guest | I have the RCA Lrya RD2854A 40Gb Mp3 player, I am trying to profile my content on it but it gets to a certain point and says there is an embedded profiler error, please use pc profiler. Can anyone tell me what this means please?? |
Rajat Tandon Unregistered guest | I have a RCA Lyra RD2010. It worked pefectly till yesterday, when it just stopped working. It wont turn on at all. I tried changing the battery. doesent help. When I connect to the computer it says USB connected. But, I cant turn it on all. What should I do..? Please help |
New member Username: JhurstMarion, Iowa United states Post Number: 1 Registered: Oct-05 | my lyra rd2762a isnt working need help turned on other day and it said need upgrade so i try to but when i try to plug it in no computers will recognize it and ive tried like ten differnt computers |
Lmdean Unregistered guest | I recently bought a refurbished RD1021, and a PNY 1GB SD card. Earlier posters are right, there is no utility included with the software to correctly format the SD card. I used WinXP's fomatting to format it to FAT, and the player accepts that. However, as other posteres have indicated, MusicMatch doesn't recognize the SD card and only recognizes the onboard memory (64 MB). The work around is to load the songs directly onto the SD card, and keep no songs on the Lyra's on-board memory, and then things seem to work okay. I am worried about the "limitation" on the number of songs, especially if the SD card can hold more, but you get what you pay for ($30). I also have a Lyra RD2840 and have never had any trouble with it. For those that have players but no drivers or device support software, most can be downloaded from I am not overly impressed with the RD1021, but at least it works (so far) for what I purchased it for, which was to have a very small inexpensive player that could be taken to work without fear of having an expensive MP3 player stolen. |
Unregistered guest | On my RCA Lyra RD1028A i could only put 28 songs so i went out and bought a memory card for it. but i dont know how to get the songs onto the memory card HELP! |
Unregistered guest | hey I got a rca lyria 1020 I guess and I put songs on it then unpluged it from the computer and then turned it on and head out the down and it froz there where the battery sign shows up and won't shut off took batterys out and back in does the same don't show the songs or anything just battery then when I connect it to the computer same thing as the battery anyone know how to fix ...... please |
Anonymous | I have a rca lyra jukebox rd2850 and it will not turn on. After I locked it just shut off. I tried resetting it and now it wont turn on at all. What do I do???!!! |
Unregistered guest | I have an RCA Lyra RD1028. A while ago (stupid me) I accidently took the Settings, and the WMA.Info files off of it. Now it says it is a "read only file,", I can't delete anything from it, I can't add anything, and it isn't recgonized by any computer... also, everytime I try to start it up, it says "RCA" and than it dies. IF ANYONE KNOWS WHATS GOING ON, EMAIL ME, CAN ANYONE HELP? p.s I might've took it out before it was done transferring. opps. |
Canadian couple Unregistered guest | Hi everyone, My RCA Lyra wouldn't work for months. When I connected it to the PC, its drives would pop up but it wouldn't recognize the device. When I clicked on the drive I got I/O errors. When I would turn it on, the RCA blue screen came up but it shut off right away. I just downloaded new drivers for the PC and new firmware for the mp3 player at and now it works fine. It sounds like a lot of you are having the same problem. Good Luck. |
Unregistered guest | Hi All My RCA LYRA Wont work it says coruppted data on it and i cant get it off. when ever i try to delete it , it just freezes up can any 1 help me? |
Unregistered guest | Can someone help me? I'm trying to put legally purchased songs onto my Lyra 2825, but all the download services have WMA format, which my player doesn't recognize. Is there any way to reformat them so I can transfer them to my player? Please email me at Thanks to anyone who can help! |
Unregistered guest | Will itunes work for my RCA lyra? But I dont want to mess up my MP3 player! |
Danielle Wallbaum Unregistered guest | Does anyone know if i can use itunes, if so can you Email me @, NO CRUDE MESSAGES PLEASE!!!! |
amandapapapaaa Unregistered guest | i have a rca lyra mp3 prord2010b it wont turn on at all even if i plug it in to my computer and i try using new batteries and it still will not turn on HELP!!!!! |
Information Junkie Unregistered guest | Problems solved. Hi all i was looking at all the problems yall were having and since I am currently waiting on ups to deliver my tca lyra rd1021 i thought i might look a solution to the possible problems I might have. And after about an hour of searching and dumb luck (mostly dumb luck) lol I came up with these two sites. This site is good to get up to date downloads for the rca mp3 products. It also has a really good rca FAQ section which helps solve some of the problems a lot of people have been having. If a lot of yall were like me and wondering wat memory card to get for your lyra go here. It's awesome and shows only the cards that will work for your particular model and the prices are really good too. Enjoy ur lyra I know i will enjoy mine when it finally gets here lol. :D del_id=-3909%26model%3DLyra+RD1021 |
Unregistered guest | hey.. well i have a rca lyra RD1028A n i can download music but yet i cant play it..when im downloading it says that its transfering but yet i cant play music and it wont turn on. n i ve put new batteries but it wont work still.. help me please.. |
justin8301 Unregistered guest | had a problem with the rca lyra rd1028a locking up on me. i noticed that it also only happened when i had my sd card in it. i also noticed that it only locked up while it was playing songs from the sd card. then i read a post in this very thread that said that windows liked to copy a files into the lyra player, and lyra didnt like that. so i checked it out. found nothing. tried it again after going into my folder options and unchecked the "hide system files(recommended)" one. settings.dat was there. what the hell, i deleted it. player plays fine now. but this was just for about an hour of testing that i played it. but it played back fine, even the songs from the sd card. didnt make full sense to me why, so i decided it was just technical mumbo jumbo and continued to copy many more songs onto the card. it happened again, the locking up. checked it out once more and found sneaky settings.dat file. killed it. peace was restored. so i guess if you delete settings.dat and/or any of those other "system files", everything should work. |
Mod Ervador Unregistered guest | To the people having trouble with SD cards in their "single battery" Lyra and thinking it was related to the power requirement of the card: you are probably at most only partly right. An actual EE (electrical engineer) would not see the single battery as a problem because he/she would be familiar with a circuit called a buck-boost converter or another called a charge pump. Either of these can make 3 volts from 1.5 volts and for the amount of power needed for the average SD card, the circuit would take up much less space than a second AAA battery. It's also very likely that 3V is needed elsewhere in the device. For example, the onboard flash memory is likely to need the same power as an SD card because it probably uses the same type of flash chip. That said, the aforementioned voltage boosting circuits do have limitations and it's possible that certain SD cards require more current than the circuit can deliver, causing the voltage to "droop" below acceptable limits. This may be what's happening when the Lyra fails to power-up or sometimes freezes with the SD card in place. Before dismissing the card or the Lyra as the problem, try a fresh alkaline battery. (An alkaline battery actually puts out about 1.6V when new; by the time it measures 1.4V it may be kind of "droopy" when called upon to deliver any real current.) If that doesn't work maybe try an SD card that is of more recent and/or lower power design. Capacities of 128MB or below have been available for longer than bigger capacities, and it's not uncommon for a newer design to require less power despite its increased capacity. I've been using Kingston 512MB SD cards in my RD1028 with no problems and get at least 20 hours per AAA alkaline cell with the card in place. If the Lyra works fine but you just can't load music onto the SD card when it is in the player, one likely problem is that you haven't noticed that the card has a different drive letter from the Lyra's onboard flash, as is the case on my RD1028. In fact, I seem to recall that I've loaded music onto my 1028 and the SD card without any battery in it at all! (If that's so, it would be getting power through the USB, rendering the battery requirement for writing to the flash a moot point.) With the USB cable plugged in, it is as if you have TWO mp3 devices, and your MusicMatch or Media Player or whatever should show them seperately if you are using such software to sync the player to your media library. |
logans43 Unregistered guest | For everyone with upload problem, you must install the usb recognizing software at the top of the cd-rom screen. When you restart it with the usb cord plugged in (I forget if the player was plugged in or not, you may have to try both) the rca lyra 1072A read the removeable drive just fine. E is the lyra drive in my computer in windows explorer, and f is the SD drive. Now DO NOT USE THE MUSIC MATCH SOFTWARE.The drag and Drop is the work around. They just partnered with musicmatch to sell the software. My Lyra will not play WMA and MP3 files at the same time. It will load WMA files and MP3s, but it will ony play the MP3 files. Its the same way with the sd Card. I only have a 128mb Sd card because they will really only take those. remember when sony was touting the mixes you make on a memory stick? well this is what this player is really for. Load the "hard drive" with songs and if you need more, then swap out cards. Once again DO NOT USE MUSIC MATCH just drag and drop the files then unplug the usb cable from the back of the player. It will profile or recognize the files, and start to play. |
Logans43 Unregistered guest | OH crap I forgot.......... Also to delete files with the lyra 1072A just delete the files as you do with your regular computer. Thats how I got rid of that damn demo song. I did save it to my computer hard drive just in case. The lyra screen will not do anything just say that it is stil connected, and when you finish it will recognize that any files have been removed and replaced. Also drag and drop one at a time. I figered all this out because I still use Windows 98(not se) and it works just fine. this player was not ment for all they claim it can do. This is a basic MP3 palyer. I did read a post that said they played WMA and MP3s. How the hell did you get that to happen? |
New member Username: Squirlzmm07Post Number: 1 Registered: Nov-05 | I have had my RCY LYRA, the 4 GB version for about a month, then all of a sudden it says "FILE SYSTEM CORRUPTED" whenever I turn it on. I exchanged it, thinking it was something on the memory on that one mp3 player. Well, to make a long story short, 2 days after having my new one, the same thing happened. If anyone has any ideas, email me at I spent $170, sent the company a message, and have not gotten anything back. I feel like I have been robbed and given useless plastic. |
New member Username: ZimrulezChamplin, Minnesota United State... Post Number: 1 Registered: Nov-05 | My RCA Lyra 2765 has frozen up and I can't restart it. Can anyone please help me? Also, my friend has the same one as me but his must have overheated all it says it hard disk temp. too hot and wont do anything. Can anyone help him too? Thank you. |
Unregistered guest | I'm back again..not just as a confused user but a confused and frustrated user. I have an RD1021 Mp3 player and just recently tried putting more songs onto it with a Lexar 256MB memory card. I looked at some of the responses posted before to get any answers and i'm still lost. (I tried what 'Kirk' said to do...when using Musicmatch, go to my computer, open the RCA_Lyra E: drive and drag and drop the MP3 files you want onto it from your music folder) but it still didn't work! Maybe i'm not dragging and dropping to the right spots??? but i am just as clueless as before. IF anyone could help it would be fantastic! I fear it's too late to go back to the store where it was purchased, as it was last Christmas and they might not even be of great help. SO if anyone would help...possibly more detail on where to go using Musicmatch? that would be GREAT! Thank you very much. [if you have any answers for] |
Unregistered guest | Regarding the message above the e-mail is (NOT me...gravy_boat11@...)Thanks for any help...! |
Miizz_Lady Unregistered guest | HI i have a many songs are you normally able to fit on its memory? I only downloaded 24 songs on it and it says my memory is nearly full....PLZ respond I NEED HELP!!! |
New member Username: Ben_tyserPost Number: 1 Registered: Dec-05 | Please help, when i swithc on my Lyra 2762 it says file system corrupted, whats goin on?? help help |
David B565 Unregistered guest | I just got my RCA Lyra RD1028 mp3 player and there are a few things I figured out how to use it on my computer. I connect it to my USB port and then I open mycomputer and see that the lyraplayer shows up on my computer as E drive. I right click and all the songs that are on my internal memory show up after I open it. I highlight them and delete them off the internal card and when I want more music I go to my music and open it and I highlight the album and right click and choose for the songs I want and send them to my E drive. For me this works fine. I did install the system application for my player from the CD but all I could do was to check for update and nothing else.. I have musicmatch Plus and it worked once to put song on but after I deleted them from the E drive it would not let me use the portiable device button or let me send it to my player. I finally decided to do the delete the E drive and sent my songs by music to my player. The manual print is so small and mostly in Spanish thatI cant read most of it. I hope this will help some of you. David B |
New member Username: Davidb565Andalusia, AL USA Post Number: 1 Registered: Dec-05 | Dear Sweetwata: If you click on my computer it should show a drive for your SD card. open it by right clicking on the drive and highlight anything on it and delete it. If it has nothing on the card close my computer and and open my music and if you have music there you can highlight the album and right click on the hightlighted album and you should see your show when you go to send and you left click to send it to that drive and it should tranfer the songs that you seleted to your SD card. I hope this works for you. It has worked for me. Good luck. David B |
Unregistered guest | please help me.... I have the RCA LYRA RD1071 and when i upload the songs to my mp3 playes they just do it, the only problem is when i turn on my mp3 player it doesn't find any media files, it says "00 track total", but the songs are inside the player, i can see them connecting again the mp3 player to pc, and the songs have a valid format "mp3" Sorry my english, i speak spanish PLEASE HELP ME |
Orangatang Unregistered guest | I have an RCA LYRA 256mb. When i turn it on then i could go to where it says artists and songs and stuff and when i click on them there is nothing there. I put about 25 songs on it since i got it about a week ago and nothing shows up on it. But when i go to folders i can find my songs there. Why wont they show up in the songs section in my mp3? I also have another question... Where do u get memory cards for it? i have looked it seems like everywhere and have had no luck at all finding one. |
happyfeet Unregistered guest | I really want a memory card and i have no idea where to get one. I have looked everywhere! even the place I bought it from and i still cant find one. where did all of u get urs??? |
Steinbeck Unregistered guest | the best place to get a flash memory card: ne&scoring=p also, you'll need one higher than 128, but lower than 1 GB, (because RCA is SH.T). Also, has anyone figured out a way to "hack" the rd1071 to allow more than 198 songs?!?, if not can anyone point me to a player that takes a sandisk $50 1GB sd card. Orangatang, your file format is probably set to FAT32, to see files correctly you need to format your drive to FAT. any compilers who are excellent at C could really help all of us out right now. |
Unregistered guest | I have lyra 2312 and i cant delete songs off of it.. how the frig do you do it...will someone please tell me???? email me at thanxx |
confused54505641 Unregistered guest | i have a RD1072 and i cant put any songs on it cuz the computer doesnt reconize it can someone tell me what is wrong what do i have to do? it says usb connected but it wont do anything |
confused54505641 Unregistered guest | i have a RD1072 and i cant put any songs on it cuz the computer doesnt reconize it can someone tell me what is wrong what do i have to do? it says usb connected but it wont do anything |
julesdel Unregistered guest | I have an RCA Lyra RD1070 I have been able to put songs on in the past but with some troubles. I believe that with RCA MP3 players your format has to be MPY for them to play is this correct? If so how do you convert them to MPY again is the firmware or musicmatch or something supposed to do that??? Been fiddling with this for days and still can't seem to get it to work. Think I may go and get a new one, not RCA it's not user friendly at all. |
julesdel Unregistered guest | I have an RCA Lyra RD1070 I have been able to put songs on in the past but with some troubles. I believe that with RCA MP3 players your format has to be MPY for them to play is this correct? If so how do you convert them to MPY again is the firmware or musicmatch or something supposed to do that??? Been fiddling with this for days and still can't seem to get it to work. Think I may go and get a new one, not RCA it's not user friendly at all. |
Unregistered guest | can i delete a downloaded song from my lyra rd1022? if so how? |
Unregistered guest | I got a RCA Lyra 1072B for Christmas, and ever since then I have tried to get songs from MusicMatch to the player and so many other things I have driven myself crazy. It's going back to Wal-Mart. I was always told RCA was a good name, I've been fooled. |
Unregistered guest | ok so i JUST got my RCA lyra RD1072 and when i click on the add plugins, a screen pops up from aol explorer with different mp3 player plugins, but mine doesnt show up. where is my plugin and how do i download it???? please help! |
Jesuscanfly Unregistered guest | Ok..what the hell..I have a 1028 model, and the NEW batteries I just bought for it don't work. I have about 6 new batteries and none of them work. Any help would be appreciated. |
HaloCortez Unregistered guest | I just recharged my lyra 1 GB and it stopped working. i couldn't even turn it on. I hit reset on the back and it worked. maybe hit reset. just an idea |
Unregistered guest | I have a Lyra RD1072A 256MB no extra card mounted on an ubuntu box. I couldn't get the space back after deleting songs. Turns out the file browser set up a trash folder! All the deleted files were still residing within memory. I found this out after telling the file browser to show hidden files and there was the trash folder. Just purge that and voila! You got your space back. Oh yeah, write sync in a terminal window to complete the process before unplugging. Then voila, you're done. |
Unregistered guest | ya i have an rca lyra rd1072 and it playes the songs on internal memoriey just fine (wma) but it but on the card (256 sd) the songs freeze at random moments then the only way to turn it off is to remove the battereis. plzz help by emailing any help to me at Or if ur 2 damn lazy just write it here i gess. i have another question; is any one here regeterd?lol |
Unregistered guest | ya i have an rca lyra rd1072 and it playes the songs on internal memoriey just fine (wma) but it but on the card (256 sd) the songs freeze at random moments then the only way to turn it off is to remove the battereis. plzz help by emailing any help to me at Or if ur 2 damn lazy just write it here i gess. i have another question; is any one here regeterd?lol |
nar-nar77 Unregistered guest | i have a rca lyra rd1028 and i bought a 256mb sd memory card and it wont let me put any music in the memory card because it says that its "write-protected" how do i change it so i can put music on it? plzzzzzzzzzzzzz help im really |
nar-nar77 Unregistered guest | how do i remove the write-protection? plz help me now!!!!!im begging |
Jesuscanfly Unregistered guest | Nar...Unlock the memory card. |
nar-nar77 Unregistered guest | i did it still says "write-protection" and it says unlock write-protection or use a different disk |
gamaliel Unregistered guest | how do you delete music files on the mp3 player |
Taylor Ricks Unregistered guest | Hey, it's good to see that my RD1028A isn't the only worthless piece of sh**. Mine worked for about a week, but now it just shows "RCA" on the screen. After that it won't even turn off unless I take out the battery. I agree with the idea of forwarding these complaints to RCA since they're of no help whatsoever. Contact the Better Business Bureau anyone?(932-9022 if you find any solution) |
crzyphill17 Unregistered guest | I have an RCA lyra RD1028. It's working fine so far. I just wish there was a way to put the songs in a certain order onto the mp3 player. All of the songs are in a dumb order. I'm coming to the conclusion that this thing is a piece of crap. |
crzyphill17 Unregistered guest | CAN SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME IF/HOW I CAN PUT SONGS IN A CERTAIN ORDER ON MY RCA lyra RD1028 ? After I make my playlist of songs, I add them onto the mp3 player... BUT they are not in the correct order that I want them in. Can I put them in a certain order ? |
New member Username: Davidb565Andalusia, AL USA Post Number: 4 Registered: Dec-05 | I have found no way to put songs in certain order. I am just happy I can put songs on it and delete them when I want. The only way to change the order is to hit skip to go to the song you want. I know when I download an alburm the song do not play them in the order they were put on. Hope this helps. David |
FARio Unregistered guest | Well i just got the RCA lyra RD1072a and i was wondering what programs do i need to download like what software( ituns etc ) i dont no what i need can someone please help me????? |
New member Username: ToriePost Number: 1 Registered: Jan-06 | I'm having this problem too - I can load my Lyra 2010 with new music but the device itself says that there are no songs on it and won't play, but my computer (with usb cable attached) states that it is full of music. GRRRRRRR! |
Steinbeck Unregistered guest | To put music on your 1072, simply format to FAT (or FAT32, but songs won't appear on the display) and drag .mp3's to the player. (in explorer) |
Steinbeck Unregistered guest | To put music on your 1072, simply format to FAT (or FAT32, but songs won't appear on the display) and drag .mp3's to the player. (in explorer) |
shawnneeds help Unregistered guest | I just got the RD2010/11/12/15, I cannot seem to get XP to recognize it, something about a driver but their website only has 98/ME drivers. Everthing else installs just fine, except the MP3 playeer itself. |
Anonymous | Quoted: "If you are trying to get the SD card working on a single AAA cell model Lyra, you are out of luck. The SD cards need more voltage than the single cell can deliver, you will be limited to the onboard memory." This is actually not true. My LYRA 1028 uses a single AAA (1.5v) and I am able to use my 3.6v 512 MB SD card. I don't understand it, either, but it works. I do agree that the player is kind of a piece of crap...I had to tinker with different transfer methods to figure out what would work. This is what worked, for me (it is kind of a combination of other posts' suggestions): 1. Empty the internal memory and SD memory. 2. Format as FAT32 (be sure to copy the settings file to a folder other than the player or card, as you will need to put it back, after the format...Also, it is a "hidden" file, so you'll have to unhide it, by using Tools::Folder Options::View::Show hidden files and folders) 3. Replace the settings file on the internal memory of the player. 4. Load up the SD card with music first. (Be careful not to copy too much at once...I was copying 20-30 MB worth, at a time...If you try to copy too much, at a time, it screws the whole thing up) 5. Disconnect the USB, and power the player on...It should show all songs on the SD Card. 6. Power the player off, and reconnect the USB. 7. Fill the internal memory up. (A little at a time) 8. Disconnect USB, power on player, and all files should be showing. I haven't tried replacing songs on internal or SD, yet. If anyone tries this method, and it works, for you...Please post a replacement method, if you figure one out, before I re-post. |
Steinbeck Unregistered guest | Will this method allow you to see songs on the display of the player? |
Unregistered guest | Hi, I was updating my 1021 player on my win xp pc when everything froze. I had no choice but to reboot my pc and now I can't get the player to turn of at all. With the USB cable attachet I can start up the update program and I do get the "USB Transfer...." message but the update program just searches and searches. It is like flashing a motherboard bios and having it hang up right in the middle. Any advice out there? I have taken the battery out and left it out for a couple days and replaced and tried. I can not get xp to recognize it at all in the normal mode and in the update mode it identifies the chipset and not the player. Help!!! Thank you |
Unregistered guest | I had 60 plus songs saved on my mp3 player and then i did something and all but 3 deleted and now thats all my mp3 player will hold now. what do i do? |
Unregistered guest | I need help with my rca lyra av jukebox 2780, When i scroll to the audio section there is NO picture, only a bunch of like static or something. and when the battery is recharging, if it goes to the third bar the battery picture goes complete black. Heres the picture of what im talking about: |
chan-chan Unregistered guest | i'm using a rca lyra rd1022 with musicmatch jukebox. i'm used this before on another computer, and it worked fine. now i am on my home computer and everything is fine till i try sending it to the mp3. the protable device manager shows up blank. i can't add or remove anything. what am i suppose to be doing? am i suppose to download something? |
saint peter Unregistered guest | Well I have an RCA RD1090A, all of a sudden it gives me this saying that says "missing systems file or dat", I dont know where to find this, Normally i can figure these things out and all RCA can do is give a non toll free number, and im not giving them my information for a slight chance they may respond. |
Unregistered guest | FIX for SD card not being accessible in linux. =D!! you have to recompile your kernel, in the scsi section, enable "probe all LUN's on each device" since the SD card is the second LUN, it shows up as sdb1 and the internal memory shows up as sda1 (assuming no other scsi devices are present) |
Unregistered guest | FIX for an SD card, in an RCA Lyra not being accessible in linux. =D!! you have to recompile your kernel, in the scsi section, enable "probe all LUN's on each device" since the SD card is the second LUN, it shows up as sdb1 and the internal memory shows up as sda1 (assuming no other scsi devices are present) |
Anonymous | I have an RCA 2765A. I have added about 1 g of music and now I can't add anymore. The computer (through the Musicmatch program) says that there is not enough memory. Yet both the lyra and the musicmatch program show that I have 4 g left in memory. What to do? |
mp3-rca-rd1080b Unregistered guest | When copy/send songs to SD card, do we need to send to a folder of SD card or the top level of the SD card? I found that internal card need to have sub-folder to hold thesong but I put songs on the top of the SD card, I can not able to paly those in the SD card, but I still able to play songs in the internal default. can anyone help for that? Thanks. My unit is RCA Lyra model RD1080B |
New member Username: Twis73dPost Number: 1 Registered: Jan-06 | My RCA Lyra 2760 seemed to be working fine about 2 weeks ago, but when i turned it on yesterday, the screen just stood there saying "RCA Lyra" for about 10-20 seconds, then it turned off. Can someone tell me the solution to my problem please. |
New member Username: Twis73dPost Number: 2 Registered: Jan-06 | My RCA Lyra 2760 seemed to be working fine about 2 weeks ago, but when i turned it on yesterday, the screen just stood there saying "RCA Lyra" for about 10-20 seconds, then it turned off. Can someone tell me the solution to my problem please. My Email Is, thank you. |
Unregistered guest | I recently got an RCA Lyra RD1021 and i figur ou how to properly name the songs it will always say "/Boul.mp3/" can ayone tell me how to fix this? |