Pioneer VSXD912K Question


Does any body know how well the "Auto MCACC (Multi-channel Acoustic Calibration) provides a microphone that listens to each of your speakers and automatically adjusts them for distance and sound level ensuring that each channel of sound reaches you at the right time and at the right volume; all automatically!" works. That is one of the main features I like about this reciever because I will be moving the system from my house to my dorm room during the year. I have never used one of those hand held sound adjusters i've seen in discussions so I figure this will be easier for me then to learn how to work one. I need to know if it does not work very good or if it easy to use a sound level thing. This reciever has two missing features I would like to have in a reciever. It does not have a tuner or dvd/cd player. If the Auto MCACC does not work well does anybody know of a reciever with tuner, dvd/cd, lots of wattage, and sound good with a KLIPSCH powerful suround sound sytem.


what are you talking about man? it has a tuner, every reciever does or it aint a reciever if you are thinking about one of those HTIB with the built in DVD your thinking of junk if you want good sound from your system get the 912k and a dvd player seperate. I was lookin at the 912k it looks pretty good. all the mic. does is adjust sound levels for all your speakers by the many speakers do you have the 912k has two surround back outputs (which is better than the Kenwood vr-6070 cuz it only has 1) the main features you should look at is the 7.1 in's and 6.1 outs not the mic cuz you only use it once and then you never use it again.

another thing i just have to say if you decide on the 912k is buy it on ebay(buy it now)you can get them for around 300$

G.DawG sorry 4 so many posts...

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