a friend gave me a cd with with files burned from a favorite album. the cd will not play on my sony cdp-c515 cd player, which has endured since 1992. i ripped the files to windows media player and burned a new cdrw disk, and it, too, is not recognized by the sony. the sony simply skips over this cd and goes on to the next one. the op instructions don't deal with cdrws or mp3 or anything like that. before i purchased a new cd player, any advice or thoughts would be welcome. thank you
I'd say most of the (if not all) new CD players would play CDRs and CDRWs. Some might play MP3s.
The HK HD970 I bought recently plays them all CDR/CDRW, and MP3 CDs/CDRWs also.
What I did was; bring a CDR and CDRW when I was browsing CD players. You might want to bring a CD you listen to regularly, a burnt CDR and CDRW, and an MP3 CD you've made also, when checking CD players just to confirm all works OK before making your purchase.