New member Username: Brownie45021Post Number: 1 Registered: Nov-06 | I have an RCA Lyra H100A. I go to turn it on and it only loads one bar and makes a clickin noise. It will go to this message that says FAT Error and plug UMS in. Then will say HDD. Then when u should see music, all u see is 3 symbols one is a pair of headphones another is a piece of paper. If u click on one it just brings up music notes. If u hit menu chinese symbols come up. Whats the prob. |
New member Username: Tatrex85Post Number: 1 Registered: Nov-06 | I need help learning to download music from my RCA H100A mp3 to my computer, any suggestion will help!? |
New member Username: MarccousinsPost Number: 1 Registered: Nov-06 | I have an RCA H100A MP3 players, i have the same exact problems with my MP3 player, and it also says Device Format then HDD. I was wondering if u could tell me what u did to fix your MP3 player. Thanks Marc |
New member Username: Brownie45021Post Number: 2 Registered: Nov-06 | I didnt fix it yet. Im stuck on how to |
New member Username: Shaylaj05Post Number: 1 Registered: Nov-06 | i have the same kind of error where u turn it on it makes a clicking noise and then the screen has symbols on it does anyone know how to fix this problem? |
New member Username: Rachel_cPost Number: 1 Registered: Dec-06 | how do i delete songs from my rca h100a |
New member Username: RedheadechickPost Number: 1 Registered: Dec-06 | Did anyone figure out how to fix the Error on the mp3 player? because I have it now and really need help!!!! |
New member Username: Jj101Post Number: 1 Registered: Dec-06 | I may as well let you know that I too have the same problem. Looks like we were sold a piece of trash. I think you have to contact RCA Customer Support...they will send you a box so you can send the mp3 player to some place and have it redelivered to you a few months later. SOunds awesome. Bet it makes you want to buy more RCA products. |
New member Username: TmoneyehsPost Number: 1 Registered: Jan-07 | I have been having the exact same problems. It says sumthin about a thread, and some chinese symbold come up b4 it just freezes completely. I need help! I just got this. |
New member Username: MrmustardTX Post Number: 3 Registered: Jan-07 | OMG, i bought one of these good dirty H100As and a few days later it said FAT i took it back to Wal-Mart and exchanged if for another one, it worked fine for a few weeks than one day for no reason it said FAT error, i was so effing pissed, couldnt believe it, the RCA H100A is a piece of S???, i dont advise anyone to buy it!!!!! |
New member Username: GatheringnamesPost Number: 1 Registered: Jan-07 | Our H100A is locked up... on the back it says to reset hold power key for 10 seconds. That did NOT work. Another thread said let the battery die... what a pain the the butt this piece of crap is.. I should have spent a hundred bucks more for an ipod. anyone know how to get these things unstuck?? |
New member Username: GatheringnamesPost Number: 2 Registered: Jan-07 | I tried holding the power button for abit longer and something did happen.. I got a black screen... and now it;s stuck on the black screen!!!!!! *(&%&^GYG*$^%$&$#^$#!!!!! piece of crap!!! |
New member Username: MisfitskidbonzoPost Number: 1 Registered: Jan-07 | yeah.... mine just started doing this lately too.. i dropped it only once but it was on carpet and it fell off my lap while i was sitting so it wasnt a big drop.... how do i fix this stoopid annoying problem?!?!?! |
New member Username: Ai4evaPost Number: 1 Registered: Nov-06 | yeah mine is the same problem yall have. it really is a piece of crap. noone should buy them. we should sue. |
New member Username: MarccousinsPost Number: 3 Registered: Nov-06 | try to open the mp3 in my documents or my computers . instead of windows media . this work} for mind |
New member Username: Unspoken5ilenceFort Campbell, Kentucky USA Post Number: 1 Registered: Feb-07 | Question: Why can the device not be turned on or connected to the computer? Answer: The device may be corrupted. Try to connect the device to the computer while holding down the PLAY button. (This will allow the device to connect to the computer in safe mode.) Once connecting to the computer is successful, download the upgrade firmware to the device, and follow the upgrade steps. Upgrade firmware can be found at the link provided below: |
New member Username: Lovergirl7134Whitehall, Montana United States Post Number: 1 Registered: Mar-07 | I got this mp3 for christmas and i have the same problem. Everytime i turn mine on all it does is shows that it is loading but its not it just shows one bar then i can hear a clicking noise then it will show 3 symbols and I will go over on the first one then it shows 4 symbols and then I will try to go over on one of the four and it just freezes up on me. And now i dont know what to do. Please tell me how to fix it. |
New member Username: Fantasy_17Post Number: 1 Registered: Mar-07 | hi, i drop my rca lyra h100a and one bar loads it says fat error connect something. Then an hdd screen comes up. 3 symbols come up, when i go to the menu chinese writing comes up. Then when i try to click on my music it freeze's, please tell me what is wrong with it and how to fix it. |
New member Username: Heartvintage1214Post Number: 1 Registered: Mar-07 | this is just great!just frickin great! its not helping when 1 person has a messed up mp3 player and everyone says how the same thing is happening 2 them! i think its cause u all have been dropping them, like i have, so something in them breaks. if u turn off the mp3 player and shake it rite next 2 ur ear u will probably hear the thing that broke off. |
New member Username: MediocremindPost Number: 1 Registered: Mar-07 | Ok, Here I am! Here to save the day. The mp3 player you bought is obviously not the best... if you dropped, chances are your RCA mp3 player will not be able to take the impact. However, I bought my Mp3 player in this condition - wihtout ever having the chance to use it. Here's what I did. I came in contact with Thompson, the company that you really bought the mp3 player from. RCA only has its name on it so that you might actually buy it. Second, they will tell you to send them the broken piece of trash and they will then send you a new one. Warning... be careful when sending it out. You are now counting on your mail service and Thompson. Many things can go wrong, cover yourself with insurance. Besides receiving a broken mp3 player, I had trouble receiving my new one. It finally came and I am now the owner of a working RCA Lyra mp3 player. Sorry to say, there is no easy solution. One thing you should all do is STOP Dropping it. Ive had it for 2 months and so far, it works. Good luck - you are competing with unprofessional people. |
New member Username: MarccousinsPost Number: 4 Registered: Nov-06 | try opnening it up in my computer.when in my computers press f5. u will see something there a removal device thats your mp3 player. |
New member Username: Frank1882Post Number: 1 Registered: Apr-07 | I had done something far dumber than any posting found here--In trying to remove Music from the RCA H100 A, I used the Windows utility for reformatting hard drives--my little H100A was rendered useless--my computer would no longer recognize the device. BUT SUCCESS, Thanks to Joshua Emling's posting that cites a Question/Answer} from the RCA Support Site: Answer: The device may be corrupted. Try to connect the device to the computer while holding down the PLAY button. (This will allow the device to connect to the computer in safe mode.) Once connecting to the computer is successful, download the upgrade firmware to the device, and follow the upgrade steps. Upgrade firmware can be found at the link provided below: SO, HOLD DOWN ON THE PLAY BUTTON WHEN PLUGGING IN THE USB PORT--THE COMPUTER RECOGNIZED THE DEVICE AGAIN. |
New member Username: Samir13kPost Number: 1 Registered: Jul-07 | I had the same problem and I did not drop it or do any thing to it to abuse it and the whole FAT error and HHR thing popped up. The headphone jack was a little messed up to but that was probably unrelated. I had to ship my H100A to texas after calling customer service because it was still under warrenty. they sent me back a 5G RCA H115 at no cost and it came with more accesories and memory than the H100A. It only took about 2 weeks. It could be faster if you overnight it to them. The only thing I had to pay for was the shipping to Texas but the USPS did it from indiana for under 2 bucks. |
New member Username: FixaboyBoise, Idaho Usa Post Number: 1 Registered: Jul-07 | lol i hvae the same problem heres what u do turn it on and as its loading at rca and stuck at the first bar listen to it if it has a clicking or a pattern of a noise take it and hit it with ur hand i fixed mmmine that way |
New member Username: CrowexxPost Number: 1 Registered: Jul-07 | Hey I had the same problem, all I had to do to fix it was plug it my computer and add a new song, then it re profiled its self and it seems to work fine now... but who knows what will happen i just jinxed it! |
New member Username: The_champMad-Town, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 1 Registered: Jul-07 | BRANDUN SMITH u r god!!!!!! i so fixed my lyra by waking it a few after the first bar loaded thnxxxx a TON BRANDUN SMITH U DA MAN! |
New member Username: Yatoast4444Post Number: 1 Registered: Aug-07 | dude, brandun, yuo are the smartest kid, i'm glad you decided to smack it, it works great! I smacked it once and it turned on and computer recongnized it. good job![]() |
New member Username: Cremesaver116Post Number: 1 Registered: Oct-07 | ok i have this problem.... i have an RCA LYRA H100a used to: it worked, those were the days... then: it would turn on and load two of the little loading bars would come up, then a clicking noise, and then it would go like this for quite some time, and it would come up with a screen that said FAT error(forgive me, i remember not the details after those words) then it would say HDD, then it would go into the main menu and have only the characters that are on the left of the words. and if you click on them the screen gets these funky striped across it and you have to hold the power button down for a million years just to get it to go off after that: i gave up the other day: my dad said it might be the battery earlier today: i went to batteries plus so that they could change it, they do no thave the product in their system when i got home: i looked it up on the internet and it said to plug it in to the computer, i did, and (hallelujah) it said low battery charging (problem solved, right? NO) now: it went dark and when i picked it up to see what was going on, it was off, so i turned it on and now it has one load bar and is dim because it has sat like that for so long has anyone else had this problem? how did you fix it? can someone get the mailing address so i can mail it in? |
New member Username: Archangel1177Tempe, AZ USA Post Number: 1 Registered: Oct-07 | Okay so I fixed mine like Brandun did. But it wasnt very long after that when it died again and this time it would not recover. So after removing the back of the player (Via 2 screws under the little pads) I found the microdrive. Did a little tinkering and found that a CF card fits almost exact and more importantly it works again. Only thing is that the display isnt the same anymore so I need to figure out how to straighten that out. Like I said it plays music but the menus are different and the display has no words or any other descriptors anymore. I will post more when I figure it out.![]() |
New member Username: MeichellPost Number: 1 Registered: Nov-07 | This is the response I got from RCA when I had the FATT ERR HDD issue on my POS H100A. I called these kind folks and they are sending me the postage to send the POS to them and are sending me a new MP3 with picture and video!!! They didn't even ask if it was still under warranty. Guess they know what kind of junk we got. Should have a new MP3 by Christmas! Hope this helps. Thank you for your recent inquiry concerning your RCA Digital Audio Player. We believe we can best answer your question by having you call a Thomson representative on our direct Digital Audio Player line at 866-449-7112 Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. and Saturday - Sunday 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. (EST). Please have the model and serial number of the product available when you call. If you have questions about how to use your product or how to connect it to other products, we recommend you are with the product and have your owner's manual available at the time of your call. If Yours truly, cannot locate your owner's manual/instruction book, please visit and click on Instruction Books. Thank you for contacting us and giving us this opportunity to assist you. |
New member Username: Jackson_brownPost Number: 1 Registered: Dec-07 | First off we all messed up big buying this POS. Ipod isnt the better choise either. Look for options. I have the HC106A and started this AM with the same problem... one bar, clicking noise. Funny how many instantly assume it was because it was dropped. HA, its because its a POS and they want you to replace it by buying another. IF you choose to buy another do the world a favor and find a DIFFERENT companies product. I listened to mine, turned it off, set it on my desk and plugged it in. This AM the problem. Obviously not dropped, just faulty manufacturing. I have same problem with headphone jack as well.... same faulty workmanship. OK my rant is over and now the fix: sounds stupid but way to simple and better than waiting up to 12+ weeks for a replacement now the fix: drop it from about 2 feet flat on its back on the kitchen floor. it will turn on. The POS is already worthless to you, so what do you have to lose. btw I found this on another site with 15+ others who tried it and it worked for them and worked for me. peace what ever happened to the boycott? consumers are powerless without it. |
New member Username: Archangel1177Tempe, AZ USA Post Number: 2 Registered: Oct-07 | So I guess nobody was listening when I gave a solution. That or everyone just wants to be mad that their MP3 wont work right anymore. Get over it!!! Just replace the micro drive and move on. Nothng more to see here..... |
New member Username: Jackson_brownPost Number: 2 Registered: Dec-07 | my fix took 2 seconds and cost me nothing! you are stupid to buy a new micro drive.... geeks ![]() |
New member Username: Archangel1177Tempe, AZ USA Post Number: 3 Registered: Oct-07 | Mine cost me nothing but a few minutes of my time as well. I already had the parts I just had to install them. i did do the dropping of the unit and it did work for a while. Then it really died. |
New member Username: Vman924Post Number: 1 Registered: Jan-08 | OK i,m here for the fix to the h100a mp3.take it and drop it from about 2 feet up so it lands on its back side about 4 times.then turn it on and it will work....get back and let me know.![]() |
New member Username: HalofromsuePost Number: 1 Registered: Jan-08 | Is there ANY way to change the battery in the RCA H100a??? My mp3 player doesnt seem to keep the charge, and it doesnt really work that great when its a bit colder outside (when I go for walks). If there is a way to change the battery, where would I get the battery from? Thanks for your input. |
New member Username: EmailwizardPost Number: 1 Registered: Mar-08 | FOR THE BRAVE AT HEART I've sorted it out. I bought my 13 yo daughter an RCA H100A (refurbished) player for christmas. She says she didn't drop it but it was still showing the dreaded "FAT error!" msg. I had a spare 1Gb compact flash card lying around so I replaced the mechanical microdrive with the compact flash card. I did the reset and then my windows xp machine could see it. However, the text was still all screwed up. So I found on the font file which hopefully has been included in this post. To fix the text display after replacing the microdrive, copy the 770Font_.tcc file to the data folder of the RCA H100. Disconnect the mp3 play and do another reset. Now your text display should work fine. NOTE: To open this unit, remove the 2 screws under the rubber feet. Slide the back panel up, do not try to pry it open or you will break the little plastic tabs along the sides. The ribbon connector (that connects the drive to the player) is just like a laptop connection. It is a friction connection, so you have to pull or slide the dark grey bar part of the connector up and then slide it back down after you put the connector in the slot. If you are not a techie and want to get rid of your POS, you can contact me and I will happily take it off your hands. wiggsd@<remove> ~~Attachment is too big. Email me and I will send it to you~~ |
New member Username: Koli07Post Number: 1 Registered: Mar-08 | for when the thing locks up... if you plug it in... that fixed mine... cuz it would lock up... i've had mine for a year and a half and thats the only problem i've had with mine.... i think its a luck of the draw like the motorola razors lol |
New member Username: Jrdpad1986LaCygne, KS USA Post Number: 1 Registered: Apr-08 | Well I bought an RCA100A in Sept of 2006 and didn't use it to regularly and then last Dec I went to try to delete the music that comes on the unit....which I couldn't do....then all the problems you guys are talking about started happening to me, I just don't have the clicking noise. So when they open at 7:30 Monday I guess I'll call and see about getting it replaced...maybe I can insure it for double and it might get lost! |