Tried the Nait5 for only a few minutes, my ears were already prejudiced by the Sim 5.3 The big surprise here is the new Bel Canto integrated, it was breathing down the neck of the Sim 5.3, I even think (I am not sure of the discriptive words here) tempo might some of the time been better(quicker)The Bel Canto is going to really be somthing in its price range I think we are going to hear a lot about it. Still in spite of maybe being slower the (not sure of discriptive words hear) tonality of the Sim 5.3 carried the day it was really somthing to hear. Of course it was 1k more than the Bel Canto. Maybe I will write more on this later, be more discrpitive. I went there looking for the Sim moon i3 but they claimed they did not have it in. The said that they were going to get a couple more in along with the new i3se for display.
The Bel Canto integrated and their pre and power amps are very impressive. Smooth and grain free. A great example of how far digital technology has come of late.
Well now I have a problem. I am supposed to be looking for masive power for my speakers. And according to others here a good amp is supposed to have,something like rhythm, tempo,toe tapping.
Well I have tried a 250w 150w 85w 50w, and the Nait 5 is supposed to, and I know the Bel Canto has more tempo, toe tapping effect.
How ever the amp whose sound I like the best is the Simaudio moon 5.3 It only has 85w and isn't forward or have the best toe tapping effect.
However I feel that there is the best possibility for emotional impact from the 5.3
While testing the amps at on point I had been thinking about the tempo thing, to sort of switch to somthing else I went back to the 5.3 and put on Nora Jones 'Come Away With Me' as I hope you know this is a very slow moving song. While it was playing in one of the luls I had my eyes closed and tempo went so slow that I thought it might fall backward. In my mind I was about to yell 'GO', then out crept her voice filling the room, it sent a shiver or shutter down me, it head great emotional effect. Of course one experiance does not mean that much, however my feeling is that I liked the way it sounded and it would have more effect on me.
Of course it is only, 85w and a little over my planned budget.
If it's a good 85w, then there shouldn't be much to worry about. Simaudio are meant to be pretty good in the power supply stakes. I don't know what speakers you're running but they'd have to be pretty difficult loads to make an 85w amp run out of steam.
On the emotional impact thing, this is really something you have to decide for yourself. I'm bothered that you were getting to the 'GO' stage before the next phrase appeared. I think you have been swept up by the excellent tonality and scope of the 5.3. I don't know the machine, but this is a very common experience for people who are new to this level of quality.
I get the impression the Nait5i (hopefully 5i since this has heaps more power than the older 5) simply didn't do it for you. Naims aren't renowned for their tonality or soundstaging. Their thing is the toe-tapping effect usually, but people either 'get' what it does or they don't, and when they don't it simply doesn't work for them.
Whichever you choose, there is a compromise to be made I'm afraid. The choice is between compromises. It's worth checking that the power isn't an issue with your speakers, but once that's done, that'll be that. (The Nait5i is just 50wpc btw, so it may have been running out of steam if your speakers are so difficult to drive.)