Speaker Reccomendation for Yamaha HTR5850


Bronze Member
Username: Ward2400

Post Number: 15
Registered: May-06
I am looking for a good 5.1 match to my Yamaha htr-5850 receiver. I will use the system 70/30 movies / music. My budget is 1000-1200 but would consider going up to 1500 if it could get me something noticebly better.

I don't have many/any good local retailers so do not have much opportunity to explore speakers first hand. Any thoughts or reccomendations would be greatly appreciated.

Gold Member
Username: Edster922

Abubala, Ababala The Occupation

Post Number: 4343
Registered: Mar-05
CBM-170SEs L/R + CMT-340SE center + HTM-200 surrounds and Hsu STF-2 sub, $1303 shipped from ascendacoustics.com

Bronze Member
Username: Stefanom

Silver Spring, MD United States

Post Number: 91
Registered: Apr-06
Question for you Eddie: I'm pretty sure I've noted you stating that you found the 170 to sound a bit better than the 340 in the past, so why do you recommend the 340 as the center?

The reason I inquire is that the 170 does indeed have certain characteristics that would make it superior to the 340 as a center channel (superior off axis dispersion and "perfect" timbre matching with the 170 mains among others).

Gold Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 8819
Registered: Dec-03
Axiom Epic Master


Gold Member
Username: Nuck

Post Number: 3505
Registered: Dec-04
Bernie, the Axiom setup with that Yamaha?
Are you sure?

Gold Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 8827
Registered: Dec-03
Yup. The talk about brightness is overly hyped.

Gold Member
Username: Nuck

Post Number: 3507
Registered: Dec-04
I will allow that for the Yammie, the speaker, I'm not so sure...
but then it becomes simply speaker preference as to presentation.

Bronze Member
Username: Ward2400

Post Number: 16
Registered: May-06
Berny, Edster, and Nuck - Thanks for your suggestions. I have what may be an odd question. Is there a quality speaker for the fronts (floor or bookshelf) and center that would have a decent matching sats for the rears and again, go well with the Yamaha 5850.

In order to maitain the peace within my house (which is important to me) I need to go with small sats for the rears. I, however, really do not want to go with a full sat/sub system. They just don't work for me.

Thanks for your help.

Gold Member
Username: Nuck

Post Number: 3510
Registered: Dec-04
DMW, without sounding snobbish or insolent, you may...consider backing off of speaker arrangements which are too demading of your receiver.

Bronze Member
Username: Ward2400

Post Number: 17
Registered: May-06
Not snobbish at all. I am not an audiphile, but I do like good sound and can hear and appreciate the difference in speakers. I have learned a lot by reading this forum and appreciate any advice I can get.

Any suggestions that would work well with the receiver?

Gold Member
Username: Nuck

Post Number: 3512
Registered: Dec-04
Beyond what Eddie and Bernie have said, not right now.
I might have an idea, but the kit will not work well with he Yammie.

Good luck!

ps.. Eddie's idea is a good one!

Bronze Member
Username: Ward2400

Post Number: 18
Registered: May-06
Thanks. If I go with the ascends up front are there any decent sats I could use for the surrounds? The HTM-200 is just too big for where I would have to put them and remember I want to maitain the peace with my wife.:-)

Gold Member
Username: Edster922

Abubala, Ababala The Occupation

Post Number: 4345
Registered: Mar-05

I recommend the 340 center because the extra driver and wide dispersion tweeter does incredible things to voices during HT and TV...I found that I didn't need to turn up my receiver that much to understand dialogue.

The 170s (Classic not SE version mind you, haven't had a chance to AB the newer versions yet) I preferred for 2-channel music at extremely high volumes because they stayed immaculately flat whereas the 340 classics had a little treble degradation when pushed above 90-95db.

The only time when I'd recommend the 170 over the 340 as a center is if someone has 170 mains and listens to a lot of music in surround modes. Since I do all my music in 2-channel, that's not an issue for me.

Gold Member
Username: Edster922

Abubala, Ababala The Occupation

Post Number: 4346
Registered: Mar-05

Unless you listen to a lot of multichannel music or a real real stickler with your HT surround output, I wouldn't sweat it. Remember that films like "Lord of the Rings" and "Master and Commander" are by far the exception and not the norm; most films only have maybe 10% surround output, the front speakers do the bulk of the work.

That said, I'd probably look for a satellite that has a full 1" tweeter, maybe an Infinity or Polk.

Bronze Member
Username: Ward2400

Post Number: 19
Registered: May-06
Edster - Thanks. Would you see any problems or issues with going with the Mirage Omnisat as the surrounds. My wife would love how they look and I think they might give me some placement flexibility.

Gold Member
Username: Nuck

Post Number: 3539
Registered: Dec-04
DMW, the approval factor alone seems worth the call.
The Omni's will give up a bit on the low end, but not too much.
As Eddie will point out, your attention is on the screen, the effects from the rear are just ear candy, and the Omni's do not suck. Those will not make the movie bad.
Appearance and presentation are more important than super performance sometimes, and if the peace is achieved, so be it.
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