I would like to know how carefully a sub-woofer needs to match the rest of the speaker system. I have a new system - an Integra 5.2 receiver - and paradign mini-monitors for fronts, CC-370 for center channel and Atoms for rears. I understand how important it is to match your speakers - but i'm wondering if it's just as important for sub-woofers. Right now I don't have a sub-woofer - the cheapest paradigm one being almost $300. I'm not missing it that much - but wondering if I can get away with a much cheaper sub-woofer from another brand without screwing stuff up. If I can't, I might not get any subwoofer for a long time. Thoughts?
Assuming price and/or quality is equal, brand-matching a subwoofer is completely unimportant. (Although I'm sure the manufacturers would have you believe otherwise.)Why? Because our ears can't discern things that low--we can certainly hear those frequencies, but the subtleties that separate one brand from the next are virtually impossible to distinguish. That said, it's still worth spending money on a decent brand--don't do the $149 special. You can certainly hear the difference between a good sub and a cheap-o sub. Don't ruin the silky sound of the Paradigms with some crappy subwoofer. If you do, you'll spend $149 for a crappy subwoofer, hate it, and then go spend money for a good one.
Take a look at some smaller Velodynes or Polks. They won't be too much less than the Paradigm sub, but they should give you great results.
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for music listening and you are not interested in pipe organs, the minimonitor can hold it's own. for ht, you are certainly missing something without a sub. as andrew mentioned, you don't need to timbre match the sub with the rest of the speakers. for your budget, it's hard to find a good sub unless your ok to go with the used ones. it's better to save up some more than buy a cheap crappy sub.