My set-up: Primare D20MKII CDP + Primare I20 + ProAc Studio 125 Speaker.
My room dimension: H x W x L = 9' x 13.5' x 21'
My existing position: 42" from back wall; 33" from side wall.
Problem: 1. Seem lacking in bass. 2. Sound too forward / lively. 3. Can only crank to 15-20%max the volume.
My room no doubt is little bright / lively, typical asia construction.
Any proac users here please share your experience in positioning this pair. Understand from certain website that proac is very particular in positioning.
Is my set-up ok or should I get another amp instead? If yes, which brand / model / est. $$$
Speaker set up is not so much a function of the particular speakers as it is dealing with the particular room. Some speakers will prefer a specific placement in that they do best when aimed forward or toed-in, others might sound better when they are placed closer to a reinforcing surface while still others out into the room. For the most part though, these are adjustments which are made after you've found the correct set up location. However, the room is what you cannot change, you can only work within.
There are several methods for speaker set up. By placing "speaker set up" into a search engine and reading the various methods described, you should find a suitable position for your ProAcs. Often the method you settle on will be a mild amalgamation of more than one specific technique. And, set up alone cannot overcome problems which the room imposes on the system.
The first step is to find out whether where you sit is the best position for your chair. Should you be sitting in a room imposed null zone, bass will be lacking no matter where you place the speakers. I would next try a speaker set up which favors a one third placement into the room. This typically gives the best bass response and solves some room problems as it forces the listener into a more near field position. If this is not satisfactory, I would next attempt the WASP method described by Wilson. Be patient, both methods rely on symetric placement of the speakers and can be destroyed by a shift of a few inches one direction or another.
As to your volume issue, without further information, it would probably be a case of a too lively room. Only room treatment can solve that problem. Nearfield listening helps but the room is the issue, not the speakers or their set up.