Beginner Question: Awkward set-up


New member
Username: Piv77

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jul-06
Have a Sony Receiver 7.1 Surround, not sure exact specifications, but is about 5 years old and was around 600 dollars. I want to get two tower speakers for either side of a big screen t.v., sometimes movies, mostly music. Thinking about two Athena f2.2's, good idea, bad idea? Also, and this is a completely long shot, I would be running a bose subwoofer I have laying around as the subwoofer input, is this even possible, or should I just stick with the two towers?

Gold Member
Username: Dakulis

Spokane, Washington United States

Post Number: 1016
Registered: May-05
What's your price point? What's the size of the room? What type of music do you listen to, primarily? What's the power on the Sony?

Answers to these and a few other questions will likely get you more and better responses. IMHO, I'd leave the bose out and spend a little more money on better floorstanders, although the Athenas are pretty decent at their price point.

Silver Member
Username: Rysa4

Post Number: 528
Registered: Jul-05
Yes you can do that. Your Sony will drive the Athens easily. The Bose subwoofers dont all set up easily with non-Bose electronics however. In addition, you should check the frequency extension of that subwoofer and compare to the athenas. You may not be gaining much or anything at all.

In general, Bose is not considered a good speaker company and their subwoofers even less so relative to any number of options at price points all over the board.

I would never consider a BOse product for serious music listening myself, as they are too inacc urate and non-realistic for me.
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