


I am looking into upgrading my whole system currently NAD Intergrated/Thorens Turntable/Adcom CD/NAD Tuner/KEF Corelli speakers. I am an American living in London. I am just starting the listening phase but I being heavily sold on NAIM, which is new to me. Looking at the 150 Amp/112 Preamp combo for power source. I have to admit that the bits about rythym and pace are driving me a bit nuts. The truth wil be i the listening, but seeing as NAIM is either loved or hated by many, I thought that I would ask for some opinions.


Here Erwin from belgium. My opinion is that naim is a fantastic system if you like emotion in your music. The system is very musical and fast and plenty of dynamic. Like you say, some love it, some hate it. There is no middle. Match it with speakers who has a good mid. Listen aswell to their basic (price is not basic) cd-player. It's symply the best i've heart at this price. My only question is "will your speakers be able to reproduce the quality that the naim is delivering? Listen before you buy is the message

greetings, erwin
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